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单词 hiss
释义  Related topics: Colours & soundshiss /hɪs/ ●○○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]SOUNDSAY to say something in a loud whisper 愤然[坚决]地低声说 ‘Get out!’ she hissed furiously. “出去!”她低声怒喝。hiss at She hissed at me to be quiet. 她生气地低声要我安静。2  [intransitive]CSOUND to make a noise which sounds like ‘ssss’ 发出咝咝声 The cat backed away, hissing. 那只猫咝咝叫着退开了。 Snakes only hiss when they are afraid. 蛇只在恐惧时才发出声。► see thesaurus at sound3  [intransitive, transitive]DISAPPROVE if a crowd hisses a speaker, they interrupt them with angry sounds to show that they do not like them 〔因不满而对演讲人〕发嘘声,(对…)报以嘘声 → boo He was booed and hissed during a stormy meeting. 他在闹哄哄的会议中被人喝倒彩、发嘘声。 —hiss noun [countable] She heard a faint hiss as the metal struck the water. 她听见金属碰到水时发出轻微的咝咝声。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushiss• "Are you crazy?" he hissed.• a snake hissing• Now he hisses and spins in jumps while powder ice clings to the air but by trade he's a long-haul skater.• They hissed, as evil as geese.• Relatives of the victim hissed as the killer was led from the courtroom.• Hundreds of people shouted and hissed at the prime minister.• She hisses her disapproval, then snatches up the denims, and digs the key from one of the pockets.• Blisters which had formed the first time now burst, weeping clear fluid on to the burner which hissed like an angry snake.• The flow from the tap stops - and there may be hissing or bubbling noises as well.• It sounded as though gas was hissing out of a pipe.• Air hissed out of the tyre.• I was booing and hissing the bad guys with the best of them, and I usually hate audience participation.• He hissed those words under his breath, your friend, his fingers digging mindlessly into the clear plastic packets of prophylactics.Origin hiss (1300-1400) From the soundhiss verbChinese  loud say a Corpus something whisper in to




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