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单词 slip
释义 Word family  noun slip slipper slippage slipperiness adjective slippery verb slip  ldoce_306_eslip1 /slɪp/ ●●● S3 W2 verb (slipped, slipping)  1  fall or slide 摔倒或滑倒 [intransitive]SLIDE to slide a short distance accidentally, and fall or lose your balance slightly 滑倒;失足 Wright slipped but managed to keep hold of the ball. 赖特滑了一下,但球还抓在手里。slip on He slipped on the ice. 他在冰上滑倒了。► see thesaurus at fall →5  See picture of skid打滑, slide滑行, slip滑倒 →4  See picture of 见图 slip2  go somewhere 去某处 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to go somewhere, without attracting other people’s attention 溜走,悄悄地走 SYN slide Ben slipped quietly out of the room. 本悄悄地溜出了房间。 One man managed to slip from the club as police arrived. 警察到来时,一个男子设法溜出了俱乐部。3  put STH somewhere 把某物置于某处 [transitive always + adverb/preposition]PUT to put something somewhere quietly or smoothly 把…悄悄[利落地]放在… SYN slide Ann slipped the book into her bag. 安把书悄悄塞进包里。 A letter had been slipped under his door. 有一封信被悄悄塞在他的门下。 Carrie slipped her arm through her brother’s. 卡丽利落地把手插进她弟弟的臂弯里。► see thesaurus at put4  give STH to SB 把某物给某人 [transitive] to give someone something secretly or without attracting much attention 把…偷偷塞给〔某人〕slip somebody something I slipped him a ten-dollar bill to keep quiet. 我偷偷塞给他一张十美元钞票,让他别声张。slip something to somebody Carr slips the ball to King who scores easily. 卡尔悄悄地把球传给金,金轻松得分。5  move 移动 [intransitive] to move smoothly, especially off or from something 滑落,脱落 As he bent over, the towel round his waist slipped. 他弯腰的时候,系在腰间的毛巾滑了下来。slip off/down/from etc He watched the sun slip down behind the mountains. 他看着太阳落下山。 The ring had slipped off Julia’s finger. 戒指从朱莉娅的手指上滑脱了。 Cally slipped from his grasp and fled. 卡利从他手中挣脱逃跑了。6  knife 刀 [intransitive] if a knife or other tool slips, it moves so that it accidentally cuts the wrong thing 〔刀或其他工具〕滑脱〔误割到别的东西〕 The knife slipped and cut his finger. 刀滑脱了,割破了他的手指。7  get worse 变坏 [intransitive]WORSE to become worse or lower than before 变坏;下降,下跌 Standards have slipped in many parts of the industry. 这一行业中许多方面的标准都已下滑。 His popularity slipped further after a series of scandals. 一连串丑闻之后,他的支持率进一步下降。 You’re slipping, Doyle! You need a holiday. 你状态更差了,多伊尔!你需要去度个假。8  change condition 改变状况 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to gradually start being in a particular condition 逐渐陷入 SYN fallslip into He had begun to slip into debt. 他开始欠债了。 She slipped into unconsciousness and died the next day. 她陷入昏迷,第二天就去世了。 The project has slipped behind schedule. 这个项目工期落后了。9  clothes 衣服 [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition] to put a piece of clothing on your body, or take it off your body, quickly and smoothly 〔迅速利落地〕穿(衣服),脱(衣服)slip something off/on Peter was already at the door slipping on his shoes. 彼得已经在门口穿鞋子了。slip into/out of She slipped out of her clothes and stepped into the shower. 她麻利地脱掉衣服,走进淋浴间。10  time 时间 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] if time slips away, past etc, it passes quickly 飞逝,过得飞快slip away/past/by The search for the missing child continued, but time was slipping away. 寻找失踪小孩的工作继续进行,但时间在一天天流逝。 The hours slipped past almost unnoticed. 时间在不知不觉中溜走了。11  slip your mind/memory FORGETif something slips your mind, you forget it 被遗忘,被忘记 I meant to buy some milk, but it completely slipped my mind. 我原本想买些牛奶,可是忘得一干二净。12  let something slip TELL A SECRETto say something without meaning to, when you had wanted it to be a secret 无意中说出某事,泄露某事 He let it slip that they were planning to get married. 他说漏了嘴,说他们打算结婚了。13  get free 获得自由 [transitive]ESCAPE to get free from something that was holding you 挣脱,摆脱 The dog slipped his collar and ran away. 那条狗挣脱项圈跑掉了。14  slip through the net British English, slip through the cracks American English if someone or something slips through the net, they are not caught or dealt with by the system that is supposed to catch them or deal with them 漏网;未得到应有的处理 In a class of 30 children, it is easy for one to slip through the net and learn nothing. 在一个有 30 个孩子的班级里,很容易有个别孩子不能被照顾到,什么也学不到。15  let something slip (through your fingers) to not take an opportunity, offer etc 错过机会 Don’t let a chance like that slip through your fingers! 别错失这么一个机会!16. slip one over on somebody especially American English informal to deceive or play a trick on someone 欺骗某人;愚弄某人17. slip a disc MIto suffer an injury when one of the connecting parts between the bones in your back moves out of place 椎间盘突出 PHRASAL VERBS18 slip away phrasal verb a) to leave a place secretly or without anyone noticing 溜出去;悄悄离开 He slipped away into the crowd. 他溜进人群中。b) if something such as an opportunity slips away, it is no longer available 〔机会〕错过,溜走 This time, Radford did not let her chance slip away. 这次雷德福没有错过机会。19 slip something ↔ in phrasal verb to use a word or say something without attracting too much attention 插进,插入〔话语〕 He had slipped in a few jokes to liven the speech up. 他穿插了几个笑话来活跃演讲的气氛。20 slip out phrasal verb TELL A SECRETif something slips out, you say it without really intending to 被无意中说出 I didn’t mean to say it. The words slipped out. 我不是故意说的,是说漏了嘴。21 slip up phrasal verb MISTAKEto make a mistake 出差错,疏忽 → slip-up The company apologized for slipping up so badly. 这家公司为这么严重的疏忽表示歉意。 on Someone had slipped up on the order. 有人把订单给弄错了。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusslip• During the meeting, she reached under the table and slipped a note into my hand, • I walked slowly through the mud, trying not to slip and fall.• He slipped and fell. I think he's broken his arm.• Their privatization programs slipped badly last year, and both governments desperately need cash.• These glasses keep slipping down my nose.• The team has been slipping down the league table and really needs some new players if it is to improve.• The results will not be announced before Tuesday, and the timetable may slip even further because of the strike.• Sukarno Loses Control Power was slipping from his hands.• The American slipped from second place to fourth.• Standards have slipped in the past few months, and we have to try and improve our performance.• Quietly, in the dark of the night, Myong-Hwan slipped into Boshigol.• Dave slipped me $20 when Jerry wasn't looking.• Her bag slipped off her shoulder.• Then the carrier top will slip off your head and crash down and crush your wrists.• She slipped on the icy sidewalk and grabbed Will's arm to steady herself.• Brenda slipped on the icy sidewalk.• As the boys went down the path they slipped on the wet leaves.• He used to make sure his apartment was in immaculate condition, but he's let things slip recently.• The blue rose on stubby wings, twisting acrobatically to slip the blow.• I know it's a private party, but if you slip the doorman $5 he'll let you in.• Be careful you don't slip - the floor's wet.• Standards have really slipped there recently.• With luck he could slip through his legs, get up the stairs, then off through the yard and away.• Sales slipped to $4.5 million from $5 million the previous quarter.• Mansell has now slipped to third position.slip on• I took out my old cardigan and slipped it on.• The girls got out their party dresses, giggling as they slipped them on.• She slipped on a pair of white jeans and a black sleeveless top.slipped from ... grasp• In Hampshire alone Gosport, Havant and Portsmouth all slipped from their grasp.• Long ago, he now realised, Nicholas had slipped from his grasp.• While she was doing this, the child slipped from her grasp, and fell into the river where it was drowned.• The shot slipped from his grasp and nearly flattened the Head's wife.slip into/out of• It was still dark, almost certainly, when she slipped out of bed.• A slight embarrassment fell on them, and her hand slipped out of his.• I have a gut feeling that the old partnerships between nature and culture have momentarily slipped out of our reach.• In the excitement as the applause commenced, nobody had noticed Stafford slipping out of the lecture hall.• Then he kissed my forehead and quietly slipped out of the room.• And some just feel their children slipping out of their control.slip away/past/by• And on most of the occasions when they had been alone together he hadn't let a chance slip by.• Be careful lads not to let this one slip away!• He had seen total nuclear disarmament in the grasp of his President, then seen it slip away.• Then once again it slipped away.• Lucenzo looked up as if he'd only just realised she'd slipped away, and seemed taken aback when he saw her.• David McRandall let a seven shot, 15 ends lead, slip away and was beaten 24-23 by Patrick Heade.• And, like her father, it slipped away in one explosive moment.• Everyone had a good time, and no one saw Bill slip away quietly before the cake was served.Related topics: Clothes, Cricketslip2 ●●○ S3 noun  1  paper 纸 [countable]PIECE a small or narrow piece of paper 小纸片;纸条 a slip of paper 一张纸条 an order slip 点菜单 a betting slip 赌注单 → payslip2  mistake 错误 [countable]MISTAKE a small mistake 小错误 Molly knew she could not afford to make a single slip. 莫莉知道自己一个小错误都不能犯。3  slip of the tongue/pen MISTAKEa small mistake you make when you are speaking or writing, especially by using the wrong word 口误/笔误〔尤指误用词语〕 It was just a slip of the tongue. 那只是一个口误。 → Freudian slip4  give somebody the slip informal to escape from someone who is chasing you 摆脱某人的追踪,甩掉某人 Somehow she’d given them the slip. 她设法甩掉了他们。5  clothing 衣服 [countable]DCC a piece of underwear, similar to a thin dress or skirt, that a woman wears under a dress or skirt 衬裙 a white silk slip 白色的真丝衬裙6  getting worse 变糟 [countable usually singular] an occasion when something becomes worse or lower 变糟;下跌 SYN dropslip in a slip in house prices 房价的下跌7. slide 滑 [countable]SLIDE an act of sliding a short distance or of falling by sliding 滑;滑倒8. a slip of a girl/boy etc old-fashionedSMALL a small thin young person – often used humorously 瘦小的女孩/男孩等〔常为幽默用法〕9. cricket 板球 [countable usually plural]DSC a part of the field where players stand, trying to catch the ball in cricket 〔板球运动中击球员右后方的〕防守位置10. clay 黏土 [uncountable] technicalTIP a mixture of clay and water that is used for decorating pots 〔制陶器用的〕泥浆,泥釉Examples from the Corpusslip• Everyone who votes has to fill in a slip of paper in order to register.• The bank clerk handed me an official blue slip to sign.• There was a credit-card slip stapled to the receipt.• She fed the little slips of cardboard one by one into its grinding jaws.• Don't worry -- we all make slips from time to time.• If you make one slip, it could cost you a lot.• People doing this kind of precision work can't afford to make the slightest slip.• A week ago her plan had been to give Travis the slip and catch the first flight out.• I looked through my wallet for last month's wage slip.slip of paper• She opened the bag, dipped in a hand and pulled out a slip of paper.• She thrust the customary tip towards the croupier with a slip of paper wrapped around a plaque.• A slip of paper was attached with Scotch tape.• This consists of slips of paper describing nearly 70,000 individual documents.• Stark would pull slips of paper from his pocket, lean over on the windowsill, and scribble on them.• Each grave was allocated a separate slip of paper listing its artifact types.• Collins laid the attaché case on the low table, consulted the slip of paper and tumbled the rollers.• I pocketed the slip of paper.make ... slip• Bumper bap Serves 1 Make two horizontal slips in a large bap without cutting right through.• But it is equally possible that he could spoil any chances he might have had by making some political slip.• He did make one slip, of course - referring to Kemijärvi.• It doesn't kill them, it merely makes them slip off - a feature which can have important environmental advantages.• Terrified of making the slightest slip - Kinnock and the rest played safe - or what they thought was safe.• Authority gravitated upward, and those on the field felt their ability to make decisions slip away.• As soon as you make a nervous slip, he explodes with anger - humiliating you in front of colleagues.slip in• A few latecomers had slipped into the room and were standing at the back of the audience.• a slip in stock prices• Maggie opened the door silently and slipped in.From Longman Business Dictionaryslipslip1 /slɪp/ verb (slipped, slipping) [intransitive] to become worse or less or fall to a lower amount, standard etc than beforeThere are fears that consumer confidence may be slipping.Earnings per share slipped 2% to 9.9 pence. → slip into something → slip up→ See Verb tableslipslip2 noun1[singular] an occasion when something becomes worse or becomes less or lowerslip inThe slip in demand is seen in other markets besides the U.S.2[countable] a small narrow piece of paperAlways keep your credit card slips.Have you received a confirmation slip? → compliments slip → pay slip → pink slip → sales slipOrigin slip1 (1200-1300) Middle Dutch Middle Low German slippen slip2 1. (1400-1500) Middle Dutch Middle Low German slippe “split, slit, flap”2. (1400-1500) → SLIP13. Old English slypa “slime”slip1 verb →10-17 →PHRASAL VERBS1slip2 nounChinese  slide accidentally, short lose Corpus to and or a fall Business distance




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