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单词 son
释义  son /sʌn/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  [countable]CHILD someone’s male child 儿子 → daughter Her son Sean was born in 1983. 她的儿子肖恩出生于 1983 年。 They have three sons and a daughter. 他们有三个儿子和一个女儿。 In those days, the property went to the eldest son. 那时候,财产由长子继承。 their youngest son, George 他们最小的儿子乔治son of the son of a poor farmer 一个穷苦农民的儿子 → like father like son at father1(7)2  [singular] spokenCHILDMAN used by an older person as a way to address a boy or young man 孩子〔年长者对男孩或年轻男子的称呼〕 What’s your name, son? 你叫什么名 字,孩子?3. the Son RRCJesus Christ, the second member of the group from the Christian religion that also includes the Father and the Holy Spirit 圣子〔指耶稣基督,圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体中的第二位〕4  [countable] writtenALMAN a man, especially a famous man, from a particular place or country 〔来自某个地方或国家的,尤指有名望的〕男士,人士 Frank Sinatra, New Jersey’s most famous son 弗兰克•西纳特拉,新泽西州最著名的人士5. my son RRCMANused by a priest to address a man or boy 我的孩子〔神父对男子或男孩的称呼〕 → favourite son at favourite1(2)Examples from the Corpusson• The family business has now been taken over by Anderson's eldest son.• Sophie will marry one day, and perhaps she will send her sons to you.• She so much wanted to avoid another pitched battle with her son.• Her son used to work in Texas.• The figures of two parents stooped over their 13-year-old son who would die tomorrow.• Our son Jamie is five years old.• We have two teenage sons.• So Demeter nursed Demophoon, the son that Metaneira had borne to wise Celeus.• members of the Sons of ItalyOrigin son Old English sunuson nounChinese   Corpus child male someone’s




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