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- the mcnaughten rules
- the-mcnaughten-rules
- the mda
- themda
- the-mda
- theme
- theme
- the mean
- the mean between and
- the mean between something and something
- the mean between sth and sth
- the means of production
- the measles
- themeasles
- the-measles
- the meat and potatoes
- the mechanics of
- the mechanics of doing
- the mechanics of (doing) something
- Autumn
- L
- Blue
- Green
- Glistening
- Favored
- Scarred
- Judicial review
- Popsicle
- Cone
- 或因家世余绪,得一阶半级,便自为足,全忘修学。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 或生而知之,或学而知之
- 或者词义,或者组词,或者造句
- 或誉人,而适足以败之;或毁人,而乃反以成之
- 或许我应该放弃了-跨一步就成功,放弃不如坚持
- 或许的意思,或许的近义词,反义词,造句
- 或许词义,或许组词,或许造句
- 或问:“怨尤之念,底是难克,奈何?”曰:“君自来怨尤,怨尤出甚底?天之水旱为虐,不怕人怨,死自死耳,水旱自若也。人之贪残无厌,不怕你尤,恨自恨耳,贪残自若也。此皆无可奈何者。今且不望君自修自责,只将这无可奈何事恼乱心肠,又添了许多痛苦,不若淡然安之,讨些便宜。”其人大笑而去。
- 或问:“格物之物是何物?曰:至善是已。如何格?曰:知止是已。《中庸》不言格物,何也?曰:舜之执两端于问察,回之择一善而服膺,皆格物也。择善与格物同否?曰:博学审问、慎思明辨皆格物也,致知诚正、修齐治平皆择善也,除了善更无物,除了择善更无格物之功。至善即中乎?曰:不中不得谓之至善,不明乎善不得谓之格物,故不明善不能诚身,不格物不能诚意。明了善,欲不诚身不得;格了物,欲不诚意不得。不格物亦能致知否?曰
- 或问:“虚灵”二字如何分别?曰:惟虚故灵。顽金无声,铸为钟磬则有声;钟磬有声,实之以物则无声。圣心无所不有而一无所有,故“感而遂通天下之故”。