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单词 study
释义 Word family  noun student study studiousness adjective studious studied verb study adverb studiously  Related topics: House, Visual, Musicstud·y1 /ˈstʌdi/ ●●● S1 W1 noun (plural studies)  1  research 研究 [countable]STUDY a piece of work that is done to find out more about a particular subject or problem, and usually includes a written report 〔对某一课题或问题的〕研究 Recent studies show that women still get paid a lot less than men. 最近的调查表明,女性的薪水仍比男性的要低很多。study of/into/on a study of Australian wild birds 对澳大利亚野生鸟类的研究 The study was carried out between January and May 2008. 这项研究是在 2008 年1月到5月间进行的。 → case study2  learning 学习 [uncountable]LEARNSTUDY when you spend time learning, especially at home or by yourself rather than during school 〔尤指在家里或放学后的〕学习 Set aside a period of time specifically for study. 留出一段时间专门用于学习。 ways to improve study skills (=skills that help you study efficiently and be successful in school) 提高学习技巧的种种方法3  subject 学科 [uncountable] (also studies [plural])a subject that people study at a college or university 〔大学里的〕学科;学业study of Linguistics is the study of language. 语言学是研究语言的一门学科。 Environmental Studies 环境学literary/historical/scientific etc study the scientific study of earthquakes 对地震的科学研究4  somebody’s studies the work that someone does in order to learn about a particular subject, especially the courses they take at a college or university 〔尤指在大学期间〕某人的功课[课业,学业] How are your studies coming along? 你的功课怎么样?begin/continue/stop etc your studies I gave up my studies when I had the baby. 我生了孩子就放弃了学业。5  careful consideration 仔细的考虑 [uncountable] when you examine or consider something very carefully and in detail 仔细的考虑;仔细的检查;审视 a report that deserves careful study 值得仔细研究的报告6. room 房间 [countable]DHH a room in a house that is used for work or study 书房,书斋 → office7  art 艺术 [countable]AVPICTURE a small detailed drawing, especially one that is done to prepare for a large painting 〔绘画的〕试画;习作 Renoir’s studies of small plants and flowers 雷诺阿的花草习作8. music 音乐 [countable]APM a piece of music, usually for piano, that is often intended for practice 〔通常指钢琴的〕练习曲9. make a study of something to try to find out more about a subject 研究某事物10  be a study in something literaryEXAMPLE to be a perfect example of something 是…的最佳例子,是某事物的典型 His face was a study in fear. 他脸上完全是一副害怕的表情。11. a quick study American English someone who learns things quickly 学东西快的人 COLLOCATIONSverbsdo a study/carry out a study (also conduct a study formal) 进行/开展研究The scientists are carrying out a study into the effects of global warming. 科学家正在研究全球变暖所带来的影响。a study finds something 研究发现某事The study found that men were more likely to take risks. 研究发现男性更有可能冒险。a study shows something 研究显示某事Studies have shown that the drug works. 研究显示这种药物有效。a study suggests/indicates something 研究表明/显示某事A British study suggests that older drivers are safer drivers. 英国一项研究表明年纪大的人开车更谨慎。a study reveals something (=shows something, especially something surprising) 研究揭示某事〔尤指令人惊讶的事〕nA recent study revealed that 74% of donuts are bought on impulse.a study confirms something (=shows that something is true) 研究证实某事nThe study confirms what we all know – smoking is also bad for the people around you. a study aims to do something 研究旨在做某事nThe study aimed to identify the housing needs of local people. publish a study 发表某项研究nThe study was published in the British Medical a study (=pay for it) 资助某项研究nThe study was funded by a major US drugs company. commission a study (=ask someone to carry out a study) 委托进行研究nThe government has commissioned a study into the health of residents living near the power station.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + studya research study 研究Research studies have found that young people are drinking no more than they were 20 years ago. 研究发现现在年轻人的饮酒量没有比20年前多。a detailed study (also an in-depth study) 详尽的研究They carried out a detailed study into the effects of the disease on mice. 他们详尽研究了这种疾病对于鼠类的影响。a two-year/three-month etc study 历时两年/三个月等的研究They are engaged in a five-year study into the effects of calcium on bone health. 他们正在进行一项为期五年的研究,研究钙对骨骼健康的影响。a huge/massive study 大量/大规模的研究The journal published the results of a massive study of 87,000 women. 该期刊发表了一项基于87,000名女性的大规模研究的结果。a previous/earlier study 早先的研究nThe report is a summary of the work done in earlier studies.a pilot study (=one done to find out if something will be successful) 试点研究nThe government has just completed a pilot study, with some encouraging results.a feasibility study (=one done to find out if something is possible or practical) 可行性研究nThey commissioned a feasibility study into re-opening the whole railway line.phrasesthe aims of a study 研究的目标The aims of this study are to examine the reliability of current techniques. 本研究旨在检查现行技术的可靠性。the results/findings of a study 研究的结果/发现The results of this study suggest that the drug is effective in over 80% of cases. 本研究表明这种药物对超过80%的病例有效。nHis research confirmed the findings of earlier studies.Examples from the Corpusstudy• Studies of dolphins have shown that they are able to communicate information to each other.• We're doing a study into how much time people spend watching television each day.• The Peace Corps Volunteers were a study in contrast.• Our comparative study of political culture includes five democracies.• Woodward's busy work schedule left little time for study on her MBA degree.• Most of the relevant experimental evidence on this issue comes not from studies of latent inhibition but from investigations of conditioning itself.• Later studies have concentrated on comparisons with attitudes to oil development in Dorset and on reactions to Chernobyl.• Berne has published a review of studies on sex education programs in public schools.• The exhibition includes a series of studies by Picasso for his painting Guernica.• A series of studies was made to discover the relationship between diet and behavior.• Recent studies have shown that women find it harder than men to give up smoking.• A Scandinavian study uses a randomisation scheme which will probably prevent the group from obtaining a scientifically valuable result.• Four such cases have been reported in the United Kingdom during the past decade, the study says.• If the study yields promising projections, construction will begin in April.• Paleontology is the study of ancient life.• Treatment with sedative antihistamines was continued throughout the study if they were in use on entry.• The study also showed a disturbing trend in another area: hours of/into/on• But how does this allow a study of style that is objective and exact?• There have been studies of the artwork people put up.• The Agriculture Minister, John Gummer, said that the government would carry out a pilot study into pollution control methods.• Grammars and parsers were invented for the study of human languages.• Geochronology: the study of time in relation to the history of the Earth.• Subject matter relevant to the study of banking: commodity money, coin currency etc.• The study of Scripture, he suggested, did nothing to hinder an inquisitive man's delight in the study of nature.• Not uncommonly, studies of this kind which relate to relatively uncharted areas raise more issues than they skills• In addition to counselling on particular personal problems, advice is available on aspects such as accommodation, study skills and careers.• Organising yourself Of all study skills, perhaps the most elusive is the ability to organise and manage time effectively.• Tuition in study skills and information retrieval methods especially electronic.• These were intended to cover areas such as language use and the acquisition of study skills.• For others it meant something comparable to an across-the-curriculum approach to the teaching of study skills.• For some members of staff, study skills was what the ESSE/L Project was really all about.• Others also emphasised the study skills dimension of the library plan, but meant something much narrower by it.• Much use will be made of the School Library where study skills will be learnt.literary/historical/scientific etc study• There is no doubt that Angelica Kauffman's work offers a large and varied body of materials for feminist cultural and historical study.• Government ministries set aside $ 7 million for further scientific studies.• From this point of view, the resulting surveys are sometimes like historical studies.• New scientific studies indicating that the danger of dioxin was in fact worse than previously realized were hardly reported.• Literariness, and not this or that work by this or that author, is the object of literary studies.• The project will adopt a case-study methodology and will focus on scientific studies of the Precambrian.• Third, all purely historical study by its very nature can offer only provisional results.• It was pretty carefully set up: First, a report of a seemingly scientific study.Related topics: Educationstudy2 ●●● S1 W1 verb (studied, studying, studies)  1  [intransitive, transitive]SESTUDY to learn about a subject at school, university etc 学习,攻读 I’ve been studying English for six years. 我学英语已有六年了。 I can’t study with that music playing all the time. 那音乐老这么放着,我无法学习。study law/business/history etc (=study a subject at a school or university) 攻读法律/商业/历史等 Anna is studying French literature. 安娜在攻读法国文学。study at a university/school etc Stephen is currently studying at Exeter University. 斯蒂芬目前在埃克塞特大学学习。study to be a doctor/lawyer etc My brother’s studying to be an accountant. 我弟弟在读会计。study for an exam/diploma etc I’ve only got three weeks left to study for my exams. 我只剩三个星期复习迎考了。study under somebody (=be trained by a famous teacher) 师从某人,跟某名师学习 a psychologist who studied under Jung in Zurich 曾在苏黎世师从荣格的一位心理学家► see thesaurus at learn2  [transitive]STUDY to try to find out more about a subject or problem, using scientific methods 〔用科学方法〕研究 Goodall was studying the behavior of chimpanzees in the wild. 古多尔在研究野生大猩猩的行为。 The scientists were studying the action of a protein called ubiquitin. 科学家正在研究一种被称为泛素的蛋白质的作用。study how/what/why etc They’re studying how stress affects body chemistry. 他们在研究压力对人体化学成分的影响。► see thesaurus at examine3  [transitive]LOOK AT to look at something carefully 端详;仔细察看 SYN look at She studied his face. 她端详着他的脸。 They got out of the car and studied the map. 他们下车仔细看地图。 I haven’t had time to study the proposals yet. 我还没有时间去细看那些提议。 THESAURUSstudy verb [intransitive, transitive] to learn about a subject at school, university etc 学习,攻读If you study hard, you’ll get a good job. 努力学习就能找个好工作。He studied law at Harvard University. 他在哈佛大学攻读法律。take verb [transitive] to study a subject that you have chosen at school, college etc 学习,修读〔科目〕What classes are you taking next semester? 下学期你要修哪些课?In my final year, I decided to take English and economics. 最后一年我决定选修英语和经济学。do verb [transitive] British English informal to study a particular subject at school or university 学习〔科目〕I can’t decide whether to do German or Spanish next year. 我拿不定主意明年学德语还是西班牙语。Did you do computing at school? 你在学校里学过电脑吗?major in something phrasal verb American English to study something as your main subject at a college or university 主修某科目Diane majored in psychology at the University of Washington. 黛安娜在华盛顿大学主修心理学。revise verb [intransitive] British English to study to prepare for an examination 复习备考It’s best to start revising early. 最好早点开始复习。He’s revising for his final exams. 他在复习迎接期末考试cram verb [intransitive] informal to study very hard and try to learn a lot of information just before an examination 〔为备考而〕死记硬背Everyone’s cramming for their final exams. 人人都在为期末考试拼命准备。do research to study something in a very detailed way, especially in order to discover new information about it 研究He does research at Oxford University. 他在牛津大学做研究。I’m doing research into second language learning. 我正在研究第二语言习得。It’s difficult to do research on humans. 人体研究很难。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusstudy• However, having studied all these reports, it does seem that voluntary organisation involvement is encouraged through national policy guidelines.• As a teen, Dunn was encouraged by her father to study art in college.• If Angel had studied at Cambridge he would never have become a farmer and married a country girl.• I studied cases of tuberculosis in hospital employees between 1984 and 1992.• "Is Ian coming with us?" "He can't - he's studying for his exams."• He studied for the bar exam all year, and he still didn't pass.• Alan hardly studied for the test, but he still passed.• I can't go to the movie tonight - I have a big test to study for.• Schultes has spent a lifetime studying hallucinogenic drugs.• If you study hard, you'll be able to get into a good university.• NASA has used the space shuttle to study how materials perform in a weightless environment.• My parents first met when dad was studying in England.• Language change is one of the subjects of historical linguistics, the subfield of linguistics that studies language in its historical aspects.• This allowed him to study many waves traveling along more or less the same path.• She's studying Music at Berkeley College in Boston.• I'm going to spend the afternoon studying my notes.• His parents sent him to Moscow to study physics, chemistry, and mathematics.• Less than 10% of girls choose to study Science at school.• She spent several years studying the behaviour of gorillas in Africa.• A team of scientists has been studying the effects of acid rain over a twenty-year period.• I won't comment till I've had time to study the proposals.• The bill says nothing about requiring taggants in gunpowder, only studying them.• Dad thinks I should study to be a doctor, but I'm not interested in medicine.• He's studying to be a lawyer.• She's at business school, studying to be an accountant.• Nicoll was himself a noted psychologist and studied under Jung in Zurich.• It's difficult to study when the weather's so to be a doctor/lawyer etc• They thought he should study to be a doctor.• And best of all, he was studying to be a lawyer, just like her how/what/why etc• Actually I was just starting to go over the new plant feasibility study when you called.• Animal viruses became easier to study when methods of growing them were devised.• Her next logical step would be to begin studying when the summer was over.• Why should they study when they imagine a future secured by a seven-figure contract?• Students may study how famous people learned to cope with and benefit from failure.• Many people have already commented on their fascination and excitement at being able to study how Henry Moore lived and worked.• The cell can therefore be pressurised to study how materials behave under high pressure.• Endocrinology: Researchers have also been studying how thyroxine-deficient mouse model has been produced using transgenic ablation.From Longman Business Dictionarystudystud‧y1 /ˈstʌdi/ noun (plural studies) [countable] a piece of work that is done to find out more about a particular subject or problem, and usually includes a written reportAccording to a new study, home ownership in Europe ranges from 29% in Switzerland to 82% in of/intoa four-month study of the world’s largest debt market → case study → feasibility study → market study → method study → time and motion studystudystudy2 verb (past tense and past participle studied)1[transitive] to carefully consider a plan, idea, document etcI haven’t had time to study the proposals yet.We are studying a bonus system based on how long brokers stay at the firm.2[transitive] to watch or examine something carefully over a period of time in order to discover more about itJapanese firms are studying the U.S. market very carefully.3[intransitive, transitive] to spend time reading, going to classes etc in order to learn about a subjectShe was studying economics at Fordham University.My brother’s studying to be an accountant.→ See Verb tableOrigin study1 (1100-1200) Old French estudie, from Latin studium “mental effort, eagerness, study”, from studere “to be eager, try to be helpful, study”stud·y1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1study2 verb →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  is Business of Corpus a that piece work




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