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单词 dinar
释义  Related topics: Currenciesdi·nar /ˈdiːnɑː $ dɪˈnɑːr, ˈdiːnɑːr/ noun [countable]  PECthe standard unit of money in Macedonia, Serbia and some North African and Middle Eastern countries 第纳尔〔马其顿、塞尔维亚及北非和中东一些国家的货币单位〕Examples from the Corpusdinar• The income of the communes and cities in that year was 229 billion dinars.• This implies that the cost of administration was 403 billion dinars.• These figures, or course, are measured in dinars.Origin dinar (1600-1700) Arabic Latin denarius; → DENIERdi·nar nounChineseSyllable  standard Macedonia, money of Corpus the in unit




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