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1. At night, all cats are grey. 
2. Cats hide their paws.
3. All cats love fish but fear to wet their paws. 
4. Two cats and a mouse, two wives in one house, two dogs and a bone, never agree in one. 
5. The sofa was entirely occupied by two large cats.
6. Cats can clear two metres with a standing jump.
7. Lucy is absolutely devoted to her cats.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. Cats have good night vision.
9. Cats can never change back into kittens.
10. He was taking potshots at neighbourhood cats.
11. The cats watched each other, their tails twitching.
12. She went to Africa to photograph big cats.
13. Cats do not mate with dogs.
14. She has two cats as pets.
15. Cats are covered with soft fur.
16. The baby cats nestled together in the basket.
17. Contrary to popular belief(), many cats dislike milk.
18. Those cats have been screaming for hours.
19. It is raining cats and dogs.
20. Cats and dogs lap water.
21. He likes cats but dislikes dogs.
22. It's raining cats and dogs.
23. I like cats but unfortunately I'm allergic to them.
24. We've got three cats and a dog.
25. I can't bear having cats in the house.
26. Why do dogs run after cats?
27. Dogs, cats, foxes and bats can all carry rabies.
28. Stephen himself had a weakness for cats.
29. Cats must be bathed regularly.
30. They have many pets, including three cats.
1. The sofa was entirely occupied by two large cats.
2. Cats can clear two metres with a standing jump.
3. Lucy is absolutely devoted to her cats.
4. Cats have good night vision.
5. Cats can never change back into kittens.
6. He was taking potshots at neighbourhood cats.
7. The cats watched each other, their tails twitching.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. She went to Africa to photograph big cats.
9. Cats do not mate with dogs.
10. She has two cats as pets.
11. Cats are covered with soft fur.
12. The baby cats nestled together in the basket.
13. Contrary to popular belief, many cats dislike milk.
14. It is raining cats and dogs.
15. Cats and dogs lap water.
16. He likes cats but dislikes dogs.
17. It's raining cats and dogs.
18. I can't bear having cats in the house.
19. Why do dogs run after cats?
20. Dogs, cats, foxes and bats can all carry rabies.
21. Stephen himself had a weakness for cats.
22. Cats must be bathed regularly.
23. We've got three female cats.
24. Cats carry their kittens by the scruff of the neck.
25. Cats make him sneeze - I think he's allergic to the fur.
26. 60 per cent of dogs and ten per cent of cats have pedigrees.
27. I'm allergic to cats.
28. A new pet census showed that cats now outnumber dogs by a whisker .
29. There was no evidence of a connection between BSE and the brain diseases recently confirmed in cats.
30. Dogs, cats and bats can all carry rabies.
31. We've got three female cats.
32. Cats hide their claws.
33. Cats carry their kittens by the scruff of the neck.
34. Cats make him sneeze - I think he's allergic to the fur.
35. 60 per cent of dogs and ten per cent of cats have pedigrees.
36. I'm allergic to cats.
37. Cats have sharp claws.
37. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
38. A new pet census showed that cats now outnumber dogs by a whisker .
39. There was no evidence of a connection between BSE and the brain diseases recently confirmed in cats.
40. There's a stink of cats in here.
41. Cats like to hunt mice and birds.
42. Dogs, cats and bats can all carry rabies.
43. Cats prey on birds and mice.
44. Cats mark their territory by spraying.
45. Cats and dogs are not allowed.
46. I have an allergy to cats.
47. Cats come in many shapes and sizes.
48. Cats have a very acute sense of hearing .
49. Cats should always have access to fresh, clean water.
50. Lucy is devoted to her cats.
51. It's a common superstition that black cats are unlucky.
52. The railway station smelt powerfully of cats and drains.
53. At the last count she had 43 cats!
54. Dogs are more social creatures than cats.
55. The two cats clawed at each other.
56. She is soppy about cats.
57. Cats and dogs have always been natural enemies .
58. Cats are very clean animals.
59. Lions and leopards are some of the big cats.
60. Cats have a very good sense of balance.
31. It's a common superstition that black cats are unlucky.
32. Cats are neat animals.
33. We'll have to cancel the cricket match, it's raining cats and dogs.
61. Foxes, wild cats and other animals pursue the hare.
62. Those cats robbed me of my sleep.
63. Cats rely on stealth to catch their prey.
64. The cats were neglected and starving.
65. Cats sleep twice as much as people.
66. Jean's absolutely dotty about cats.
67. Cats had been rooting in the garbage bags again.
68. Cats are not able to perceive colour.
69. Contrary to popular opinion,(/CATS.html) many adult cats dislike milk.
70. I'm not overly fond of cats.
71. The cats jumped down and came to meet us.
72. Lions, tigers and leopards are all cats.
73. She doesn't allow cats in her kitchen.
74. Cats are supposed to have nine lives.
75. Cats are covered with soft skin.
76. Alice is allergic to the fur of cats.
77. Cats have a natural aversion to water.
78. Some people think black cats are unlucky.
79. Cats can see in the dark.
80. Tigers are among the rarest of the big cats.
81. I've arranged with the neighbours about feeding the cats.
82. I like cats but dislike dogs.
83. Persian cats have long, silky fur.
84. I can't bear cats in the house.
85. The cats clawed at each other.
86. The stray cats are wormed and treated with flea powder.
87. In the middle of the picnic it started to rain cats and dogs,and everybody got soaked.
88. She used to love cats but one attacked her and she doesn't like them anymore.
89. 'He says he's married to his cats!' 'The mind boggles!'
90. Cats have very sensitive noses and rely heavily on scent markings.
91. Our two cats are so alike, I can never tell one from the other.
92. I like drawing cats.
93. Cats have rapid reflexes.
94. Cats have retractable claws.
95. Cats are neat animals.
96. The two cats walked in circles around each other, sizing each other up.
97. Did Linda pay you for looking after her cats while she was away?
98. Lions and house cats evolved from a common ancestor .
99. She's got some nutty idea about setting up a school for cats.
100. Cats are cleanly animals.
101. She loved cats,(http://) and would take any waifs and strays into her home.
102. Our cats go on the prowl at night, and then they sleep here all day.
103. It's sickening the way she coos over those cats of hers.
104. Goldfish are particularly prone to predation by cats and birds such as herons.
105. Aunt Gloria can't stand the sight of cats because she was attacked by one when she was a child.
106. Cats are naturally clean.
107. Cats and dogs have quite different natures dogs like company, cats are independent.
108. Two cats or more in one house will also exhibit territorial behaviour.
109. Cats prey on mice.
110. The tiger is without doubt the most magnificent of the big cats.
111. She's always chasing cats out of the garden to protect her precious birds.
112. Cats are clean animals.
113. We've got three cats — two females and a male.
114. The cats set up a frightful yowling when the dog appeared.
115. Apropos of nothing, he suddenly asked me if I liked cats!
116. Let's pretend we're cats.
117. I was woken up by cats yowling outside my window.
118. She wants you to feed her cats for four weeks that's a bit steep!
119. Cats miaow when they are unhappy, purr when they are happy.
120. Manx cats are tailless.
121. 12% of the children sampled said they prefer cats to dogs.
122. Why should those fat cats get rich at our expense?
123. We'll have to cancel the cricket match, it's raining cats and dogs.
124. A friend of mine needs someone to house-sit and feed her cats.
125. Cats are very territorial.
126. The cats are a constant source of amusement to us.
127. Cats are constantly on the watch for mice or other small mammals.
127. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
128. The report criticised boardroom fat cats who award themselves huge pay increases.
129. We saw two more wild cats creeping towards us in the darkness.
130. The theatre is putting on a performance of the popular musical "Cats".
131. And rats as big as cats!
132. Are there ideal cats for allergy sufferers?
133. My sister feeds the cats when we are away.
134. The two cats curled up together in the armchair.
135. Why are cats attracted to people who dislike them?
136. Cats fascinate me - I don't know why.
137. We smelled like a couple of cats.
138. "Cats" is first-rate entertainment from start to finish.
139. There are no ordinary cats. Colette 
140. They keep four budgies and three cats.
141. Teacher: Are there more fat cats than thin cats?
142. I don't hold with cruelty to cats. Terry Pratchett 
143. It is therefore important not to breed from such cats if possible.
144. The wild ancestors of our domestic cats liked to eat freshly killed prey - they were not scavengers.
145. Cats have good night vision but can't see colour very well.
146. An assessment was made of the numbers and species of animals caught and killed by cats in and around this particular village.
147. Black cats are full of it, while pale animals have less.
148. One explanation is that cats prefer to eat small meals on frequent occasions, rather than gorge on large, infrequent meals.
149. Loyalty is for the dogs. Count me among the cats. And count me twice—once for each of my faces. Jarod Kintz 
150. The painting, with the two fat cats at the base of the steps, was thought to be by her.
151. This acoustic ability of pet cats explains why they sometimes appear to have supernatural powers.
152. Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose. Garrison Keillor 
153. Secondly, cats must have animal fats in their diets because they are incapable of manufacturing essential fatty acids without them.
154. After all, they're treated in rather the same disgraceful way as domestic cats.
155. That stuff they're giving you would kill a dozen cats.
156. Ninety-five percent of our cats are fed a canned cat food, the others eating scraps or whatever they can catch!
157. And we are easy targets. Fat cats are rare and easy to spot.
158. But if they impose such a diet on their pet cats,(/CATS.html) they should be prosecuted for cruelty to animals.
159. The sidestreets had turned into shadowy canyons where monster cats lurked.
160. It is the blue-eyed white cats that are most prone to deafness.
161. Between gasps Michael said that he was allergic to cats.
162. In North America and Europe, cats are companions for many people. Elsewhere, they are not regarded as pets.
163. They do not resent the city fat cats, but believe top businessmen deserve success.
164. Some authors have suggested that the clicks are made to alert other cats to the presence of the prey.
165. She travelled in a chariot drawn by cats, the latter being her sacred animal symbol and familiars.
166. While living together, cats may help each other in terms of mutual defence against intruders and caring for each other's offspring.
167. It would have been very easy for the Cats to lose that game.
168. Two cats add to the homely feel, as does the lively Caps Restaurant and Bar.
169. It is true that all cats share many features of their behaviour, down to the tiniest detail.
170. On the porch, two large cats sat lazing in the sun.
171. The better way to handle the situation is to render the cats infertile without actually neutering them.
172. I was merely about to fire a blank to frighten off some stray cats.
173. And far from silently resenting the city fat cats, they believe top businessmen deserve success.
174. Most cats will refuse to join in such celebrations, but those that do will quickly suffer for it.
175. A narrow weaving crazy path Leads to a wooden gate, While cats slink along the wall From dusk until I wake.
176. Some cat owners notice that their cats become wool-suckers at a certain age and they worry about this apparently abnormal behaviour.
177. The tiger is without doubt the most awesome and magnificent of the big cats.
178. Cats merely have the instinct not to give the game away by revealing all that they are aware of.
179. Of course, good help is hard to keep with cats, owls and actors all over the place.
180. Cats are normally extremely efficient at regulating the amount of food they take in.
181. A countryman between two lawyers is just like a fish between two cats. Benjamin Franklin 
182. The world is full of stray cats, many of them searching hopefully for a new home.
183. The true cats of the genus Felis have a different attachment of the larynx that robs them of this ability.
184. A tribe of stray cats scattered as I turned into the yard where Ellen's apartment lay.
185. Billy and Gary stood there watching us with a grin on their faces like a pair of Cheshire cats.
186. It's in the larder, so the cats don't get at it.
187. The only escape from the miseries of life are music and cats... Albert Schweitzer 
188. We spend a fortune on giving our cats and dogs the good life.
189. The paratenic host is also of considerable significance because of the strong hunting instinct of cats.
190. Find enclosed the member's card for the Cool cats club and two newsletters! hope you enjoy reading!
191. Why should those fat cats get rich through our efforts?
192. Q.. Are you surprised the Cats won those two games last week to advance to the Final Four?
193. Tucked away from spewing traffic, quiet old city streets filled are with playing children and cats.
194. Interbreeding with feral cats is probably the biggest threat to the wildcat.
195. This use of cats in Peake's bleak Gormenghast Castle may be more than merely an atmospheric description.
196. He was sentenced to 6 months in imprisonment and banned for life from keeping cats.
197. The cats a few years later made severe demands on her.
198. Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. Robert A. Heinlein 
199. She thinks the big cats are her fears about life with her husband, and life without him, too.
200. Did saints ever bat their eyelids and look sleepily self-satisfied as cats?
201. Cats has made a gross of over $460 million in the United States alone.
202. With wild cats it ensures that the animals do not become totally dependent on one kind of prey.
203. Some owners notice that their cats love human females and hate or fear human males.
204. If the cap had been spooked by our presence could the same be true of the cats?
205. They start to refine their miaows in a way that wild cats never seem to do.
206. The Cotswold Wild Life Park is home to many exotic species of animals ranging from big cats to tarantulas.
207. However, the consequences of allowing cats to roam freely can be environmentally significant.
208. A Glaxo unit bought the formula to use on pet cats.
209. But these ratios vary enormously with the different breeds of pedigree cats.
210. He was not to be persuaded that they were merely Siamese cats gone horribly wrong.
211. A glance at the mating behaviour of cats tells why.
212. Some cat manuals solemnly instruct their readers in how to take their pet cats for a walk.
213. Most cats, however, continue to find it distasteful long after the human occupants of the rooms have forgotten about it.
214. Electoral reform is also likely to put some disruptive cats among the New Labour pigeons.
215. Owners of deaf white cats report that their pets are brilliant at compensating for their genetic disability.
216. My cats do not take kindly to strange dogs. even less to strange people.
217. And his small capital was draining away with the extra expense of Amy, Timmy and even the cats.
217. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
218. When the Cats slipped to fifth in a tough Pac-10 race, the doomsayers fired up their engines.
219. Loss of beachfront habitat and predation by domestic cats and introduced red foxes pushed the least tern to the brink of extinction.
220. Are cats strange animals or do they so resemble us that we find them curious as we do monkeys? John Steinbeck 
221. A dozen stray cats were asleep under a Con Edison awning and so were two winos.
222. Several who tried keeping the cats reported delightedly that this was the case.
223. These are the seven most important sound messages made by domestic cats.
224. One of the cats gets greedy and eats the other one's food.
225. What evolutionary advantage has this extra effort conferred on cats? a. Cats are fiercely territorial but very socially aware creatures.
226. Her parents were alerted by their pet cats and the family escaped unharmed.
227. Lovers of a kind, cats of a kind, they would have shown their claws.
228. I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals. Winston Churchill 
229. And the money she earned from the deal went towards feeding her own cats.
230. Wise-guy Brooklyn alley cats had bread and dripping for tea, just as I did on Sunday evenings.
231. The people were afraid of these wild cats, and the women cried out.
232. Because the gene pool for a growing breed is slight, munchkins are generally bred with other cats.
233. Many of the animals are hostile to humans: for example, poisonous snakes and fierce mountain cats.
234. Just then two big wild cats came down to the shore from the mountains.
235. Firstly, cats need an amino-acid called taurine to prevent them from going blind.
236. Unlike the Jakob cats, Griselda spent a good deal of time out of doors.
237. If two tailless Manx cats are mated, the kittens are so deformed that they nearly always die before birth.
238. Cats feel vulnerable when they are defecating and do not like to have anyone near them at that time.
239. Some cats outlasted him and I became their gravedigger - a new role thrust on me.
240. Dearest Timothy Miss Addison had a cocktail party, as she calls it, for four cats in the building.
241. Oriental cats in general seem to be more likely to indulge - and Siamese cats in particular.
242. Being naturally curious animals, cats often find their way into dangerous places.
243. There is wildlife here in abundance; deer, wild cats, red squirrels, golden eagles,(http:///CATS.html) ospreys and reindeer.
244. When my cats aren't happy, I'm not happy. Not because I care about their mood but because I know they're just sitting there thinking up ways to get even. Percy Bysshe Shelley 
245. Persian Leopard Of all the big cats the leopard is the most adaptable.
246. Ironically, it would be Cats that would eventually bring his first marriage to an end.
247. Cats hate to defecate where they eat and some people place the litter tray too near the animal's food dish.
248. Many people believe that cats are capable of some kind of extra-sensory perception, but they are not.
249. Our neighbour is an eccentric old lady who has about 25 cats.
250. Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods. Christopher Hitchens 
251. Why do cats suddenly make mad dashes around the house?




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