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单词 strict
释义  strict /strɪkt/ ●●○ S3 adjective (comparative stricter, superlative strictest)  1  STRICTexpecting people to obey rules or to do what you say 严格的,严厉的 OPP lenient a strict teacher 严格的老师strict about This company is very strict about punctuality. 这家公司严格要求守时。strict with The Stuarts are very strict with their children. 斯图尔特夫妇待子女很严。2  STRICTa strict order or rule is one that must be obeyed 〔命令、规则〕必须严格遵守的 You had strict instructions not to tell anybody. 你得到过严格指示,不得告诉任何人。 There are strict limits on presidential campaign contributions. 对于总统竞选活动捐款是有严格限制的。 He’s under strict orders from his doctor to quit smoking. 医生严令他戒烟。 I’m telling you this in the strictest confidence (=it must be kept completely secret). 我告诉你这事,你要严加保密。3  [usually before noun]EXACT exact and correct, often in a way that seems unreasonable 严谨的;精确的,确凿的 Amy was attractive, although not beautiful in the strictest sense of the word. 埃米很迷人,虽然严格来说她并不漂亮。4  OBEYSTRICTobeying all the rules of a religion or set of principles 恪守教规[原则]的 He was raised a strict Catholic. 他被培养成一名严守教规的天主教徒。 a strict vegetarian 纯粹的素食主义者 —strictness noun [uncountable]n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: a strict order or rule is one that must be obeyednounsstrict rules/regulations/guidelinesThere are strict rules and regulations regarding conduct.a strict code (=set of rules about what is acceptable)The club has a strict dress code.Doctors have a strict code of conduct.strict limitsMany airlines impose strict limits on the weight of baggage.strict orders/instructionsHe’s left strict instructions not to be disturbed.strict controlThere must be strict control of local government spending.strict discipline (=rules of behaviour which must be obeyed)The head teacher insists upon strict discipline throughout the school.strict requirementsLandlords must comply with strict safety requirements. strict criteria (=standards that are used for judging someone or making a decision about them)The supermarket’s suppliers must meet strict criteria.a strict dietHe went on a strict diet and lost a lot of weight.phrasesin strict confidence/in the strictest confidence (=kept completely secret)Any information you give will be treated in the strictest confidence. THESAURUSstrict expecting people to obey rules or to do what you say – used especially about parents, teachers, or organizations 〔尤指父母、教师或团体〕严格的,严厉的Our teachers were very strict. 我们老师非常严格。Most schools are quite strict about the way students dress. 大多数学校对学生的着装要求十分严格。firm showing that you are in control of the situation and will not change your opinion, especially when you are telling someone what to do 〔尤指对某人的要求〕坚决的You have to be firm with young children. 对小孩子一定要态度坚决。I’ll be firm with him and tell him he can’t have any more money. 我要坚决地告诉他不会再给他钱了。tough determined that your orders or decisions will be obeyed, especially in order to make sure that a situation improves – used especially when you think that someone is right to be strict 〔尤为了改善某事而合理地〕严厉的,强硬的We need a government that is tough on crime. 我们需要一个严厉打击犯罪的政府。She can be quite tough with her students, but they respect her for it. 她对学生很严厉,但学生反而因此而尊敬她。nThe chancellor has got to be tough and keep government spending down.stern strict in a serious, disapproving, and rather unfriendly way 严厉的,苛刻的Her grandfather was a stern man who rarely smiled. 她祖父是个严厉、不苟言笑的人。nSheila walked into the museum, under the stern gaze of the curator.harsh punishing or criticizing someone in a way that seems very severe, often too severe 〔批评或惩罚〕严厉的,残酷的Don’t be too harsh on her – she’s only a child. 别对她太苛刻了——她还只是个孩子。nIt may seem harsh to punish him, but he has to learn that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable.nHer reaction to the child’s bad behaviour was unnecessarily harsh.authoritarian disapproving very strict about forcing people to obey rules or laws, and punishing them very severely if they fail to do this – used about people and governments 〔人或政府〕专制的,独裁的Her father was very authoritarian and insisted on total obedience. 她父亲非常专制,要求绝对服从。an authoritarian government 独裁政府rule/law/systemstrict a strict order or rule is one that must be obeyed 〔命令、规则〕必须严格遵守的nThere are strict rules about keeping tax records.nHe had strict instructions to return the key to me.ntight tight controls or limits are very strict about what is allowed and what is not allowedThe report recommends tighter controls on the advertising of alcohol.There are tight regulations governing waste disposal.ntough tough laws or rules are very strictThey want tougher laws against drinking and driving.The federal government is introducing tough new rules on immigration.nharsh harsh punishments or laws are very severe, often too severeThere are harsh penalties for drug trafficking.The government has brought in harsh measures to combat the rioting taking place in many cities.nstringent controlling what people can do with rules that have very high standardsThere are now stringent controls on pollution from all power stations.stringent new food safety regulationsExamples from the Corpusstrict• The manager is very strict about people getting to work on time.• Most schools are quite strict about the way students dress.• Of course, there were tensions and conflicts, but discipline was strict and scandals were rare.• Chauvin, who was educated in New Orleans' strict black schools, was judged to have the fastest shorthand in Louisiana.• Teachers need to be strict , but also fair.• Dates must be listed in strict chronological order.• With all the resolve of her strict faith, she sailed with their son to Palermo, telling Tony it was Naples.• Back then, he said, most Orthodox Christians still adhered to strict fasting rules during the 40 days before Pasak.• Although some apply strict guidelines, others contract out their surveillance to private security companies.• Leaving her amour with strict instructions on how to find her, she retired to bed and waited.• He had strict instructions to return the key to me.• Under a strict interpretation of the rules, she would be suspended.• Japan has very strict laws against drugs and guns.• There are strict rules about the use of dangerous chemicals.• But Justice hesitated; it had never before asked any federal court to hold gender-based classification to the strict scrutiny standard.• In the strictest sense of the word, all popular fiction is 'romantic'.• The harvester moved round the field in a strict square, so that the standing crop grew smaller and smaller with every pass.• I think you're too strict with your children.strict about• The hospital is quite strict about visiting hours.strict limits• Impose strict limits on dissemination of passenger travel data and the use of overly intrusive searches.• This sets strict limits on emissions in an effort to reduce the country's contribution to global warming and acid rain.• If your child crosses that line, you need to place strict limits on his behavior.• Invoking strict limits on online news, including requiring Web sites to get their news from state media.• But Brian Hickey, Harlequin's president, says the agreement with Alliance puts strict limits on production costs.• The Maastricht rules also impose strict limits on public debt.• The Cabinet is set to impose strict limits on public sector pay.• Enforceability Though the agencies do not regard standards as strict limits, their enforceability is the strictest sense of the word• Well, not in the strictest sense of the word.Origin strict (1400-1500) Latin strictus, past participle of stringere; → STRINGENTstrict adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  to Corpus people obey to or rules expecting




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