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单词 Outgoing
1 She was always cheerful and outgoing.
2 She is such a gregarious and outgoing person.
3 He is an outgoing and lively person.
4 I'm cheerful and outgoing.
5 Sales reps need to be outgoing, because they are constantly meeting customers.
6 She has an outgoing personality.
7 She is the outgoing head of a large corporation.
8 We're looking for someone with an outgoing personality.
9 He's never been an outgoing type.
10 Outgoing flights are booked until January 15th.
11 His colleagues paid generous tributes to the outgoing president.
12 Emma's a gregarious, outgoing sort of person.
13 Underneath his outgoing behaviour Luke was shy.
14 This telephone should be used for outgoing calls.
15 She had developed an outgoing personality to mask her deep insecurities.
16 Katie is a pert outgoing young woman.
17 All outgoing flights were grounded.
18 Jamie is a friendly, outgoing woman.
19 She is an outgoing, unselfish, and loving person.
20 She's become more outgoing since she went to college.
21 I've become more outgoing since.
22 Full also on the outgoing journeys with emigrants about to seek their fortune in London.
23 No party won an absolute majority and the outgoing government remained in office in a caretaker capacity as inter-party negotiations took place.
24 The outgoing chancellor said he has no plans to assume any other political posts.
25 Mr Kasyanov, a deputy prime minister in the outgoing government, is urbane,[] polished and managerial.
26 I am considered to be fairly outgoing but as a teenager I was painfully shy.
27 Applicants should have a friendly, outgoing nature as the role involves interaction with people from many areas within the company.
28 The former newsreader is being tipped as a possible successor to the outgoing Head of Broadcasting.
29 We learned to sleep through tremendous noises, such as outgoing mortar or artillery or machine-gun fire.
30 Users just have to click an on-screen button to encrypt an outgoing message.
1 She was always cheerful and outgoing.
2 She is such a gregarious and outgoing person.
3 He is an outgoing and lively person.
4 Sales reps need to be outgoing, because they are constantly meeting customers.
5 She is the outgoing head of a large corporation.
31 But Mr Clinton will not be able to immediately bask in the outgoing President's glory.
32 They were placed in a gentle curve, about twenty traps in all, facing the outgoing tide.
33 He was popular and outgoing; he was intelligent; he was an amusing talker.
34 To reduce outgoing noise from circuits, designers softened the sharp, nearly-square signals emitted by microprocessors used in Foxboro's equipment.
35 Most are Type A personalities, very outgoing, although a few are very shy and express themselves through their cars.
36 Mary Ann was vivacious, pretty, outgoing, and a good organizer.
37 Tall and slender, with pale skin and jet-black hair, she was less outgoing than her older sister.
38 Early returns show bitter rival and outgoing President Slobodan Milosevic well ahead in the race.
39 He is laid-back, affable and easy-going; she is more outgoing and flamboyant, continuously talking and joking.
40 Mr Blunkett was speaking last weekend as the outgoing chief inspector of prisons, Sir David Ramsbotham, called for legalisation.
41 Of the 20 Cabinet ministers and ministers of state in the outgoing government to stand for election only four were returned.
42 The resignation of the outgoing government, also headed by Pelivan, was accepted.
43 However, it is important to distinguish the presumptions applied to outgoing partners from those relevant to incoming ones.
44 He was such a loyal, staunch and tender-hearted friend of my family, and such an outgoing man.
45 Where there had been 81 clerics in the outgoing Majlis there were now 66.
46 Siumut lost votes but retained the 11 seats it held in the outgoing Landsting.
47 Some pundits argued that he was simply trying to score points against the outgoing government.
48 Clients of an outgoing partner must, of course, always be informed of his leaving the firm.
49 Personal I am an outgoing, sociable person and make and develop business and ordinary friendships easily.
50 These skills and her vivacious and outgoing personality enabled her to work effectively and happily in public relations.
51 Clearly,[] incoming coal supplies and outgoing cloth could be easily transported.
52 If they're okay they could then be processed and moved to an outgoing directory for print house access.
53 At one time, would-be subscribers had to be refused telephones because outgoing cables were overloaded with intelligence telephone taps.
54 The outgoing criminal code had provided for the death penalty for 18 kinds of crimes.
55 The average age in the new chamber will be 15 years younger than in the outgoing body, with many fewer clerics.
56 Marshall's skills and her outgoing personality made her very effective in her public relations jobs.
57 His wife, however, is an outgoing person with a quick temper.
58 Incoming/outgoing trains linked with the national rail network at Haybridge Junction, Wellington.
59 Roy was always cheerful and outgoing and generous to everyone.
60 The outgoing administration was asked to stay on meanwhile in a caretaker capacity.
61 An outgoing man, Mr Gibbs engaged himself in conversation with Jimmy and the boy's sisters.
62 One candidate, the outgoing Taoiseach and the then leader of Fine Gael, was a cert.
63 All four outgoing ministers had been accused of corruption and influence-peddling.
64 The continuing partners will wish to ensure that the outgoing partner can not damage that goodwill.
65 I am an outgoing, lively person who enjoys adventures and meeting new people.
66 At a drop zone there she met Steve, a tall, outgoing mechanical engineer who built jet engines.
67 Each neuron is a node where thousands of wires converge, where incoming mail is digested and sometimes turned into outgoing mail.
68 Only incoming or outgoing spacecraft were allowed in its air-space.
69 On the surface, he was a very outgoing man, frequently in the company of esteemed names from the showbusiness profession.
70 They received preliminary approval in the outgoing Legislative Assembly on April 29 and 30.
71 It was a good run into the city, against the outgoing commuter traffic.
72 She seems outgoing enough but she keeps things locked inside her.
73 So the Council had control both of outgoing and of incoming diplomatic traffic.
74 We were interested not only in political participation, but also in any sort of outgoing activity the individual might mention.
75 The outgoing council did not have legal authority to give final approval to an ordinance.
76 He was bluff, strong, friendly, and outgoing.
77 Why the outgoing President's felicitation on the indorsement?
78 Implement process inspection, final inspection, outgoing inspection.
79 And you must be friendly and outgoing.
80 She is frank and outgoing.
81 Would you describe yourself as outgoing or more reserved?
82 Outgoing current earthquake casualties or damage reported yet.
83 Very outgoing and enthusiastic,[/outgoing.html] a hellogh energy level.
84 Cynthia's personality was more forceful and outgoing.
85 Adler was an outgoing, sociable kind of man.
86 Is there outgoing call barring during the period?
87 Aunty Henny was an outgoing but reticent person.
88 She has a very outgoing personality.
89 Put the letter in the outgoing mail.
90 The outgoing assembly will have free rein to rewrite rules until the end of the year.
91 The thickness of the liquid crystal and the arrangement of liquid crystal molecule are flexible, there are no deviation in the outgoing beams.
92 Asynchronous invocations also typically require a currently open transaction to be committed to allow the outgoing request message to become visible to the consumer to whom it is targeted.
93 These flows are stateless; in general, a message comes in, the flow performs various operations on the message, then an outgoing message is sent.
94 In the case of fault occurrence, the outgoing line circuit breakerinstantaneously trips and then reclo...
95 Components of the output message – including their names (in the body of outgoing message) and type.
96 The operational principle of applied voltage method, the design of test circuit and outgoing line mechanism etc.
97 But Lee turned out to be charming and outgoing, the sort to put on a cowboy hat and snakeskin boots and head for the bars.
98 Teacher Cassie Krause knows by their lunchroom talk which of her students play video games, and many of them are her most outgoing in class.
99 The outgoing trust has been validated. It is in place and active.
100 On the left side of the screen is the incoming message, and on the right is the outgoing message.
101 The application, in turn , calls the server to an outgoing message.
102 Other Requirements: Must be fluent in English, outgoing, inquisitive and personally presentable , portraying company standards accurately.
103 If the incoming and outgoing line ends are copper spacers, the soft bus connects the copper pad with the coupling panel.
104 Miller was one of two outgoing transfers on deadline day, with Chris Eagles heading to Dutch side NEC Nijmegen on a four-month loan deal.
105 And outgoing and incoming correspondence is kept in that file, and reports in this one.
106 She arrived to receive the sash of office from the outgoing president.
107 Extraversion: assesses how outgoing you are, for example do you love or hate parties?
108 President-elect Lincoln rode to the ceremony with outgoing President James Buchanan.
109 Outgoing and incoming correspondence is kept in this file, invoices and receipts in this one , and product information, reports and business documents in this one.
110 At runtime, the sequence file in that directory indicates the processing order of the outgoing data.
111 And outgoing and incoming correspondence is kept in the file , reports and business documents in this one , And customer's information is in that one .
112 A message splitter can be used to break down an outgoing message into parts and dispatch those parts over different endpoints configured on the router.
113 There is no second outgoing call on same channel in DDE conversation.
114 She seems friendly, spontaneous, outgoing - the absolute antithesis of " computer geek. "
115 Java Telephony API: Allows Java programs to create and terminate outgoing calls, listen for and answer incoming calls, and detect changes in the call state.
116 A location where operators tear off incoming printed and punched paper tape and transfer it manually to the proper outgoing circuit.
117 Photographer Huang Hao was impressed by Zeng's outgoing and optimistic character.
118 But starting a casual conversation with a stranger -- especially when that stranger has the power to boost your career -- can be nerve-wracking for even the most outgoing people.
119 I can then use generics to specify the explicit type for both the outgoing key and the value.
120 An outgoing can be categorised as either of revenue or capital.
121 For the topic, carries on the commentary in each big website outgoing message.
122 Accusing the outgoing Government of all kinds of swindling and corruption.
123 As the different requirement of feed grain size and outgoing grain size, the milling procedure is divided into two stages: fine milling and ultra-fine milling.
124 The oven has reasonable structure, prevents short circuit caused by the contact of the oven body and an outgoing line of a fixture on an aging rack and has good work effect.
125 They weren't home, but luckily their outgoing message included my mother's cell-phone number.
126 The invention particularly relates to a power cable distribution box capable of realizing arrangement of four cables on the outgoing line side of a load switch.
127 Leaders were asked to rate their own extraversion -- the degree to which they commanded the center of attention by acting talkative, assertive, outgoing and dominant.
128 Any outgoing ray path must be coincident with that of the returning ray.
129 When sending an outgoing message, you can select whether new attachments are sent with the message or are saved to a Lotus Quickr library and replaced with links in the email.
130 Outgoing Sender is an equipment in telecommunication network that transmits call completion information on an interoffice call.
131 The way that this script is set up by default is such that it will only work with outgoing traffic.
132 He had been outgoing, aggressive, ambitious, he planned to go into politics.
133 He's not the thoroughly outgoing character you'd predict, although he has his moments.
134 The toadies were gone, for the outgoing president had nothing to give.
135 The temperature differences between ingoing and outgoing streams of gases are higher , thus requiring more refrigeration.
136 Is your mother working or a homemaker, outgoing or a homebody, loves to travel or do gardening or maybe loves fashion or shopping every few days.
137 The outgoing must be relevant and incidental to the earning of income.
138 The switch looks up the destination MAC address in its switching table, determines the outgoing interface port, and forwards the frame on to its destination through the designated switch port.
139 This contrasts with the publish/subscribe model (also known as Event Driven Architecture) in which an outgoing transaction may be destined for one or more target endpoints.
140 The portlet/servlet controls the basic incoming and outgoing form processing.
140 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
141 The Welsh Terrier is friendly, outgoing to people and other dogs, showing spirit and courage.
142 These two pieces of incoming and outgoing mail alternately adorned his desk.
143 For both Incoming mail server and Outgoing mail server, enter as shown above.
144 First, it analyses the causes of outgoing and incoming delays. Then, the performance is evaluated by computer simulation. Finally, the implementation of the polling technique for computer communi...
145 Dag Hammarskjold was the organisation's first superstar. Kofi Annan , the outgoing secretary - general , has been widely admired.
146 The use of the telephone to conduct sales and marketing, Incoming and outgoing telemarketing is generally run throught 800 toll-free wats numbers.
147 Outgoing: Users in the specified domain can authenticate in the local domain.
148 If we're arguing that this system needs to be usable by 10-line PHP scripts, then a poorly implemented outgoing message queue is par for the course.
149 The Bank of Italy's outgoing governor, Mario Draghi, spelt things out recently in a hard-hitting farewell speech (before taking the reins at the European Central Bank).
150 This node allows retrieved values from one or more tables within a database to be inserted into new or existing tree elements located in the outgoing message assembly.
151 The command calling number outbound is used only for FGD-EANA signalling to generate ANI digits for outgoing calls.
152 At a periodic interval, the outgoing email is sent, and the mail file is replicated with the server version to exchange any changes between the two databases.




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