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单词 Almost
(1) Confidence of success is almost success. 
(2) Almost any situation---good or bad ---is affected by the attitude we bring to. 
(3) Singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult is it to bring it home. 
(4) In almost every face and every person, they may discover fine feathers and defects, good and bad qualities. 
(5) To live long is almost everyone's wish, but to live well is the ambitiion of a few. 
(6) A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm. 
(7) The pain was almost too great to endure.
(8) He had been miraculously saved from almost certain death.
(9) I'm so thirsty I'm almost dying for a cuppa.
(10) He was almost speechless with anger.
(11) He wrote to her almost daily.
(12) Though she's almost 40(), she still plans to compete.
(13) Women now represent almost 50% of the workforce.
(14) The explosion was almost simultaneous with the announcement.
(15) The man was almost incoherent with fear.
(16) The horse was almost pure white in colour.
(17) This illness is fatal in almost all cases.
(18) She almost choked to death in the thick fumes.
(19) The air conditioner droned almost inaudibly.
(20) I feel almost ashamed that I've been so lucky.
(21) It's a mistake they almost always make.
(22) With his long dark eyelashes, he looked almost feminine.
(23) The pain was almost more than he could bear.
(24) She gazed at the body with almost clinical detachment.
(25) His enthusiasm for aerobics was almost fanatical.
(26) The urge to look was almost overwhelming.
(27) Without treatment, she will almost certainly die.
(28) Most spiders weave webs that are almost invisible.
(29) Her expression became soft, almost tender.
(30) Almost every family in the country owns a television.
(1) The explosion was almost simultaneous with the announcement.
(2) The man was almost incoherent with fear.
(3) I feel almost ashamed that I've been so lucky.
(4) It's a mistake they almost always make.
(5) Without treatment, she will almost certainly die.
(6) Most spiders weave webs that are almost invisible.
(7) The story is almost certainly false.
(8) I was almost choked by the heavy smoke.
(9) His voice was quiet and almost menacing.
(10) It's almost time to go.
(11) The weather here alters almost daily.
(12) It was almost six o'clock when he left.
(13) He slipped and almost fell.
(14) Almost all of these studies have serious flaws.
(15) These problems were almost bound to arise.
(16) Their house is almost opposite ours.
(17) He became almost hysterical when I told him.
(18) I like almost all of them.
(19) She's almost blind in her right eye.
(20) Her tone was mild, almost conversational.
(21) Almost no one believed him.
(22) Supplies of food are almost exhausted.
(23) I was almost tempted to strip off and plunge straight into the pool.
(24) Almost three in four clinics say they face closure by the end of the year.
(25) With the Cold War almost over, the talks were a mere formality.
(26) I say "boys" advisedly because we are talking almost entirely about male behaviour.
(27) War has made life almost unbearable for the civilians remaining in the capital.
(28) We were almost deafened by the crash/roar of the surf.
(29) The motion of the car almost lulled her to sleep.
(30) For Republicans it is almost an article of faith that this tax should be cut.
(31) The scale of the fighting is almost unimaginable.
(32) Tyres are almost always made of rubber.
(33) The couple had been dating for almost three years.
(34) The smoke from the stove almost choked me.
(35) Almost every family in the village owns a television.
(36) The story is almost certainly false.
(37) I was almost choked by the heavy smoke.
(38) She heard a faint, almost imperceptible cry.
(39) The woman spoke almost without pausing for breath .
(40) The engine is almost silent at low revs.
(41) Almost every country has some form of religion.
(42) The new machine reduced labour costs to almost nil.
(43) The siege lasted almost four months.
(44) August was almost tropical this year.
(45) Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
(46) Anna was almost crying with frustration.
(47) This wine has an almost plummy flavour.
(48) Clay can be moulded into almost any shape.
(49) His voice was quiet and almost menacing.
(50) The weather here alters almost daily.
(51) It was almost six o'clock when he left.
(52) Some goods have almost trebled in price.
(53) I'll be away for almost two weeks.
(54) Her expression was cool(), almost impassive.
(55) Almost all of these studies have serious flaws.
(56) It is almost 2 metres in height.
(57) She stopped suddenly and I almost cannoned into her.
(58) He dines with friends almost every night.
(59) Almost half the group had previously been heavy smokers.
(60) These problems were almost bound to arise.
(31) The President and his supporters are almost certain to read this vote as a mandate for continued economic reform.
(32) I almost bumped into a man who was entering in a hurry.
(33) His mind was reeling with an almost aesthetic delight at the beauty of the thing.
(34) They'll eat almost anything.
(35) The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.
(36) I had almost decided to keep my rendezvous with Tony.
(37) His years abroad had made him almost a stranger with his family.
(38) The glare of the headlights almost blinded us.
(39) He married again with almost indecent haste.
(40) The growth of the two towns was almost parallel.
(41) She started a new relationship with almost indecent haste.
(42) These misfortunes almost deprived him of his reason.
(43) I was relieved to see that he seemed almost himself again.
(44) Meg has been carrying a torch for Paul for almost two years.
(45) In Morocco, trachoma has almost been completely cured in children.
(46) After the quietness of home and school, university had been almost frightening.
(47) Freddie almost [ nearly ] always goes to town on Sunday nights.
(48) The seeds that had been sown were almost completely washed away by a sudden downpour.
(49) He was almost single - handedly responsible for the flourishing drug trade in the town.
(50) The leaves on the trees shimmered pale green, almost silvery in the spring sunlight.
(51) The cost of defending the libel action almost bankrupted the small magazine.
(52) History shows that New Zealand are almost unbeatable by British teams on their own turf.
(53) Britain's economic development must lag behind that of almost every other industrial nation.
(54) The thief was caught by the police almost immediately. As for the stolen jewels, they were found in a dustbin.
(55) We reached a beautiful grotto , whose entrance was almost hiden by the vine.
(56) Almost from the outset, the extravaganza was beset with difficulties.
(61) Hurry up — it's almost time for school.
(62) It was almost noon when the meeting adjourned.
(63) He was rendered almost speechless by the news.
(64) He was almost neurotic about being followed.
(65) The minefields make an all-out frontal attack almost impossible.
(66) Their house is almost opposite ours.
(67) He earns almost treble the amount that I do.
(68) She was almost pleading with him.
(69) He became almost hysterical when I told him.
(70) The discovery was made almost by accident.
(71) These two photographs are almost alike.
(72) She was depressed and almost suicidal.
(73) There are dangers/risks inherent in almost every sport.
(74) The leaves are long and almost oval.
(75) The attraction between them was almost immediate.
(76) His head moved in an almost imperceptible nod.
(77) I like almost all of them.
(78) They attempted the almost impossible thing.
(79) The two brothers are almost inseparable.
(80) Nutritionally,(http:///almost.html) infant formulas are almost identical to breast milk.
(81) She had almost finished braiding Louisa's hair.
(82) The smoke and fumes almost suffocated me.
(83) His departure, in fact, went almost unremarked.
(84) She's almost blind in her right eye.
(85) Her tone was mild, almost conversational.
(86) It happened almost exactly a year ago.
(87) It had been a time of almost uncontrollable excitement.
(88) The city council has voted almost unanimously in favour.
(89) They are almost totally dependent on Western know-how.
(90) Supplies of food are almost exhausted.
(91) I was almost tempted to strip off and plunge straight into the pool.
(92) The debate is being conducted almost exclusively on party political lines.
(93) The old man stood on a pile of bricks almost as high as a house.
(94) T-shirts now seem almost de rigueur in the West End.
(95) In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed. he becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It hasoften been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.
(96) It was almost impossible to pinpoint the cause of death.
(97) They are almost as expeditious and effectual as Aladdin's lamp.
(98) We mustn't fear daylight just because it almost always illuminates a miserable world.
(99) He now has an almost unbeatable lead over his rivals.
(100) I almost didn't recognize her - she'd changed so much.
(101) In his blind haste he almost ran into the river.
(102) The place changed a great deal and was almost unrecognisable.
(103) He took an almost gleeful delight in showing how wrong they can be.
(104) The grief she felt over Helen's death was almost unbearable.
(105) I'm going to chop down this cherry tree; it has almost stopped producing fruit.
(106) When the great fish flipped over on its back,we knew it was almost dead.
(107) It is becoming almost essential for students to have a second language.
(108) It's almost 15 years old. It isn't worth having it repaired.
(109) The chemical was almost totally ineffective in killing the weeds.
(110) It's almost inconceivable that a handicapped girl is very independent and lives all alone.
(111) They were bunching up, almost treading upon each other's heels.
(112) It seems almost inevitable that North African economies will still be primarily oriented towards Europe.
(113) The value of the property almost doubled during the interim period.
(114) He was almost maniacal in his pursuit of sporting records.
(115) First editions of these books are now almost impossible to obtain.
(116) On summer evenings the flowers gave forth an almost intoxicating scent.
(117) Except for a brief Christian interlude at the beginning of the 11th century, Istanbul has been a Muslim city for almost 1300 years.
(118) Retailers have tried almost everything to entice shoppers through their doors.
(119) Almost three in four clinics say they face closure by the end of the year.
(120) It's almost ten miles from here to the civic center.
(121) With the Cold War almost over, the talks were a mere formality.
(122) They have a tendency to show off, to dramatize almost every situation.
(123) The bank has a share capital of almost 100 million dollars.
(124) I say "boys" advisedly because we are talking almost entirely about male behaviour.
(125) War has made life almost unbearable for the civilians remaining in the capital.
(126) Perhaps it is the almost universal use of flavourings that makes it so hard to tell the products apart.
(127) Almost half the population are eligible to vote in today's election.
(128) We were almost deafened by the crash/roar of the surf.
(129) The motion of the car almost lulled her to sleep.
(130) We had almost given up hope of the ship's safe return when she sailed in.
(131) For Republicans it is almost an article of faith that this tax should be cut.
(132) Food, like sex,(http:///almost.html) is a subject of almost universal interest.
(133) He was almost back to his belligerent mood of twelve months ago.
(134) Management have demonstrated almost unbelievable incompetence in their handling of the dispute.
(135) Jack has been a loyal worker in this company for almost 50 years.
(136) Afterwards, retrospective fear of the responsibility would make her feel almost faint.
(137) Employees have been idle almost a month because of shortages.
(138) It took almost 100 firemen to bring the blaze under control.
(139) Almost all of the contemporary accounts of the event have been lost.
(140) The President and his supporters are almost certain to read this vote as a mandate for continued economic reform.
(141) Their parents had an almost preternatural ability to understand what was going on in their children's minds.
(142) She wanted to be the first woman to climb Mount Everest, and she almost succeeded.
(143) He almost died of fright when the fish jumped out of the water.
(144) He has set about carving up the company which Hammer created from almost nothing.
(145) Almost two and a half million war dead are enshrined at Yasukuni.
(146) She has an authoritative manner that at times is almost arrogant.
(147) Police and bodyguards had to protect him as the almost hysterical crowds struggled to approach him.
(148) I almost bumped into a man who was entering in a hurry.
(149) How am I expected to conjure up a meal for six of his friends with almost nothing in the fridge?
(150) His mind was reeling with an almost aesthetic delight at the beauty of the thing.
(151) By a stroke of fortune he found work almost immediately.
(152) She was so apologetic about forgetting my birthday it was almost embarrassing.
(153) To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life. W. Somerset Maugham 
(154) It was a Sunday, so she could lie in till almost lunch time.
(155) A man can succeed at almost anything for which he was unlimited enthusiasm.
(156) The sorrow she felt over/at the death of her husband was almost too much to bear.
(157) From a front view the small birds can look almost circular.
(158) At that time of day, cars with only one occupant accounted for almost 80% of the total.
(159) These elections, you could almost say, are a dress rehearsal for the real elections.
(160) They watched almost open-mouthed as the two men came towards them.
(161) She seems almost impervious to the criticism from all sides.
(162) Alone now and almost penniless,(http:///almost.html) he was bereft of hope.
(163) I've got old 'Fawlty Towers' videos which are almost worn out, I've played them so many times.
(164) The radar beam can track a number of targets almost simultaneously.
(165) The bombs are almost certainly part of a much bigger conspiracy.
(166) Almost 80 percent of the state's residents were born elsewhere.
(167) The corpse had lain preserved in the soil for almost two millennia.
(168) The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.
(169) I had almost decided to keep my rendezvous with Tony.
(170) It seemed almost as if he were falling in slow motion.
(171) Suddenly, the motor kicked on when I had almost given up hope.
(172) They have been gambling away for days, almost forgetting to eat.
(173) The news is almost certainly true although it is not official.
(174) Road accident victims make up almost a quarter of the hospital's patients.
(175) It would be perverse to quit now that we're almost finished.
(176) Because of the pollution, the trees are almost completely stripped of bark.
(177) The place changed a great deal and was almost unrecognizable.
(178) Most of the evidence was destroyed in the fire. Thus it would be almost impossible to prove him guilty.
(179) Almost could not help but shed tears several times, but do not know what to feel.
(180) Their love of life comes in spite of, almost in defiance of, considerable hardship.
(181) Almost all Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected from the dead.
(182) His years abroad had made him almost a stranger with his family.
(183) Robert Gates sat before them, almost penitent about the past.
(184) This year, almost a billion birds will be processed in the region.
(185) I got completely carried away and almost cried.
(186) The sun was almost unbearably hot today.
(187) She was almost 90, but still very robust.
(188) I almost fainted when she told me.
(189) She seemed almost embarrassed by her own outburst.
(190) The audience was almost entirely female.
(191) The idea is almost a contradiction in terms.
(192) Snow fell so that you could almost smell the cold.
(193) So much equipment becomes obsolete almost as soon as it's made.




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