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单词 Seizing
(1) "Leigh," he said seizing my arm to hold me back.
(2) Officers raided an address in south London, seizing bomb-making equipment.
(3) Gielgud, seizing a parasol, crosses by tightrope.
(4) Authorities also reported seizing numerous weapons, computers and chips and more than $ 200, 000 in cash.
(5) The Franks took advantage of this by seizing some islands which the Saxons had held.
(6) Seizing upon this opportunity, the Santanistas worked night and day to undermine the Herrera administration.
(7) By seizing an opportunity she opened up a new and totally unexpected position for the future.
(8) Rebel soldiers attacked the island(), seizing the capital and arresting government officials.
(9) Roughly seizing Tarantula, they stripped off his bright clothing and gave it back to Swift-Runner.
(10) Seizing the opportunity to gain better qualifications actually puts you in charge and gives you a self-confidence charge.
(11) A brilliant coup, seizing his moment when Black's forces are scattered at the edge of the board.
(12) Seizing this opportunity, Dineh quietly loosed his bonds and fled through the night. At daybreak the Utes woke up.
(13) Dole has been more adept at seizing photo opportunities in his out-of-town forays.
(14) The conservatives are seizing the moment to push through deep reforms before the honeymoon ends.
(15) Silber will be no more successful at seizing control of education policy statewide.
(16) "Come with me," said Nat, seizing him by the arm.
(17) Seizing this opportunity, Dineh quietly loosed his bonds and fled through the night.
(18) Hera seizing the bow of Artemis from her shoulders and boxing her ears with it this way and that.
(19) One of the men turned his horse by seizing its bridle.
(20) And Goldberg, pulling the pad towards him and seizing his felt-tip pen, began to write.
(21) Clashes between protesters and the army continued for five days, with protesters seizing the regional telecommunications centre on Feb. 7.
(22) Desiderius responded to the Pope by raising an army and seizing Sinigaglia and Urbino, hitherto papal cities.
(23) Over most of the twentieth century organizations worried about choosing and seizing growth opportunities through adding capacity and people.
(24) Every time he speaks to a colleague, a team-member or a customer, he is seizing an investment opportunity.
(25) And with the police and most of the armed forces behind me, I was able to stop Ngune from seizing power.
(26) They were therefore guilty of robbery when they used force seconds after seizing the property.
(27) Given the apparent strength of Gloucester's position, it is difficult to argue that he was panicked into seizing the throne.
(28) She also argued that under the Fifth Amendment, the government owed her compensation for seizing property that was partly hers.
(29) This gave wide investigative powers, and made possible the seizing, freezing and confiscation of assets.
(30) The trap of performing types is to display their efficiency by constantly seizing the initiative.
(31) I glimpsed half-dressed soldiers seizing crossbows and other armaments and heard Dacourt's voice on the breeze screaming out orders.
(32) The elite nature of the scientists and their consequent alienation from many of these changes prevent them from seizing upon these opportunities.
(33) Seizing on one cause and inflating its opposite within a problematic framework of assumptions is not the answer.
(34) Far from leaping from his chair and seizing Pearce by the throat, a curious fatigue seemed to have settled in his bones.
(35) After seizing power, the soldiers changed into civilian clothes and became presidents.
(36) They represent a haphazard seizing of opportunities rather than rational provision of a network to meet the whole spectrum of walkers' needs.
(37) Instant is good, no seizing the moment is sad.
(38) We had other goals like seizing arms.
(39) We move quickly embracing change and seizing new opportunities.
(40) Everyone applauded his skill in seizing knives bare-handed.
(41) We're seizing assets as collateral against our investment.
(42) Financial markets have been seizing up for weeks.
(43) You win games by scoring and seizing the opportunity.
(44) Rare earth alloys have many desirable chemistry and magnetism behaviors, unusual optical and seizing thermal neutron properties, which provide...
(45) IBF and WBC is a confrontation between the organizations, the organization set up by the United States aimed at seizing control of the presentation right.
(46) While he was doing so, Moran started his Mary of Egypt, but the indignant crowd seizing his stick were about to belabour him, when they fell back bewildered anew by his close resemblance to himself.
(47) But the family behind Herm?s doubts the sincerity of LVMH Chairman Bernard Arnault, who has expanded his luxury-goods empire by pouncing on family businesses, dividing the clans and seizing control.
(48) Bowler Hat Guy : Why arent you seizing the boy?
(49) With the making of revolution road of putting the countryside as key and seizing political power by armed force, the CPC transformed its work center from the urban to the rural regions after 1927.
(50) Discusess that seizing a golden opportunity no produced and used solid chamotte , making use of the refuse resources, produces new construction material such as refuse air brick[Sentence dictionary], etc.
(51) After seizing Tsaritsyn (now Volgograd), Astrakhan, and Saratov, his force of 20, 000 undisciplined rebels was defeated by the Russian army at Simbirsk.
(52) We divided the group into assault, seizing, defense and reserve groups.
(53) Only by changing the idea, seizing the opportunity, strengthening cooperation and improving one's own competitiveness, can our province be in the favorable position in one new round of competitions.
(54) Despite of a few athletes selected for a sports meet have plucking a gold seizing silver strength, but match, the upper thing neither has standard pattern forever.
(55) Biologists around the world are thus bootstrapping themselves out of despair and seizing the occasion to explain biodiversity and why it matters.
(56) Shells of wet tantalum capacitor by deep drawing have been unable to meet quality requirements because the seizing tumour appears easily during deep drawing.
(57) And seizing a citizen's assets without proving him guilty of anything is nakedly unjust.
(58) Ningbo Customs introduced monitor and control concept such as risk analysis into customs IPR protection and improved the seizing rate of infringed goods.
(59) Therefore, the rim states have been drastically contending to seek sovereignty or seizing actual masterdom over this place in recent years.
(60) American officials have begun searching southbound traffic and seizing illicit cargo.
(61) In the battle, planes launched from Allied aircraft carriers stopped Japanese forces from seizing Port Moresby, New Guinea, Japan's first unsuccessful invasion attempt.
(62) The instant finding, seizing the opportunity in good time and fully playing on spot in the observation of the accident form the trilogy of the extempore interview.
(63) The thermal imaging infrared system used as radiation thermometer has been applied extensively to energy-saving, industrial inspection and seizing smuggled goods at night on patrol etc.
(64) Why is the homeless patient seizing and photophobic ? Why does Dr. Foreman detest the homeless?
(65) They starched two hundred white shirts, with a single gathering movement seizing a shirt so that the wristbands, neckband, yoke, and bosom protruded beyond the circling right hand.
(66) Acts 19:29 And the city was filled with confusion; and they rushed with one accord into the theater, seizing Gaius and Aristarchus of Macedonia, Paul's traveling companions.
(67) Rare earth alloys have many desirable chemistry and magnetism behaviors, unusual optical and seizing thermal neutron properties, which provide the foundation for their applications.
(68) Seizing the InitiativeIt is common practice among top players to pass the turn if they win initiative on round one.
(69) In 1974, 12 years after seizing power from a civilian government in a military coup, Gen Ne Win retired from the army and proclaimed himself president of the Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma.
(70) Seating faces: Stellite 6 is used to prevent seizing and galling.
(71) One idea was to hand more control to voters, but that was dropped last month on a general worry about politicisation and a specific fear of far-right parties seizing control.
(72) Seizing and freezing money and property of an entity involved in a case shall not effect lawful operation, production and business of such entity as much as possible.
(73) Davis asked, making a playful pretence at seizing Castle's briefcase.
(74) We are seizing the opportunity to push ahead comprehensive industrial restructuring and upgrading.
(75) Only by seizing every minute can we finish it on time.
(76) After seizing the throne , Cixi had the emperor put under house arrest on Ying'Tai .
(77) Your two hands are seizing that emaciated purple tulip tightly.
(78) The mainly source of taxes was organization tax (including tax grain), in addition to accepting and seizing the enemy and puppet army's possessions.
(79) Using time well is treasuring life. Seizing time is mastering life.
(80) Seizing the opportunity , Secretary Li cut in probingly, " He used to be your subordinate, didn't he?
(81) I am not countenancing the sort of "hero-worship" which applauds the strong man of genius for forcibly seizing on the government of the world and making it do his bidding in spite of itself.
(82) The crime of Endangering governmental rule: Treason felony , Misprision, Seizing prisoner, Oganizing the private armed forces.
(83) Clinching , wrestling, pushing, or seizing, without attempting a throw or other technique.
(84) Her husband shouted at her, seizing taking hold of her hand.
(85) Seizing the manuscript , he flipped through its pages furiously , making them rustle.
(86) We firmly oppose ourselves to seizing on others'faultsm to putting hats on people , and to wielding the big stick.
(87) Only by seizing the opportunities agilely and facing the challenges bravely, can the CCP keep up in the indefectible position.




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