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单词 split
释义  Related topics: Groupingssplit1 /splɪt/ ●●● S2 W3 verb (past tense and past participle split, present participle splitting)  1  disagree 不同意 [intransitive, transitive]PPGSEPARATE if a group of people splits, or if it is split, people in the group disagree strongly with each other and the group sometimes divides into separate smaller groups 〔组织内部〕产生分歧;分裂 It was feared that the issue would split the church. 人们担心这一问题会导致教会分裂。be split on/over something The party is split over the issue of immigration. 该党在移民问题上意见有分歧。 The government appears deeply split on this issue. 政府内部在这个问题上似乎有严重的分歧。split from The Pan-Africanist Congress split from the ANC in 1959. 泛非主义者大会在 1959 年脱离了非洲人国民大会。split something in two/down the middle The war has split the nation in two. 战争使这个国家一分为二。► see thesaurus at break, separate, tear2  separate into parts 分割成几部分 (also split up) [intransitive, transitive]SEPARATE to divide or separate something into different parts or groups, or to be divided into different parts or groups 分割,把…分开〔成几部分〕;分成〔不同部分〕split into Can you split into groups of three now? 现在你们分成三人一组好吗?split something into something The book is split into six sections. 本书共分六个部分。3  break or tear 裂开或撕开 [intransitive, transitive]BREAKTEAR if something splits, or if you split it, it tears or breaks along a straight line (使)裂开,(使)撕开,(使)断裂 The branch split under their weight. 树枝承受不住他们的重量断裂了。 One of the boxes had split open. 其中一个盒子裂开了。split (something) in two/half The board had split in two. 木板裂成了两块。 Split the pineapple down the middle. 把菠萝从中间切开。 →4  See picture of 见图 split →5 see picture at 见图 break14  share 分摊 [transitive]SHARE to divide something into separate parts and share it between two or more people 均分,分配split something between somebody/something Profits will be split between three major charities. 盈利将在三大慈善机构中间分配。split something with somebody He agreed to sell the car and split the proceeds with his brother. 他同意把车卖掉,所得的钱和弟弟分。split something three/four etc ways (=share something between three, four etc people or groups) 将某物分成三份/四份等 The money will have to be split three ways. 这笔钱必须分成三份。 We agreed to split the cost. 我们同意分摊这笔费用。5  injure 损伤 [transitive]CUT to make someone’s head or lip have a cut in it, as a result of a fall or hit 碰破〔头或嘴唇〕,把…碰得裂开 She fell against a table and split her lip. 她摔倒时撞到桌子,磕破了嘴唇。 The force of the blow nearly split his head open. 这一击打得他脑袋都快裂开了。6  end relationship 结束关系 (also split up) [intransitive] informal if people split, they end a marriage or relationship with each other 分手;离婚;决裂split with/from He split from his wife last year. 去年他和妻子离了婚。 The band split two years ago. 这支乐队两年前解散了。7  leave 离开 [intransitive] old-fashioned informalLEAVE A PLACE to leave a place quickly 迅速离开 Come on – let’s split. 快,我们快走。8  split hairs ARGUEto argue that there is a difference between two things, when the difference is really too small to be important 纠缠于细枝末节,在琐细的问题上争辩 This is just splitting hairs. 这就太斤斤计较了。9  split the difference AGREEto agree on an amount that is exactly between two amounts that have been mentioned 〔在数额上〕互相让步,折中,妥协 OK, let’s split the difference, and I’ll give you £20. 行,我们各让一步,我给你 20 英镑。10. split your sides LAUGH informal to laugh a great deal 捧腹大笑11 split off phrasal verb a) SEPARATE (also split away) if one part of something splits off from the rest, it becomes completely separate from it 脱开,分离 from A huge lump of rock had split off from the cliff face. 一大块岩石从崖面上脱落下来。b) (also split away) if a small group of people split off from a larger group, they become separate from it 〔从群体中〕分裂出去,脱离 from The group split away from the Green Party and formed the Environmental Alliance. 这批人脱离绿党,组成了环境联盟。c) BREAK split something ↔ off to separate one part of something and make it completely separate from the rest 使某物脱离出去,使某物分离出去split something ↔ off from This part of the business has now been split off from the main company. 这部分业务现在已经从总公司独立出去了。12 split on somebody phrasal verb British English informal TELLto tell someone in authority about something wrong that someone else has done 告发 Don’t you dare split on us! 谅你不敢告发我们!13 split up phrasal verb a) SSFRELATIONSHIPDIVORCEif people split up, or if someone splits them up, they end a marriage or relationship with each other 离婚;分手,断绝关系;拆散 Steve’s parents split up when he was four. 史蒂夫四岁时父母离异。 with I thought she’d split up with her boyfriend. 我以为她已经和男朋友分手了。split somebody ↔ up Why would she try to split us up? 她为什么要拆散我们?b) SEPARATEto divide people into different groups, or to be divided into groups 把…分成小组;分组 Please don’t split up when we get to the museum. 到博物馆后请大家不要散开。split something/somebody ↔ up The teacher split up the class into three groups. 老师把全班同学分成三组。c) split something ↔ up to divide something into different parts 把某物分成若干部分split something ↔ up into The house has now been split up into individual flats. 这栋房子现在被分隔成若干独立的套间。n GRAMMAR: Reciprocal verbsSplit up is a reciprocal verb. This type of verb is used when saying that two or more people or things do something that involves both or all of them: Her mum and dad split up. You can also say: Her mum split up with her dad.Her mum and dad split up with each other.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussplit• The window frames are old and the wood is starting to split.• These shoes are so old the canvas had split.• About a mile in, the canyon splits.• The plague spreads: more atoms split, and then yet more.• He said that the land should be split between his four sons.• Highly monochromatic laser light is split by the mirror M to travel along the two arms.• At first, her earnings were split down the middle with her agent.• Typical projects are expected to be split fairly evenly between hardware, software and services.• This phrase always intrigued Bob; as if the speaker could split herself in two, providing a doppelganger companion.• He bent down and split his trousers.• The back of the chair had split in two.• The more l-e spoke, the more he felt he was softly split in two.• The class split into two. Half of us went to the museum and half to the cathedral.• The debate over the use of military force has split legal scholars.• She learned to split logs and stack a woodpile.• His head was split open in the accident.• A metal tube split open in the steam generator of the nuclear power plant.• Hudson's coat had split right up the back.• Rutherford first split the atom on 3rd January 1919.• For this exercise, I'm going to split the class into three groups.• He split the company in half, and then sold both new companies to different buyers.• The US is hoping to split the cost of developing the new plane with Japan.• My father and Mr Calder agreed to split the cost of repairs to the Wrights' car.• Feelings about the war split the country right down the middle.• Split the leek in half lengthwise, and cut it into 1/4-inch pieces.• They planned to rob a bank, split the money, and leave the country.• I think we should split whatever we get four ways.split from• Brothers and sisters were quite often split from each other, as well as losing parents, in these moments of crisis.• He said she was jealous that her husband had taken another girlfriend and was encouraged to split from him by her parents.• First Henman split from his long-time coach David Felgate, with both parties insisting it was an amicable parting.• He's also split from his wife Becky and she has custody of their son.• She split from husband John James four weeks ago.• The left wing of the party is likely to split from its parent organization.• The base split from side to side but fortunately the water only seeped out.• Though the group split from the company in 1969, the strong pro-pharmaceutical spirit lingers.• Last year, he split from the rock band, "Hot City'.• Gabriel, who split from the supergroup in 1975, claims his career has suffered because of his association with the band.split something into something• Ross split the department into ten teams to work on the project.Split ... down the middle• But initial reactions aren't always right and it seems to me that people are split down the middle.• Her bottom lip is fat and purple and there's a split down the middle.• I wonder will his loyalties be split down the middle!• Those whose main interest was Soviet Jewry were split down the middle.• Until the motion was tabled, the 480-seat lower house of parliament appeared to be split down the middle.• We split you down the middle.split the cost• In many cases, couples sharing a mortgage are likely to split the costs in half.• Afterward, the city and the port would split the cost of disposing the ground water.• Our parents split the cost of our tuition and housing.• Another idea is to split the cost of radio adverts.• My father and Mr Calder agreed to split the cost of repairs to the Wrights' car.split ... head open• What if Lucy had split her head open again?split with/from• Her split with Breen, who now skates with 17-year-old Kate Robinson, was amicable.• The division of booster-club funds after the split from Desert Devils almost forced a lawsuit.• By the end of World War I, however, she faced a widening split with her radical allies.• Captain Farquhar, who farms at Tormarton, near Badminton, Avon, split from his wife towards the end of 1991.• Both the main parties were split with Labour more favourable to television than the Conservatives.• The base split from side to side but fortunately the water only seeped out.• Though the group split from the company in 1969, the strong pro-pharmaceutical spirit lingers.• It was just after eleven when I made the conifer where I'd split from Werewolf.split2 ●○○ noun [countable]  1  tear 裂口HOLE a tear or crack in something made of cloth, wood etc 裂口,裂缝split in a long split in the sleeve of his coat 他外套袖子上一条长长的裂缝2  disagreement 意见不一ARGUE a serious disagreement that divides an organization or group of people into smaller groups 〔团体内部的〕分裂,分歧 SYN riftsplit in/within The argument could lead to a damaging split in the party. 这场争吵可能会导致党内出现分裂,对该党产生不利影响。 a deep split within the government 政府内部很深的分歧split between a split between the radicals and the moderates within the group 团体内部激进派和温和派之间的分歧split over The union is desperate to avoid a split over this issue. 工会竭力避免在这一问题上发生分歧。3  end of relationship 关系的结束 informal the end of a marriage or relationship – used especially in newspapers and magazines 离婚,分手〔尤用于报纸或杂志〕 rumours of a marriage split 婚姻破裂的传言split with She seems to be getting over her recent split with her fiancé. 她不久前和未婚夫分手,现在似乎正在慢慢走出阴影。4  dividing STH 分某物SHARE the way in which something, especially money, is shared between several people 〔尤指钱的〕分配 In a publishing deal, the average split used to be 50:50 between writer and publisher. 出版协议中,作者和出版商之间一般都是五五分成。three-way/four-way etc split (=when something is shared equally between three, four etc people) 三人/四人等均分 a three-way split in the profits 利润三人均分5  separation 分开 informalDIFFERENT a clear separation or difference between two things 分离;分裂split between the traditional split between the state and church 传统上的政教分离6. do the splits DSOto spread your legs wide apart so that your legs touch the floor along their whole length 劈叉,劈一 字腿Examples from the Corpussplit• There is great danger of a split in the party if a competent leader is not found soon.• The new policy has led to a split in the armed forces.• From the sound of the word thought it was a split into two personalities.• We suddenly noticed there was a split in the side of the tent.• a split in the seam of his pants• There is a deep split in the country over the best way to move forward the peace process.• There is a startling split between men's and women's views of sexual harassment.• In the unitary and harmonious female Spirit-Self there will be no such splits.• The reasons for the split are understandable.• The split was formally approved at an extraordinary congress in Prague on Feb. 23.• The split reflects a difference of opinion simmering for months within the Republican Party.split in/within• Hart timed him in 18. 5, which at the time would have been the fastest 200 split in history.• But there is also a feeling that he was manoeuvred out because of a split in the Cardiff camp.• Its flowers she stuck through a split in her hat; the rest she tossed aside.• Buchanan's jump to the Reform party triggered a split within its ranks.• Judge Jackson highlighted government's mediating role when he explained why he ordered the company split in two.• It can only happen after a disastrous split in the majority party or when no party has a majority.• This split in domestic duties has really come with the baby.• This is due inpart to splits within the alternative movement.three-way/four-way etc split• The stalemate is blamed on a three-way split among panel members about how to save Social Security.• She gave ground grudgingly, and we wound up agreeing to a three-way split.From Longman Business Dictionarysplitsplit1 /splɪt/ verb (past tense and past participle split, present participle splitting)1[transitive] to divide something into separate parts so that two or more people each get a partWe agreed to split the fee.split something betweenThe merger forced us to split operations between London and Edinburgh.split something three/four etc waysAll profits will be split three ways (=into three parts).2[intransitive, transitive] (also split up) to divide or separate something into different parts, or be divided into different partssplit intoThey planned to split into three companies to fight the bid.He plans to split the firm up between his two sons.3split sharesFINANCE to divide a company’s shares into smaller units so that the value of each share is reduced and the number of shares is increased. This may be done to make it easier to buy and sell the sharesThe company is splitting its 5p nominal shares into units of 2.5p to make them more marketable.4split the difference to agree on a price, charge etc that is exactly half-way between the one that has been offered and the one that has been asked for→ See Verb tablesplitsplit2 noun [countable]FINANCE the act of sharing money between a group of people, organizations etc, or the share that each group getsI paid by credit card for two equal split payments.The partners have agreed a three-way split (=a share of something that is divided equally between three people). → reverse share split → share splitOrigin split1 (1500-1600) Dutch splittensplit1 verb →n GRAMMAR1split2 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  if splits, a Business group Corpus of people




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