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单词 Roots
1. Straight trees have crooked roots.
2. True praise roots and spreads.
3. Storms make trees take deeper roots
4. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. 
5. These plants produce a number of thin roots.
6. She told them to grub up the roots.
7. Tree roots can cause damage to buildings.
8. We managed to lever the roots out.
9. I pulled the plant up by the roots.
10. The roots of this plant go deep.
11. The roots grew down firmly in the soil.
12. Many Americans have roots in Europe.
13. storms make trees take deeper roots.
14. The roots of this tree go deep into the ground.
15. The roots transmit moisture and nutrient to the trunk and branches.
16. We earthed up the roots firmly when we planted the trees.
17. He could subsist on bark and grass roots in the isolated island.
18. Mind you,() don't trip over these roots; they're difficult to see under all these leaves.
18. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
19. Plants use their roots to absorb moisture from the soil.
20. We had a lot of trouble levering the roots out.
21. She pulled the shrub out by its roots.
22. Bed the roots in the compost.
23. He looked through shelf after shelf and finally picked on Alex Haley's Roots .
24. Political dishonesty ought to be plucked up by the roots.
25. Grow the bulbs in a transparent plastic box, so the children can see the roots growing.
26. Dark green leaves are a good indication of healthy roots.
27. Most plants are nourished by water drawn up through their roots.
28. The tornado pulled up the old tree by its roots.
29. You have to dig down deeply to fork up the roots.
30. Kind hearts are the gardens, kind thoughts are the roots, kind words are flowers and kind deeds are the fruits.
1. These plants produce a number of thin roots.
2. She told them to grub up the roots.
3. Tree roots can cause damage to buildings.
4. We managed to lever the roots out.
5. I pulled the plant up by the roots.
6. The roots of this plant go deep.
7. The roots grew down firmly in the soil.
8. He looked through shelf after shelf and finally picked on Alex Haley's Roots .
9. The roots of this tree go deep into the ground.
10. Political dishonesty ought to be plucked up by the roots.
11. Grow the bulbs in a transparent plastic box, so the children can see the roots growing.
12. Dark green leaves are a good indication of healthy roots.
13. The roots transmit moisture and nutrient to the trunk and branches.
14. We earthed up the roots firmly when we planted the trees.
15. Most plants are nourished by water drawn up through their roots.
16. He could subsist on bark and grass roots in the isolated island.
17. The tornado pulled up the old tree by its roots.
18. Mind you, don't trip over these roots; they're difficult to see under all these leaves.
18. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
19. Plants use their roots to absorb moisture from the soil.
20. You have to dig down deeply to fork up the roots.
21. We had a lot of trouble levering the roots out.
22. He was pulling dead roots from the dusty earth.
23. She boiled lotus - roots in soy.
31. This type of plant roots easily.
32. The plants push their roots deep into the soil.
33. The workers are winching out these big tree roots.
34. She has no real roots in this area.
35. I am proud of my Brazilian roots.
36. These grass roots don't pull easily.
37. We stayed alive by eating berries and roots.
38. He has no real roots in this area.
39. We dug up the tree by its roots.
40. Plants imbibe nourishment usually through their leaves and roots.
41. I'm proud of my Italian roots.
42. The banyan tree has aerial roots.
43. The tree's roots go down three metres.
44. He was pulling dead roots from the dusty earth.
45. Compost provides congenial conditions for roots to develop.
46. The fishline became enmeshed in roots under the water.
47. She boiled lotus - roots in soy.
48. We must not forget about the grass roots.
49. Despite his wealth, he never forgot his humble roots.
50. Flamenco has its roots in Arabic music.
51. You have to grub up the roots.
52. The plants must have their roots in the earth.
53. These plants imbibe moisture through their roots.
54. The roots anchor the plant in the earth.
55. The unrest has roots in religious differences.
56. I am a bohemian. I have no roots.
57. The roots go a long way down.
58. They survived on roots and berries.
59. The soil provides nourishment for plant roots.
60. Its roots can go down three metres.
61. We tore up weeds by the roots.
62. The plant pushes out new roots in April.
63. The tree's roots are stripped and hung to season and bleach.
64. When they got to Montana, they put down roots and built a life.
65. We were discussing the roots of the current economic malaise.
66. The high crime rate has its roots in unemployment and poverty.
67. We are hoping for full participation at grass roots level.
68. Jazz has its roots in the folk songs of the southern states of the US.
69. After ten years travelling the world,[] she felt it was time to put down roots somewhere.
70. As their roots are strong and penetrating, they prevent erosion.
71. English majors would be asked to explore the roots of language.
72. Mr Zuma had a solid reputation as a grass roots organiser.
73. They can trace their roots back to the sixteenth century.
74. Water passes into the roots of a plant by osmosis.
75. The roots go deep.
76. The city of Tours can trace its roots back to Roman times.
77. In the roots of the olives, you could find centipedes as long as a pencil.
78. We must go deeper and strike at the roots of the trouble.
78. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
79. We shall have to get the grass up by its roots so that it can't grow again.
80. Because of her husband's job, they'd moved too often to put down roots anywhere.
81. Make sure there are no air pockets around the roots of the plant.
82. Alex Haley's story about his search for his roots became a bestseller.
83. My husband wants to go back to his Irish roots.
84. New bushes can be reproduced from roots taken from the parent plant.
85. The roots may spread as far below ground as does the foliage above ground.
86. The dog was snuffling around the roots of a tree.
87. Three out of four Americans watched Roots, and then the next day could talk about race relations at the water cooler.
88. Lean the plants against a wall and cover the roots with peat.
89. Even if you plant the seed upside down,the roots will still grow down.
90. In the opening chapter, the author traces the development of judo from its ancient roots.
91. With this new album he has rediscovered his musical roots.
92. Machismo is a New World phenomenon with roots in Old World cultures.
93. Allow plenty of space for this plant as its roots spread widely.
94. The roots of the trees are causing subsidence damage to the building.
95. She'd pulled some of Kelly's hair out by the roots.
96. We haven't been here long enough to put down roots.
97. After 20 years in America, I still feel my roots are in England.
98. We'll have to dig quite deep to get at the roots.
99. Make sure that you bed the roots firmly in the soil.
100. We cherish roots, family and connectedness.
101. He skipped over roots and brambles.
102. Contemporary Indian cinema has its roots in folk culture.
103. After some time the roots become firmly attached.
104. Our roots are deeply embedded in polluted soil.
105. A major problem is that the roots go deep.
106. "Roots" became a blockbuster TV series.
107. The adults defoliate plants, and the larvae feed on roots.
108. To post-war generations, the deli has become a way to stay connected[Sentencedict], through the taste buds with their roots.
109. The program, popular in many departments, involves working to stop crime at its roots.
110. Stroke the Luminescent Mousse quickly through your hair and comb through, making sure that it is well distributed at the roots.
111. But the bacteria does not live on the roots, and is not effective in preventing damage.
112. The traditional governing class with deep roots in the landed aristocracy was gradually displaced as the Third Reich consolidated its position.
113. A tree stands strong not by its fruits or branches, but by the depth of its roots. Anthony Liccione 
114. The larvae of the cicadas that sit shrilling on trees spend their lives below ground sucking sap from roots.
115. All her hair had been burnt away but for the black roots and her features hideously charred.
116. The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence. Denis Waitley 
117. Thus collectivism has historical roots in religious or intellectual ideals, and in communal social practices.
118. We step over gnarled roots, and the wet grasses brush against us as we walk.
119. Many of the partnerships transcended school district boundaries because companies operate regionally, but they all had strong community roots.
120. For Ada, putting down roots opens a new life of discipline and learning.
121. Any Government who are seriously concerned about dealing with the escalating crime rate must begin to tackle crime at its roots.
122. And I catch the roots of my Enoch Dream: his grinning mug makes a brief appearance on-screen as an Inspiral slide.
123. Don't tread around bushes to firm them, this will cut off the oxygen supply to the roots.
124. A Dig out the clumps of roots and divide them into smaller portions to replant or pot-up.
125. Philip worked a flat stone out of the earth by the roots of the beech tree.
126. Chewing and sucking are comforting for the human being and the roots of this go right back into babyhood.
127. It reflects the society and the times we live in as well as having roots which go deep down into history.
128. The roots and branches of the Suez war require an arboretum of their own.
129. The roots of this deflation are too complicated for discussion here.
130. Among other things, they remind you that abstraction had its roots in spirituality.
131. There was little to be done to prevent this inexorable build up of pressure from the roots.
132. He and other starved men chewing at roots and grasses to stay alive.
133. Plant roots in the peats and estuarine sediments concentrate uranium in cell walls, especially in regions associated with transpiration processes.
134. These cling to rocks, stones, or roots and forms a mat of bright to deep green tufts.
135. One of the main characters that rediscovers his roots is this Chicano lawyer in San Francisco.
136. Our work requires cooperation, although the roots of diversity remain.
137. The environmental group had its roots in the counterculture of the 1960s.
138. Overwinter in a cool greenhouse, keeping the compost slightly moist to help roots form.
138. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
139. In this approach, the search for pathology and its roots are secondary.
140. I felt bad about David, whose roots are in labor.
141. Leaves coming out into the living area, roots converging toward the center, right?
142. Carefully I eased the plant out without breaking the roots, and we saved it, top and all, for replanting.
143. The only roots Cilla has lost touch with are those of her natural hair colour.
144. The roots of the law of confidence lie in equity and it is almost entirely case law.
145. But the aid package will not control drugs-because the policy fails to recognize the roots of the conflict.
146. However, the complications created by roots are not so acute when the tree is standing on level land.
147. According to Tretorn, this confirms its continued commitment to grass roots tennis, of which the Trust is also, solely committed.
148. However, it is possible to produce lexicons of comparable size that relate words to a much smaller number of roots.
149. Copses of beech and alder appeared, straggling along the banks with their roots lost in a tangle of briars and bracken.
150. Its roots are short but very dense, forming a rich white tuft.
151. The ancestry of pentecostalism-on the other hand-traces back to mystical, Wesleyan, and Holiness roots.
152. Bill Larnach was born in Durham and his roots go deep in the North-East.
153. Despite his international acclaim, Prof Gibson never lost sight of his roots.
154. The yellow roots are said to make a bitter tea that stimulates the appetite and soothes cankers.
155. High seed rates cause a dramatic reduction in anchorage strength because the spread of the structural roots is restricted.
156. My annoyance at missing the fish turns to relief when I realise I am not snagged in the roots.
157. With the viral reactivation, inflammatory changes occur in dorsal root ganglia and nerve roots.
158. Finally, steering organizations that shop around can provide more comprehensive solutions, attacking the roots of the problem.
159. It roots out vines, truffles for lemon trees painfully heated by charcoal to three degrees above freezing.
160. The European Union is made up of 15 nations with distinct cultural, linguistic and economic roots.
161. The block of leafy branches, roots, mud, and piggybacking barnacles was boxed and hauled ashore.
162. In contrast, trust is like the precious soil in which a relationship can grow and put down secure roots.
163. Much of conventional medicine has its roots in traditional medicine.
164. Officials at both Roots and Skyservice are refusing to comment on their intentions, citing competitive concerns.
165. They have paid attention to the academic, moral and philosophical roots of the movement.
166. It crawls down the vine and enters the soil, whereupon it reaches and punctures the roots for nourishment.
167. Ken Hom - pictured in London's Chinatown - returned to his cultural roots for his latest book.
168. The roots of the nearest hornbeam were obviously damaging the brickwork[], much of which was crumbling into fine red powder.
169. Highlighting class differences to emphasize his own down-to-earth roots is nothing new to Dole.
170. There is a national crisis of youth crime, but the Bill does not deal with its roots.
171. The relationship struck at the very roots of their human dignity.
172. The Lechmere chain traces its roots to merchant Abraham Cohen, who opened a harness store that bore his name in 1913.
173. Then I should be able to get the roots hoed before breakfast.
174. Old jagged roots dug from peat bogs are especially good.
175. As it develops a dense mat of roots, the depth of the mixture should be at least four inches.
176. The situation is already difficult because of the steepness of the slope without the complications imposed by the roots.
177. But the Zapatista insurrection had its roots in events almost three decades before.
178. Successful aquarists often cultivate this species on decorative roots together with fish of the genus Aphyosemion.
179. Although appearing to be clinging precariously to life, once introduced to the pool they quickly produce roots and become established.
180. According to the traditional concept of domicile, a person was domiciled in the country where he had his roots.
181. Southend fans staged a lengthy demonstration against the chairman after the 2-1 defeat by Ipswich at Roots Hall on Saturday.
182. Meanwhile, Inspiral Carpets went in at grass roots level and worked their butts off in the clubs.
183. But along comes a cabbage root fly, whose larvae feed on the roots.
184. Move them to the cold outside world when they have made strong roots.
185. It may be anything - roots, green stuff, old apples: it all depends.
186. An unwanted clump can be pulled up, and its roots and leaves dried for later use.
187. Don't shorten the stems, just tidy them to a clean cut, and do the same with any broken roots.
188. The roots, which remain in place, constitute about 20 percent of the biomass, and will oxidize eventually.
189. Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots. In fact, it is always in proportion. That's its balance. Osho 
190. The roots of the reeds contain naturally occurring bacteria which transform toxic elements contained in factory effluent, into benign substances.
191. Firm soil around roots and stake standard-trained plants using a bamboo cane.
192. This affinity or linkage has real historical roots though its importance and character has changed in recent decades.
193. The result is that civil, socio-political and environmental disasters are now threatening the roots of our existence.
194. Thus the plants have a constant temperature in both leaves and roots.
195. Some fruit trees are still dug up from the nursery in autumn and sold with their roots bare.
196. New ground should be cleared of perennial weed, removing deep roots of docks, thistles and bindweed.
197. Fishing, hunting, and the gathering of edible roots and berries also contribute significantly to the Zande diet.
198. The apes provide us with much information concerning possible roots of sociable behaviour in man.
199. Non-persistent systemic weedkillers are absorbed through the leaves and move throughout the plant,[sentencedict .com] including the roots.
200. In mild winters it may be necessary to chop down the leaves and dig in the roots in spring.
201. Having spent the last decade appearing in television mini-series and narrating Thomas the Tank Engine, Starr has rediscovered his musical roots.
202. The roots of case management lie in social case work.
203. This liquid was made by chopping up the roots of an inedible yam which looked like stringy, tough beetroot.
204. Infill with compost so that there are no air pockets around the roots.
205. Description: This aquatic water fern is a rosette plant which has dense, fibrous roots.
206. The implied - reservation doctrine has deep historical roots.
207. The eggs are sticky and adhere to the roots.
208. Cadres have gone down to different grass - roots units to take part in manual labour.
209. Nobody roots for Goliath, Wilt Chamberlain once complained to a teammate.
210. The nutrient may be intercepted by the roots as they grow through the soil.
211. His cooking reflects a determination to acknowledge his northern roots.
212. He worked steadily, and fast, pausing only to toss away clumps of grass roots.




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