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单词 Curl
1. Dry curly hair naturally for maximum curl and shine.
2. She pushed a stray curl away from her eyes.
3. Does your hair curl naturally, or is it permed?
4. She brushed an errant curl from her forehead.
5. The frost made the leaves curl .
6. A blow to the stomach made him curl up.
7. She has hair that refuses to curl.
8. He wanted to curl into a tiny ball.
9. His hair had a natural curl.
10. Her hair lost its curl as she got older.
11. My father's bad jokes always make me curl up.
12. A curl of smoke rose from her cigarette.
13. The man's broad smile made her toes curl .
14. The letter was now yellow and beginning to curl up.
15. I just wanted to curl up and die when I spilt coffee on their new carpet!
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
16. The map had started to curl in at the edges.
17. In colder weather, your cat will curl up into a tight, heat-conserving ball.
18. He acknowledged her remark with a faint curl of his lips.
19. The paper started to shrivel and curl up in the heat.
20. A new baby will automatically curl its fingers round any object it touches.
21. I just wanted to curl up and go to sleep.
22. Use a diffuser to maximise the volume and curl of your hair.
23. A thin curl of smoke rose from a rusty stove.
24. Raise one foot, curl the toes and point the foot down-wards.
25. The wave and curl of her blonde hair gave her sensuality and youth.
26. A thin curl of smoke arose lazily from the cobin.
27. Her lips curl back from her teeth with pleasure.
28. My hair is flat, it has lost its curl.
29. She put her hair in rollers to make it curl.
30. The clothes some young people wear nowadays really make your hair curl.
1. Dry curly hair naturally for maximum curl and shine.
2. She pushed a stray curl away from her eyes.
3. She put her hair in rollers to make it curl.
31. She toyed with a stray curl.
32. Even curl my toes around it.
33. She pushed a curl of hair from her forehead.
34. Madeleine tucked a curl behind her ear.
35. Greaseproof squares curl in diamonds on a hook.
36. Simmer oysters in oyster liquor until oyster edges curl.
37. Does her hair curl naturally?
38. I wanted to curl into a tiny ball and be forgotten about by everyone.
39. When hedgehogs are in danger, they curl their bodies into tight balls.
40. Jim had not really woken up for his breakfast and was happy to curl up in the back again.
41. The moisture had made his hair curl even more, and had brought out the hardiness of his complexion.
42. He studies the little dark face and massages a limp hand until the fingers curl around his own.
43. Had I been allowed to puddle around on my own, people today might curl their lips at Faldo's approach.
44. We have ten Free Curl Combi stylers to give away - turn to page 54 for details.
45. David had always treated them with a superior curl of the lip.
46. Aim to curl up with your head and shoulders lifting clear of the mat.
47. It was fantastic(Sentencedict), my lip would curl up and my knee would go wobbly and I'd sing Blue Suede Shoes.
48. Still lying down, bend the knees and raise the legs. 9. Curl your toes back.
49. So tease it, grow it, shave it, primp it, curl it, color it.
50. Maybe if she could just curl up on her bed and sleep for a while she'd feel better.
51. There are single ropes to curl around and seats on single ropes.
52. He wanted to curl lip in the doorway, for the night.
53. I feel a little curl of strange sensation working its way down from the bottom of my spine.
54. She turned half-asleep in her big warm bed to curl an arm and herself round Lucy's hot soft body.
55. With her eyes still crossed, she stuck her tongue out and tried to curl it upwards.
56. Touch it again, and it will curl up again, and then stretch out once more.
57. Leave it in and twist small sections of hair together to achieve better curl formation.
58. Start as before, first bending the knees, then straightening the legs. 13. Curl your toes back.
59. Apply Sorbie Curl Forme on to hair to revitalise curls and add body and shine.
60. The spasms nearly always cause targets to curl into a foetal position.
61. Pretty technical stuff this, with enough contentious issues to make every boar farmer's hair curl.
62. Dear Jamie, Please remember to round your letters and curl your tails.
63. One sheet lay at his feet, as yet untouched by the flames, although it was beginning to curl inwards.
64. The four little ones she lets sleep in the bed with us; the rest curl up on the bedroom floor.
65. Digby had just stuck his knife into a curl of butter.
66. But it is a dramatic problem: central leaves go yellow, curl up and display downy grey growth on the underside.
67. A curl of smoke from a bonfire behind the house clinched the issue.
68. Lying flat on your back, bend the knees, then raise the legs. 14. Curl your toes back.
69. On the floor, rolls of bark curl like cigar shells.
70. Curlers in all different shapes and sizes are available in Boots - just remember the smaller the roller the tighter the curl.
71. Kathleen Parkinson, Bicester, Oxon Does anybody actually curl their toes in embarrassment?
72. I was so tired all I wanted to do was curl up and watch TV.
73. Created by Geno Ventti Long, dramatic wig has been dressed with wax to accentuate curl.
74. Sleep had flattened one side of her Afro and a curl had broken free above her forehead.
75. As the first curl of smoke rose into the air, the full enormity of what was happening came home to Sara.
75. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
76. I felt my lip curl, and the inside of my mouth dry out and tighten as if I had been sucking lemons.
77. She felt her toes curl, but couldn't help giving him a sharp glance.
78. She pushed back a long fair curl with one hand.
79. The mere sight of him was enough to make McAllister's toes curl.
80. Carla would curl up on his lap and hold her hands over her ears desperately trying to block out their arguing.
81. Finally, hair was dried using the System Professional Curl Reactivator to enhance the curl and give extra body.
82. One Lapp shows me his reindeer skin boots, and shrugs when I ask him why the toes curl up.
83. Her lip was ready to curl if he said anything.
84. Beauty salons crimp and curl shining hair with a fall like silk into shapeless frizz.
85. Normally priced at £19.95, we have 10 Free Curl cordless combination Brush and Tong stylers to give away!
86. I crawl into my sleeping bag and curl up in a tight ball.
87. The sound was strident and made the hair curl on the back of his neck.
88. I had wanted to curl up in my sleeping-bag on the ground.
89. The things he could tell you about her would make your hair curl.
90. I didn't have a chance to curl my hair this morning.
91. Rose petals are too strong; they curl and will not stick on to the clay.
92. He watched the lower leaves blanch and curl downward at the edges.
93. But the ancient pages were beginning to curl, the edges beginning to smoulder.
94. I wanted to curl into a ball, cover my head, and call, Mother!
95. They made it their business to worm a curl of something out of you.
96. I heard the machine that he rubs across the floor start up with that horrendous howl that makes my teeth curl.
97. Emily shook back a stray curl of hair and held herself upright, she must stop feeling sorry for herself.
98. A curl of green pressed powder was burning on the table, attached to a wire stand.
99. She saw his hands curl into white-knuckled fists and knew he was fighting to keep them at his sides.
100. His joke just made us curl up.
101. I like to curl up with a story book.
102. Exhale and curl dumbbell back toward armpit.
103. She doesn't curl her hair any longer.
104. During Biceps Curl , Biceps Brachii is a muscle that is directly responsible fOReffecting a movement.
105. Tail set high(/curl.html), plumed and carried in a gay curl over the back when moving.
106. With the little curl, it's like a little pompadour, right there.
107. The baby would instantly either curl up with horror or smile pleasantly.
108. I've seen you curl your lip when they have been mentioned.
109. A quick tip: Try curl -v --trace-ascii ... to generate tracing information.
110. She went on peeling the lords and ladies till Clare, regarding for a moment the wave-like curl of her lashes as they drooped with her bent gaze on her soft cheek, lingeringly went away.
111. The -T option tells curl to upload the named file(s) to the given URL.
112. Jet streams tend to follow coastlines, along the same paths as the ocean currents which well up and curl around with the Coriolis effect and then encounter a coastline.
113. Cotton growers in Pakistan generally have a sound understanding of cotton production technology, but yields are limited due to the cotton leaf curl virus and mealy bug.
114. The corners of mouth curl upwards upwardly, diligently lets own smile.
115. Lie facedown on a leg curl machine, and hook your ankles under the padded bar.
116. Long tail drooping low base, was hook-shaped curl inward, as if the whole image so that air force, eager to move forward proudly look.
117. Today season curl is heavy popular, soft beauty is fleeciness , unrestrained. Nevertheless, such hair also is bad to serve oh! Must notice.
118. Accounts of cruel tortures in the jails of the reactionary government would curl one's hair.
119. So, in fact, the actual optimal statement you can make is if a vector field is defined in a simply connected region, and its curl is zero, then it's a gradient field.
120. A curl of black hair fell loosely across his forehead.
121. Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep.
122. She curl up her leg and arms into a foetal position.
123. Planned grosgrain ribbon inside the hem made the "tennis tail" a longer back shirttail for easy tucking curl up.
124. Using a one-inch curling iron, curl your entire head of hair, twirling the iron just halfway up the hair shaft .
125. Now, handing curl the new JPEG file handle produces exactly the results I want—almost.
126. Faults -- Soft coat . Any silkiness or tendency to curl.
127. What a shame! The new settlers treated their benedictory in such a curl way.
128. Renee pulled her spit curl into a C as she showed us pictures of her trip to Virginia Beach.
129. As he walks he spots Rima curl up in a ball.
130. The mini size head can curl eyelash totally freely, the corner, the up & down eyelashes.
131. Its shape has a little to be like a pigeon, but the neck is shorter, sharp- tongued hook song, tail feather curl.
132. Its main characteristics is a carton that single a carton handicraft feed to anticipate, General curl carton applicably .
133. If a grizzly bear does actually make contact with you, curl up in a ball, protecting your stomach and neck, and play dead.
134. Our fingers will curl in the positive direction of rotation.
135. Common curl cries again " self-invited roll " , easy and mutual crisscross pesters the hair, knot,() comb very hard.
136. Reading nooks provide comfortable, quiet places to retreat to and curl up with a good book.
137. The lips had already a little curl of bitterness and skepticism.
138. The white double coat consists of a short, dense undercoat, with a longer guard hair growing through it forming the outer coat, which is straight with no curl or wave.
139. From the curl of a ram's horn to patterns of spider webs and the development of an embryo, Mr Ball examines the possible causes of the shapes and forms we observe.
140. Osama Bin Ladin: People are asking me, how do I keep my beard so luxurious. I use Jihad Curl.
141. I wound have to wear false hair. Mine would never curl in that way.
142. The drawing is a little simplified because the vessels are rarely at the same level but tend to curl under each other, usually with the transposed aorta more cephalad than the pulmonary artery.
143. Her hair fall over her shoulders in a cascade of curl.
144. The curl was invented to help describe the properties of moving fluids.
145. An epiphytic , creeping American fern (Polypodium polypodioides) of warm regions, having fronds that curl up and appear dead in prolonged dry weather and expand under moist conditions.
146. The curl like convenient cover lets COCO look to lead prostitution energy of life slightly, not quite modern avant-courier , and the messy hairstyle of wine red makes COCO more enchanting and moving!
147. In this article we'll take a close look at the leg curl.
148. For the steady laminar helical flow of incompressible viscous liquid , the component of curl is a harmonic function , and the existence of a potential functio...
149. Must I curl up and sleep in my bunk with a black pearl?
150. It says that the work done by a vector field along a closed curve can be replaced by a double integral of curl F.
151. Last time I tried a pin curl perm and a foam permanent. Set the wave a little looser than usual, please.
152. She milled as she toyed with a Black curl of her hair.
153. Cotton leaf curl Multan virus is one of main pathogens that has caused severe cotton leaf disease in Pakistan and India. The disease is transmitted by the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci Genn.
154. The curl command lets you retrieve data from a server using the HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, Gopher, DICT, TELNET, LDAP, or FILE protocols.
155. Cutting tool clearance angle influence plow chip curl situation as well as fin chip superficial situation, but these two conditions are decision flyaway plow chip heat control abilities.
156. Cats, dogs and babies often naturally curl up in fetal position.
157. Oh, we have quite a variety: regular, cold perm, straight perm, pin curl and foam.
158. She put up her hand and smoothed back the curl.
159. Use an eyelash curler to curl lashes first - this will open the eye and groom the lashes.
160. Curl has a lot of kinds, but general oneself start work the word of DIY, only two kinds can choose: Evaginate and varus.
161. Six virus isolates(FJ1-FJ6) were obtained from Malvastrum coromandelianum plants showing leaf curl and vein banding symptoms in Fujian Province, China.
162. The results from DNA sequencing and ELISA showed that tomato yellow leaf curl virus from Senegal and PR China is different new whitefly-transmitted geminivirus separately.
163. When I feel melancholy, I get some chocolate and curl up in bed alone.
164. Larvae – Woolly bear caterpillars curl up in thick layers of leaf litter for winter.
165. We had just curl up in our sleeping bags when we both heard a loud crack.
165. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
166. OK, so, we've seen that if we have a vector field defined in a simply connected region, and its curl is zero, then it's a gradient field, and the line integral is path independent.
167. Maybe, I about Mr. Lu Xun's all the dream will change into a curl of smoke, soundless and stirless away, then disappear, until a bubble.
168. She watched the paper curl and frizzle and burn; and presently they were ashes.
169. Oh, we have quite a regular, cold perm , straight perm, pin curl and foam.
170. And so now, remember, curl of a vector field in space is going to be another vector expression. It has three components.
171. Be careful not to curl up the corner of the dictionary.
172. On the battlefield such a coward like him would surely lie down and curl up.
173. In chaos orderly, see the hair that is like fleeciness chaos to coil, different roll degree complex and alternant, build strong visual result, it is the curl modelling that arranges extremely easily.
174. Why It's Innovative: A hydraulic system built into the bridge's handrail allows it to retract and curl into an octagon.
175. I like to curl up on a couch with a good Book.
176. We watched a curl of grey-blue smoke rising into the sky.
177. We have no choice but to curl up bedclothes, collecting traveling bag for far - off skyline.
178. Thoughts of you as the light smoke times, curl wish for you is bubbling brook ding-dong.
179. If you threw things at him, he would curl his lanky body around feet in forgiveness.
180. He fawning manner whenever the boss is around just makes me curl up.
181. It is thought that the independent equation of the boundary relation in the frequency-domain is composed of two curl equations and the charged continuity equation of the boundary relation.
182. The curl modelling of fleeciness nature, the heart with tie-in chromatically bright color hair is acted the role of, appear more hot affection, lively, moving.
183. Then curl also by inside collect becomes outward make public, evaginate body wavy hair is revealing another elegant demeanour of city girl.
184. I'd like to curl up next to a fire instead of this cold concrete.
185. Now I am a fat house cat nursing my sore blunt tongue, watching the warm poison rats. Curl through the wide fence cracks. Pissing on magazine photos.
186. A : Oh , we have quite a varity: regular, cold perm, straight perm, pin curl and foam.
187. But best of all, by doing the things that make your whiskers curl up with delight.
188. So, Green's theorem says that if I have a closed curve, then the line integral of F is equal to the double integral of curl on the region inside.
189. Using after shampoo could enhance the elasticity and curls of natural wavy hair and perms to make the curl style more living and charming.
190. This paper dealt with the effect of Geminivirus on the biological characteristics of Bemisia tabaci, tested by papaya leaf curl virus.
191. B : Last time I tried a curl perm and a foam permanent./curl.html
192. Last time I tried a pin curl perm and a foam permanent.
193. The hardening typically affects the hands, causing the fingers to curl inwards.
194. Want to primp, curl, and dust with the best of them?Then try our guide!
195. If I take a constant vector field, so everything translates at the same speed, 0 then obviously when you take the partial derivatives 0 you will just get a bunch of zeros so the curl will be zero.
196. The new settlers treated their benedictory in such a curl way.
197. Finalize the design curl rub silk does overhead, use from the place that send a root again go against the methodological gangmaster hair that comb to catch chaos.
198. Curl upper lip up and raise and protrude upper lip.




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