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单词 stinky
释义  stink·y /ˈstɪŋki/ adjective (comparative stinkier, superlative stinkiest) informal  SMELLsmelling unpleasant 难闻的,有臭味的 SYN smelly stinky socks 臭袜子Examples from the Corpusstinky• Reports of scorched and stinky alien bodies at the Roswell air field hospital?• Fat Juanita was too bloody old, fat and stinky for the Game really.• Finally, out they came, plastic slipcover and all, into the stinky junk heap.• But the scientists were encouraged that stinky methane stabilized after 12 days.• stinky swamp waterstink·y adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus unpleasant smelling




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