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单词 bellyful
释义  bel·ly·ful /ˈbelifʊl/ noun  have had a bellyful of somebody/something informalANNOY to be annoyed by someone or something because you have had to deal with them for too long 受够了某人/某事物 I’d had a bellyful of his family by the end of the weekend. 到周末过完的时候,我已经受够了他们一家人。Examples from the Corpusbellyful• Bob likes a Cadillac, because, being a Teamster, he gets a bellyful of road and likes a nice ride.• But I'd had a bellyful of your family and I just wanted to stay out of the whole rotten business.bel·ly·ful nounChineseSyllable   Corpus be someone you something or to annoyed because by




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