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单词 col
释义  Related topics: Geographycol1 /kɒl $ kɑːl/ noun [countable]  SG technical a low point between two high places in a mountain range 山口,山坳Examples from the Corpuscol• This error is like climbing below a col, and coming up on the wrong side of it.• A col was reached at the ridge base and we ate.• But the view from the col was decisive and I stayed to indulge my vanity.• Each of the cols traversed by the peloton is harder than the one before.• Two hours later I collapsed on to the col, long after Enrique had got there, and every step a struggle.Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishingcol2  TCNthe written abbreviation of column / column 的书面缩写 ,栏Related topics: ArmynCol.PMAthe written abbreviation of colonel / colonel 的书面缩写 ,上校From Longman Business Dictionarycol.col. abbreviation for columnOrigin col (1800-1900) French Latin collum; → COLLAR1col1 nouncol2Col.Chinese  low a Corpus two between Business point high




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