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单词 sneaking
释义  sneak·ing /ˈsniːkɪŋ/ adjective  have a sneaking feeling/suspicion/admiration SUSPECTto have a feeling about something or someone, but to not say anything about it because you are not sure or you might be embarrassed 隐隐觉得/暗中怀疑/暗地钦佩 I always had a sneaking admiration for him. 我一直暗暗地钦佩他。 She had a sneaking suspicion that he was lying. 她暗中怀疑他在说谎。Examples from the Corpussneaking• I even have a sneaking affection for the man.• It's true - he does have some sneaking faith in poets as being fundamentally decent people.• I had a sneaking feeling he'd do well at Scum, Hughes is the ideal partner for him.• Still, she had a sneaking hope that as she'd reached her lowest ebb, the tide might turn.• He did have a sneaking respect for Yanto however.• I have the sneaking suspicion, fuelled by the clothes my parents packed, that they knew anyway.• She had a sneaking suspicion that she knew why the men had not given up their seats.sneak·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  or have Corpus to feeling someone, about something a




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