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单词 succession
释义 Word family  noun success succession successor adjective successful ≠ unsuccessful successive verb succeed adverb successfully ≠ unsuccessfully  Related topics: Officialssuc·ces·sion /səkˈseʃən/ ●○○ AWL noun  1  in succession SERIEShappening one after the other without anything different happening in between 连续不断;一个接一个 She won the championship four times in succession. 她连续四次夺得冠军。in quick/rapid/close succession (=quickly one after the other) 一个紧接一个 He fired two shots in quick succession. 他迅速连发两枪。2  a succession of something SERIESa number of people or things of the same kind, following, coming, or happening one after the other 连续不断的人[物] SYN stream A succession of visitors came to the door. 登门造访者接踵而至。3  [uncountable]PGOREPLACE the act of taking over an official job or position, or the right to be the next to take it 接替,继承,继任;继承权 → accession If the prince dies, the succession passes to his son. 王子如果去世,就由他的儿子继承。succession to the queen’s succession to the throne 女王对王位的继承Examples from the Corpussuccession• Like many rich kids, Georgie was raised by a succession of underpaid nannies.• There followed a succession of minor criminal offences, mostly against youngsters with whom he shared lodgings.• The project has had a succession of legal problems.• A succession of situations each one more impossible than the last, may be what will best serve you.• There is no clear succession, for example.• We lost four important games in succession.• His elder brother Edwin was next in succession to the baronetcy, but he was a total invalid.• Next in succession came the dinner preparation.• One of the prime differences between the systems is in the practicalities of succession.• Increasingly, the tendency is to work for a large number of companies in rapid succession.• Thus high office remains accessible to a relatively wide range of royal kin and commoners wield significant power over the succession.succession to• Ferdinand was first in line of succession to the throne.Origin succession (1300-1400) Old French Latin successio, from succedere; → SUCCEEDsuc·ces·sion nounChineseSyllable  happening one the anything other without after Corpus different




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