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单词 stream of consciousness
释义  Related topics: Literatureˌstream of ˈconsciousness noun [uncountable]  ALthe expression of thoughts and feelings in writing exactly as they pass through your mind, without the usual structure they have in formal writing 意识流〔一种创作方式〕Examples from the Corpusstream of consciousness• You almost feel guilty paying attention to the jet stream of consciousness.• Karlin relates the oppressive anti-Semitism his forebears endured in a vague, almost elliptical style with dips into the stream of consciousness.• When awake, we normally reflect on the stream of consciousness as it goes on.• Later novelists have continued to stretch the stream of consciousness in similar directions.ˌstream of ˈconsciousness nounChineseSyllable  expression of feelings Corpus the in writing and thoughts




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