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单词 state
释义 Word family  noun statement understatement ≠ overstatement adjective understated ≠ overstated verb state understate ≠ overstate  Related topics: Governmentstate1 /steɪt/ ●●● S1 W2 noun  1  condition 状况 [countable]CONDITION/STATE OF something the physical or mental condition that someone or something is in 状况,状态,情况,情形state of There are fears for the state of the country’s economy. 人们担心国家的经济状况。in a bad/terrible etc state When we bought the house, it was in a terrible state. 我们买下这栋房子时,它的状况很糟糕。somebody’s mental/physical/emotional state Frankly, I wouldn’t trust his emotional state right now. 坦白地说,我对他目前的情绪状态不太放心。 She was in an extremely confused state of mind. 她思绪纷乱。in no fit state to do something (=should not do something because you are not in a suitable condition) (以现在的状态)不宜做某事 David’s in no fit state to drive. 戴维现在的状态不宜开车。 She can’t go home now. Look at the state of her! 她现在不能回家。看看她这副样子!be in a good/bad state of repair (=be in good condition and not need repairing, or be in bad condition) 保养得好/不好 The boat was in a good state of repair. 这艘船保养得很好。 The country was in a state of war (=officially fighting a war). 这个国家正处于战争状态。 Water exists in three states: liquid, gaseous, and solid. 水有三种形态: 液态、气态和固态。 → state of emergency2  government 政府 [singular, uncountable] (also the State) especially British EnglishPGPUBLIC/GOVERNMENT the government or political organization of a country 政府 The state has allocated special funds for the emergency. 政府已为紧急状况拨出专款。state employees/property/regulations etc limits on salary increases for state workers 对政府职员加薪的限制state-owned/state-funded/state-subsidized etc (=owned, paid for etc by the government) 国有的/政府出资的/政府补贴的等 a state-funded community housing project 政府资助的社区住宅项目matters/affairs of state (=the business of the government) 国家大事 → welfare state3  country 国家 [countable]PGCOUNTRY/NATION a country considered as a political organization 〔被视为政治组织的〕国家 a NATO member state (=a country belonging to NATO) 一个北约成员国democratic/one-party/totalitarian etc state 民主/一党制/极权主义等政府 → police state► see thesaurus at country4  part of a country 国家的一部分 [countable] (also State British English)PGCOUNTRY/NATION one of the areas with limited law-making powers that together make up a country controlled by a central government, such as the US and Australia 州;邦 → province, county, region Queensland is one of the states of Australia. 昆士兰是澳大利亚的一个州。 the state of Iowa 艾奥瓦州state employees/property/regulations etc the state government 州政府 state and federal taxes 州政府和联邦政府征收的税5  the States spokenPG a word meaning the US, used especially by someone when they are outside the US 美国〔尤在美国境外时使用〕 Which part of the States would you suggest I visit? 你会建议我去美国的哪个地方?6  be in a state/get into a state British English spokenWORRIEDNERVOUS to be or become very nervous, anxious, or excited 处于/陷入紧张[焦虑,兴奋]之中 Mum and Dad were in a right state when I got in. 我进去的时候爸爸妈妈心情不错。7  official ceremony 官方仪式 [uncountable]PGPUBLIC/GOVERNMENT the official ceremonies and events connected with government or rulers 国事礼仪,隆重仪式 the Queen’s first state visit here in 17 years 17 年来女王首次对此地的国事访问 music for state occasions (=special public events) 隆重仪式上使用的音乐8  state of affairs formalSITUATION a situation 情况,局势,事态unsatisfactory/sad/sorry etc state of affairs I must say this is a very unsatisfactory state of affairs. 我得说,目前的局势令人很不满意。9  the state of play especially British English a) SITUATIONthe position reached in an activity or process that has not finished yet 〔某一活动或过程的〕当前进展情况 What is the state of play in the current negotiations? 目前谈判进展如何? b) DSthe score in a sports game 〔体育比赛的〕得分10. lie in state if the body of an important person who has just died lies in state, it is put in a public place so that people can go and show their respect 〔要人的遗体〕受公众瞻仰n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: the physical or mental condition that someone or something is inadjectivesa bad state (also a poor/sorry state)The report commented on the poor state of the roads.a terrible stateHis apartment was in a terrible state.a healthy state (=a good state)Student numbers at the college are in a healthy state.somebody’s mental/emotional stateWhenever Ben stops his medication, his mental state deteriorates.somebody’s physical stateOur emotions can have an effect on our physical state.something’s natural stateThere's a plan to return large areas of farmland to their natural state.something’s present/current stateWe can deduce how the planet evolved from its beginnings to its present state.a constant/permanent/perpetual state of somethingThey lived in a constant state of advanced state of somethingThe dead bird was in an advanced state of decay.phrasessomebody’s state of mindWhat was his state of mind at the time of the attack?somebody’s state of healthThe doctor said my general state of health was good.something’s state of repair/preservationSchool buildings should be kept in a good state of repair.a state of shock/confusion/panic etcHoward, still in a state of shock, stared at Newman.a state of collapse (=the state of being very ill or weak)The economy was in a state of collapse.a state of warSyria was still in a state of war with Israel.the present/current state of knowledgeThat is the best advice we can offer, given our current state of knowledge about the disease.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 3: a country considered as a political organizationADJECTIVES/NOUN + statean independent state (also a sovereign state formal)Croatia became an independent state in 1991.a democratic stateThey wanted to transform the country into a modern democratic state.a totalitarian state (=where there is no democracy)Politicians get away with this sort of behaviour only in totalitarian states.a one-party stateUntil recently, the country was a one-party state.a communist/socialist stateThe former communist states began opening up their markets to foreign investment.a fascist stateFreedom of speech is not tolerated in a fascist state. a police state (=where the government strictly controls what people can say or do)Too many laws bring us frighteningly close to the creation of a police state.a member state (=a country that belongs to an organization of countries)The statement said that NATO would counter any attack against a member state.Examples from the Corpusstate• Given the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.• In 1830, Greece became an independent state.• When the gas cools, it condenses back to its liquid state.• the member states of the European Union• For more than 70 years, the former Soviet Union was a one-party state.• It also emphasises the need for continuing professional development of science teachers and the poor state of labs and equipment.• Most of the country's existing schools are in a sorry state of disrepair.• To many who have followed Fokker over the years, its most recent cash-strapped state was nothing new.• When I got back home, I was horrified to see what a terrible state the kitchen was in.• Every activity of the individual citizen is subject to scrutiny by the state, in the name of the public interest.• One of the things people complain of most is the state of the sidewalks.• It is the duty of the state to pass laws for the common good.• The possibility of equity financing depends on the state of the equity market.• Many local officials are still unaware that the state has granted them the powers to set boating laws for their local waters.• The state of Israel was created in 1948.• The Sassanians expanded eastwards to incorporate into their state the northern part of the disintegrating Kushan empire.• After 1951 Winston Churchill and his Conservative successors protected the welfare state, maintained full employment, and conciliated the trade unions.state of• We were in a state of shock when they told us how much it would cost.state employees/property/regulations etc• The protest was held in opposition to government plans to dismiss 25,000 state employees in order to reduce fiscal spending by 42 percent.• Instead, a central fund for state property will be set up to sell large and medium-sized companies.• On Tuesday, Kansas became the first state to furlough state employees, paid through federal grants, who process unemployment claims.• And new state regulations restrict some of the most odious insurance practices.• Jody is not interested in hearing about loyalty or state regulations.• Kirichenko warned that continued default by the republics would result in salaries to state employees and social security being curtailed.• Most of the early strikers were state employees.democratic/one-party/totalitarian etc state• The 1949 Constitution established Costa Rica as a democratic state with an executive President directly elected for a four-year term.• Nkrumah announced another referendum to enable him to dismiss the judges and also to establish a one-party state.• The Republic, which retains membership of the Commonwealth, is a one-party state with an executive President.• The subsequent establishment of a one-party state would have achieved the same result.• It recently opposed government moves towards the legal formation of a one-party state.• Not the least power of a totalitarian state is the power to bore the people out of their right minds.• These features make elite theory central in arguments about the liberal democratic state.• The one-party state must give way.state employees/property/regulations etc• The protest was held in opposition to government plans to dismiss 25,000 state employees in order to reduce fiscal spending by 42 percent.• Instead, a central fund for state property will be set up to sell large and medium-sized companies.• On Tuesday, Kansas became the first state to furlough state employees, paid through federal grants, who process unemployment claims.• And new state regulations restrict some of the most odious insurance practices.• Jody is not interested in hearing about loyalty or state regulations.• Kirichenko warned that continued default by the republics would result in salaries to state employees and social security being curtailed.• Most of the early strikers were state employees.state visit• Of course, the staff at the Poly could only be flattered to take part in a state visit.• Sadat had ordered photographs of the Shah, left over from an earlier state visit, to be mounted along the route.• This week was her first state visit here in 17 years.• The Queen will visit Texas as part of her official state visit.• That's the official state visit.• She explained that she wore furs and her jewelry only when she traveled abroad with her husband on state visits.state2 ●●○ S3 W2 verb [transitive]  1  SAY/STATEto formally say or write a piece of information or your opinion 陈述,说明,阐明 Please state your name and address. 请说出你的姓名和地址。 Rembert again stated his intention to resign from Parliament. 兰伯特再次表明辞去议员职务的意向。 The government needs to clearly state its policy on UN intervention. 政府需要就联合国的干预清楚地阐明其政策。state (that) The witness stated that he had not seen the woman before. 证人说他以前并未见过那个女人。 Fine, but aren’t you just stating the obvious here? 没错,可你说的谁不知道呢?► see thesaurus at say2  SAY/STATEif a document, newspaper, ticket etc states information, it contains the information written clearly 〔文件、报纸、票子等〕写明 The price of the tickets is stated on the back. 票价写在背面。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusstate• The permit, which is free, also has an information sheet which states 11 separate conditions concerning the use of skips.• It is given only as an example which is easy to state.• Justice Cohen stated clearly that no further action would be taken.• This effect need not be stated in terms.• The essay begins by stating its main point: that the title focuses attention on a multifunctional symbol within the story.• The government needs to clearly state its policy on possible military action.• The parallels are stated, not reasoned.• The receipt clearly states that refunds are not allowed.• The law states that you are innocent until proved guilty.• Please state your full name for the record.state (that)• Part of that has to do with the change in secretaries of state.• Constitutionally, the prime minister may assume the functions of the head of state for two weeks.• At what point does a state have a motive for keeping the smoking rolls up?• You should see the state of the bedroom.• There was a clear link with past practices of fitting the ideology to the needs of the state rather than its constituent members.• The changes in the state sector before the 1980s have occurred in a relatively piecemeal fashion.• It states that a substance causing certain symptoms in a healthy person can cure a sick person with the same symptoms.• The president has stated that the new law requires several improvements.• The state with which we are most concerned is the quiet alert state.From Longman Business Dictionarystatestate /steɪt/ noun1[countable usually singular] the condition that someone or something is in at a particular timeThe property market is in a poor state.I think the economy is in a worse state than the Government has been admitting.2[countable] (also State)LAW one of the areas with limited law-making powers that some countries, such as the US, are divided intoNew York State has attracted more foreign companies than any other state.The bank now sells life insurance policies in 380 branches across four states.3[countable, uncountable] (also State) a country or its governmentstate industriesThe government plans to sell off several state companies.the state monopoly of radio and television broadcasting → corporate state → welfare state4the States [plural] the United States of AmericaSales of U.S. cars have not boomed (=increased) in the States as carmakers had hoped.Origin state1 (1100-1200) Old French estat, from Latin status, from the past participle of stare “to stand”state1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2state2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  mental or Business condition or physical that the Corpus someone




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