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单词 squirrel
释义  Related topics: Animalssquir·rel1 /ˈskwɪrəl $ ˈskwɜːrəl/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1. HBAa small animal with a long furry tail that climbs trees and eats nuts 松鼠 →4  See picture of 见图 BITE 1Examples from the Corpussquirrel• Wire netting is the best defence against rabbits and squirrels, which will chew through plastic netting to plunder fruit crops.• Woodchucks, like many other ground squirrels, hibernate in their underground burrows where they are thought to sleep away the winter.• I felt grand and we chattered like little squirrels who have saved all the acorns for winter.• The study claims that red squirrels have survived alongside grey squirrels for decades in forests in Norfolk and Staffordshire.• But it seems to me that the principle that red squirrels make food, essentially out of nothing, is magic.• I eventually concluded, however, that the red squirrels were harvesting maple syrup, much as we do.• Like the squirrel, he should marry only some one of precisely the same blood lines as himself.• She stood, laughing at him, her arms brown against her childish white vest, the squirrel peering round her neck.squirrel2 verb (squirrelled, squirrelling British English, squirreled, squirreling American English)  1 squirrel something ↔ away phrasal verb KEEP/STOREto keep something in a safe place to use later 储存,贮藏〔供以后使用〕 SYN stash away By December I had $300 squirreled away. 到十二月份的时候,我已经存了 300 美元。→ See Verb tableOrigin squirrel1 (1300-1400) Anglo-French esquirel, from Latin sciurus, from Greek skiouros, from skia “shadow” + oura “tail”squir·rel1 nounsquirrel2 verbChineseSyllable  a Corpus furry small with animal a long




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