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单词 structure
释义 Word family  noun structure restructuring structuralism structuralist adjective structural structuralist structured verb structure restructure adverb structurally  struc·ture1 /ˈstrʌktʃə $ -ər/ ●●● S3 W2 AWL noun  1  [countable, uncountable]ORGANIZE the way in which the parts of something are connected with each other and form a whole, or the thing that these parts make up 结构,构造,组织 → structuralsocial/political/economic etc structure the social structure of organizations 组织的社会结构 challenges to the existing power structure 对现有权力结构的挑战 A new management structure has been introduced. 已推行一种新的管理结构。structure of the structure of the brain 大脑的结构 molecular structures 分子结构2  [countable]BUILD something that has been built, especially something large such as a building or a bridge 〔尤指大的〕建筑物,结构体 a high wooden structure with a curved roof 带拱顶的高大木结构建筑物3  [countable, uncountable]PLAN a situation where activities are carefully organized and planned 周密安排,精心组织 These kids require a lot of structure and stability. 这些孩子需要有序和稳定的生活。 → career structure at career1(1)n COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + structuresocial/political/economic structureMany changes had taken place in the social and political structure of the island.class structure (=the way society is organized according to people’s education, jobs, income etc)Britain had a very rigid class structure.power structure (=the way in which the group of people who control a country or organization are organized)He was a critic of the country’s power structure (=the way managers of a business are organized)Reform of the management structure was structure (=the way a profession is organized which allows you to move up and get better jobs)Teachers now have a proper career structure.basic structureThese genes are involved in determining the basic structure of cells.internal structureScientists have been investigating the internal structure of the planet Mars.molecular structureThe book tells of the race to find the molecular structure of DNA.Examples from the Corpusstructure• But history and chance take place in a context, a structure, a reality.• We should ask how such a structure would work.• Many visitors to the UK find the British class structure difficult to understand.• crystal structures• The stone arch is one of the town's oldest existing structures.• It means accepting power as natural and necessary to decision making regardless of formal structure.• A lack of structure is intrinsic to housework; thus a psychological structure is imported to it.• She studied the organizational structure of the company to see whether it could be made more efficient.• Instead they issue from the divided heart of humanity, perpetually institutionalised in sinful social and political structures.• The membership on the committee reflects Boston's power structure.• good sentence structure• Each of these stages is an element in a complex societal structure and cultural context.• The purpose of the structure immediately outside the temple was not so obvious.• You need to be sure that the structure you plan to practice is a genuine structure in the language.• The structure of the U.S. education system lacks centralization.• The structure of the US banking system is changing.• The station building was a high wooden structure with a curved roof.• a three-story wooden structuresocial/political/economic etc structure• They also study the economic and social structures, institutions and culture of the relevant countries.• Most people have recognized that we impose social structures on ourselves in order to allow us to live together.• Changes in social structure are said to be overdetermined by numerous contradictions.• This impetus, in turn, gives social theory new insights into how individual selves negotiate larger social structures.• Concepts borrowed from anthropology aid our understanding of social structure, while the techniques of physics enable us to date the past.• Rules and codes bolting the social structure tightly into place.• Having seized political power, the new ruling class presides over the transformation of the social structure.• It is, most probably, a temporary agreement allowing both sides to regroup and develop their political structures and build support.structure2 ●○○ AWL verb [transitive]  ORGANIZEto arrange the different parts of something into a pattern or system in which each part is connected to the others 组织;安排 SYN organize The exhibition is structured around three topics. 展览是围绕三个主题精心安排的。 software that helps users structure their work and their data 可以帮助用户整理文件和数据的软件→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusstructure• The programme is structured around periods of residential study supported by distance learning material.• Police culture is omnipotent is structuring such views of critical research.• I have structured the book so that the main points are revisited several times.• Bidwell still has not decided how to structure the business.• If we structure the meeting effectively, I think we should be able to cover everything.• You need to structure your business along sound financial lines.From Longman Business Dictionarystructurestruc‧ture /ˈstrʌktʃə-ər/ noun [countable, uncountable] the way an organization, system, market etc is organized or put togetherMr. Reed has set a course that ultimately will dismantle much of the bank’s huge bureaucratic structure.a complex structure of affiliated companies → capital structure → corporate structure → cost structure → highly leveraged capital structure → matrix structureOrigin structure1 (1400-1500) Latin structura “act of building”, from struere “to make into a pile, build”struc·ture1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1structure2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  of way the the parts are connected Business something in Corpus which




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