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单词 shrink-wrapped
释义  Related topics: Tradeˌshrink-ˈwrapped adjective  BBTgoods that are shrink-wrapped are wrapped tightly in plastic 〔商品〕用收缩薄膜包装的,热缩包装的 —shrink-wrap noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusshrink-wrapped• The software is shrink-wrapped and reportedly channel-ready.• But it had better be Tombstone and not one of those shrink-wrapped numbers from the deli department.• CustomerQ 2.0 is Quintus' first attempt at a shrink-wrapped package.• Forget your Rollercoasters and Lollapaloozas, this is burgeoning Indiedom in a shrink-wrapped package.• But he reckons that a company using Advance would save 25% on buying and implementing a shrink-wrapped product itself.• Although there have been cases of viruses spreading on shrink-wrapped software, these are relatively rare.• The net result won't be shrink-wrapped software.ˌshrink-ˈwrapped adjectiveChineseSyllable  shrink-wrapped wrapped Corpus are tightly are goods in plastic that




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