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单词 splendid
释义  splen·did /ˈsplendɪd/ ●●○ adjective  1  GOOD/EXCELLENT old-fashioned very good 极好的,极佳的 SYN excellent a splendid idea 很妙的主意 a splendid opportunity 绝佳的机会 The staff are doing a splendid job. 员工们干得非常棒。2  BEAUTIFUL/GOOD-LOOKINGbeautiful and impressive 壮丽的,华丽的,辉煌的,灿烂的 SYN magnificent All the rooms have splendid views. 所有的房间都能看到漂亮的景致。 a splendid cathedral 宏伟的大教堂3  British English spoken old-fashioned used to show that you approve of or are pleased by something 好极了〔用于表示赞成某事或对其感到高兴〕 SYN great ‘I’ll see you tomorrow then.’ ‘Splendid!’ “那么我明天和你见面。”“好极了!”4  in splendid isolation used to emphasize that something is not with other things 岿然独立,傲然独立〔用于强调〕 The house sits in splendid isolation on top of a steep hill. 这栋房子岿然独立于一座陡山的顶部。 —splendidly adverb a splendidly equipped new sports centre 设备极佳的新体育中心 The team played splendidly. 这支球队打得很出色。Examples from the Corpussplendid• In the centre of the room was a splendid 18th century oak table.• Fortunately there are still a handful of splendid brews that are allowed to condition in the bottle.• In time, Fallows also became a splendid computer guru, a genuine rarity among top public policy analysts.• Mama was a superb cook and she invariably prepared something splendid for us.• The troops are doing a splendid job of keeping the peace.• It was a splendid marriage and he thought of ambition only, never of love or of gratitude.• And the music, while not necessarily the most inventive guitar-drive stuff you've ever heard, has its splendid moments.• How splendid, they have a warm spot in their hearts for those suffering from messianic delusion.• It is more than that, as artificial selection has made a splendid variety of sizes, shapes, colours and tastes.• a splendid view of the pyramids• Wealthy nobles inhabited splendid villas in the surrounding countryside.• He welcomed all the authors, promised a splendid week.Origin splendid (1600-1700) Latin splendidus, from splendere “to shine”splen·did adjectiveChineseSyllable  good Corpus very




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