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单词 sales tax
释义  Related topics: Taxˈsales tax noun [countable, uncountable]  PETa tax that you have to pay in addition to the cost of something you are buying 〔顾客购物时额外支付的〕销售税 → VATExamples from the Corpussales tax• Critics point out that a sales tax is regressive, and supporters counter by suggesting that low-income taxpayers could get rebates.• A vote would be needed to raise local funding through a sales tax increase.• Alternatively, any sales tax could be recovered at the point of sale.• Others have proposed replacing the federal income tax with something else entirely, such as a national sales tax.• Frequently the sales tax is levied on the importer or the manufacturer because it is easier to collect at source.• While all customs duties accrued to the federal government, it received only about one-third of total sales tax revenue in 1985.From Longman Business Dictionarysales taxˈsales tax [countable, uncountable]TAX a tax on a wide range of goods or services. Many states in the US charge their own sales taxNew York State imposes a 4% sales tax on most consumer goods. → taxˈsales tax nounChineseSyllable  addition to pay tax that to Corpus Business a in have you




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