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单词 structural engineer
释义  Related topics: Occupations, Civilˌstructural engiˈneer noun [countable]  BOTECan engineer skilled in planning the building of large structures such as bridges 〔设计桥梁等大型建筑的〕结构工程师 —structural engineering noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusstructural engineer• To overcome this templates were made and a structural engineer took constant vertical and horizontal measurements to plot the path of construction.• I face the same problems as a structural engineer.• As a structural engineer, he draws conclusions about overly high chimneys, mortar quality, and roofing tiles.• If they have, then a structural engineer must be asked to advise.• A structural engineer or knowledgeable contractor can advise you on that.• Veronica, a civil and structural engineer, also has a technical day at work.• Anyone with a wall problem should hire a qualified structural engineer to write a specification that will solve the problem.• For the structural engineer considering how to design a steel skeleton for the skyscraper, there were certain important implications.ˌstructural engiˈneer nounChineseSyllable  engineer of an the in skilled large building Corpus planning




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