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单词 water
释义 Word family  noun water waters adjective underwater water waterless verb water adverb underwater  Related topics: Nature, Waterwa·ter1 /ˈwɔːtə $ ˈwɒːtər, ˈwɑː-/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [uncountable]  1  liquid 液体DNWATER the clear liquid without colour, smell, or taste that falls as rain and that is used for drinking, washing etc 水 There’s water all over the bathroom floor. 浴室地面上都是水。 Does anyone want a drink of water? 有谁想喝杯水吗? a glass of sparkling mineral water 一杯有气矿泉水 All rooms have hot and cold running water. 所有房间都有冷热自来水供应。 Pour boiling water over the rice and let it soak. 在大米中倒入沸水浸泡。 a fresh water spring 淡水泉 When dealing with a burst pipe, always turn off the water first. 处理破裂水管时,一定要先把水关掉。 contamination of the local water supply 当地供水受到污染2  area of water 水域 a) DNWATERan area of water such as the sea, a lake etc 水,水域〔如海、湖等〕shallow/deep water 浅/深水域 Rangoon is surrounded on three sides by water. 仰光三面环水。 Denzil dived into the water. 登齐尔跳入水中。 He stepped down to the water’s edge. 他向水边走去。by water (=by boat) 坐船 The temple can only be reached by water. 那座庙只有坐船才能到达。 b) DNWATERthe surface of a lake, river etc 〔湖泊、河流等的〕水面 → underwateron the water something floating on the water 漂浮在水面上的东西3  waters [plural] a large area of water, especially an ocean that is near or belongs to a particular country 〔某国的〕领海,海域;水域 the coastal waters of Alaska 阿拉斯加沿海水域Korean/Mexican/Pacific etc waters The ship drifted into Turkish territorial waters. 那艘船漂入了土耳其领海。 a species found in inland waters (=not the sea, but rivers, lakes etc) 见于内陆水域的一个物种4. high/low water HEOthe highest or lowest level of the sea and some rivers 〔海和一些河流的〕高潮/低潮 SYN tide5  uncharted/troubled/murky waters formal a situation that is difficult, dangerous, or unfamiliar 未知的境况/困难情况/隐晦的困境 the uncharted waters of the 21st century 21世纪的未知数6. be (all) water under the bridge informalFORGET used to say that what happened in the past should be forgotten 是过去的事了,已成往事7  like water if you use something or spend money like water, you use or spend large amounts of it when you should try to save it – used to show disapproval 〔使用东西或花钱〕大量地,无节制地〔含贬义〕 Some of the companies were spending money like water. 有些公司花钱如流水。8. like water off a duck’s back informal if criticism, warnings etc are like water off a duck’s back, they have no effect on the person you are saying them to 就像水过鸭背,像耳边风〔指批评、警告等对某人不起作用〕9. somebody’s waters break MBwhen a pregnant woman’s waters break, liquid comes from her body just before her baby is born 某人的羊水破了〔指孕妇即将生产〕10. water on the brain/knee old-fashioned informalMI liquid around the brain or knee as the result of a disease 脑部/膝关节积水11. take the waters old-fashioned to wash yourself in or drink special water that is thought to make you healthy 〔为保健〕用特殊的水洗澡;饮用特殊的水12. make/pass water formalHBH to urinate 小便 → soda water, toilet water, → in deep water at deep1(15), → take to something like a duck to water at duck1(4), → of the first water at first1(18), → (be/feel) like a fish out of water at fish1(3), → not hold water at hold1(37), → in hot water at hot1(9), → muddy the waters at muddy2(2), → pour cold water over/on something at pour(6), → still waters run deep at still2(5), → test the water at test2(7), → tread water at tread1(5), → troubled waters at troubled(3)n COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + water drinking water (=water that you can drink safely)There is no source of drinking water on the island.tap water (=water that comes out of a tap)The tap water is not safe to drink.bottled water (=water to drink that you buy in bottles)Sales of bottled water have rocketed.mineral water (=water that has natural substances in it, and is sold in bottles)The mineral water comes from the Scottish mountain.spring water (=water that comes naturally out of the ground and has not been treated with any chemicals, usually sold in bottles)I ordered a glass of spring water.running water (=water that comes out of a system of pipes into buildings)Only half the city’s houses had running water.fresh water (=water in lakes, rivers etc that does not contain salt)This bird is usually found in open country near fresh water.salt water (=water from the sea, or water to which salt has been added)He washed his hands in a pool of salt water.hard (=containing a lot of calcium)Hard water is formed as rainwater passes down through layers of limestone.soft (=not containing much calcium)In our area the water is quite soft.hotThere isn't any hot water!coldThe water in the pool was pretty cold.lukewarm (=only slightly warm)Stir the yeast into lukewarm water.cleanMillions of people do not have access to clean drinking water.dirtyDiseases can be spread by dirty water.contaminated (=water that has harmful substances in it)They became ill from drinking contaminated water.soapyWash your hands with hot soapy water.water + NOUNthe water supply (=water and the lakes, reservoirs etc where it is stored )A dam was built to improve the water supply.a water shortageThere is a severe water shortage in many parts of the country.phrasesa glass of waterShe poured herself a glass of water.a drink of waterHe asked for a drink of water.verbsturn the water off/on (=turn a tap to stop water coming out of pipes or to let it come out)Turn the water off while you're brushing your teeth.water runsI let the cool water run down my back.water flowsWe watched the water flow under the bridge.Examples from the Corpuswater• They maintained the momentum of the privatization programme in the late 1980s and early 1990s with the privatization of electricity and water.• In a dilute solution in water, it is familiar as a household antiseptic.• Nurse it along with a little water and sunshine for a few months.• Then it turned around and went back for a drink of water.• Could I have a glass of water, please?• I'd just like a glass of water, please.• I can't believe our water bill is so high.• Sugar maple sap is nearly tasteless and about 98 percent water.• Some of the bacteria are found in rivers, lakes, mud, and even rain water.• All the rooms in the hotel have hot and cold running water.• As we got deeper into the forest we could hear the sound of running water.• Never drink sea water.• By the end of the hot summer of '76, there was a serious water shortage.• Stone fish lie on the ocean bed, often in shallow water.• This reservoir supplies water to half of Los Angeles.• It was all very slow, very lovely, the glow burning and the darkness coming and the water moving.• Condensed milk is produced by removing about 50% of the water content of whole milk.• There's something floating on the water.• Come swimming! The water's great!• The water level of the River Thames has risen 14" in the past few days.• Humans can't survive for more than a few days without water.turn off the water• If the valve has jammed shut, causing the feed-and-expansion tank to run dry, again turn off the water supply.• Hide the toilet paper and turn off the water.• She turned off the water and from the suds pulled out a broken plate.• She turned off the water and stepped out on to the rug, dried herself, and dressed in jeans and a shirt.• A boiler had overturned, they couldn't turn off the water.• Howard laid down the hose and went to turn off the water.• He must, if he is going away for the winter, turn off the water and empty the boiler.on the water• A dull glare had appeared on the water.• They spent fifteen, twenty hours a day on the water.• It grew quickly, putting six fairly large eaves on the water surface - but the Kissers ignored them.• Seawitch moved gently on the water.• When everyone is on the water, we still have spare craft to choose from.• A twelve hour day, a supper; then back out on the water for another eight.• Strangely, it seemed less dark out on the water than on land.• Muttering savagely, she turned on the water and started tossing the plates and cups into the sink.Related topics: Pets, Geography, Drinkwater2 ●●○ verb  1  plant/land 植物/土地 [transitive]TAWATER if you water plants or the ground they are growing in, you pour water on them 给…浇水;灌溉 Will you water my houseplants while I’m away? 我不在时你能给我家里的盆栽浇浇水吗? The garden needs watering daily. 花园每天都需要浇水。2  your eyes water HBHCRYif your eyes water, tears come out of them 眼睛流泪 Chopping onions makes my eyes water. 切洋葱会使我眼睛流泪。 → mouth-watering, → make your mouth water at mouth1(11)3  animal 动物 [transitive]TADHP to give an animal water to drink 给〔牲畜〕饮水 Have the horses been fed and watered? 这些马喂过食饮过水了吗?4  river 河 [transitive] technicalSGWATER if an area is watered by a river, the river flows through it and provides it with water 〔江河〕流经并给〔某地区〕供水 Colombia is watered by several rivers. 有几条河流经哥伦比亚,为其提供水源。n Grammar Water is usually passive in this meaning.5. weaken 稀释 [transitive] (also water down)DFDWATER to add water to a drink to make it less strong 加水冲淡;稀释6 water something ↔ down phrasal verb a) REDUCEto make a statement, report etc less forceful by changing it or removing parts that may offend people – used to show disapproval 〔通过删去声明、报告等中可能冒犯人的部分〕减弱,削弱〔含贬义〕 The report of the investigation had been watered down. 调查报告已被淡化。 → watered-downb)WEAKEN 稀释 DFDWATERto add water to a drink to make it less strong 往〔液体〕中加水冲淡[稀释] SYN dilute→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswater• Chopping onions always makes my eyes water.• After a tour of the facilities, our guests were fed and watered.• The plain is watered by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.• Would you mind watering my plants while I'm away?• Could you water my plants while I'm gone?• Many farmers use low-flying aircraft to water their crops.• During the drought, residents were barred from watering their gardens, or washing their cars.• Make sure you water this summer.• Cory Selliker, his eyes watering under the brim of his black Earnhardt cap, heard Marchman's advice to let go.From Longman Business Dictionarywaterwa‧ter /ˈwɔːtəˈwɒːtər, ˈwɑː-/ verb → water something → down→ See Verb tableOrigin water1 Old English wæterwa·ter1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1water2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  smell, clear Business taste without Corpus the or colour, liquid




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