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单词 beret
释义  Related topics: Clothesbe·ret /ˈbereɪ $ bəˈreɪ/ noun [countable]   DCCa round cap with a tight band around the head and a soft loose top part 贝雷帽〔扁圆无檐柔软的小帽〕 →4  See picture of 见图 HAT →5 see picture at 见图 hatExamples from the Corpusberet• Sitting in Les Deux Magots wearing a beret is not necessarily being a critical learner.• This mournfully bright menial Val wore high heels and a black beret.• He has made a few concessions to fashion, however, notably a black beret.• The first showed three soldiers in the cockpit of an armoured car, two with helmets, one with a black beret.• The cherry berets made meticulous house-searches, even digging up the floors of some places, going into roof spaces with torches.• But the unit will retain a distinctive identity by having tan berets.• Antoinette wore her new blue suit and white beret.Origin beret (1800-1900) French béret, from Provençal berretbe·ret nounChineseSyllable  a a with band tight cap Corpus round




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