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单词 Outright
(1) Kawaguchi finally resorted to an outright lie.
(2) I think cigarette advertising should be banned outright.
(3) If she asked me outright , I'd tell her.
(4) They opted for rescheduling rather than outright cancellation.
(5) You should persuade her to marry you outright.
(6) Companies are moving away from outright purchase of company cars to contract hire.
(7) No one party is expected to gain an outright majority.
(8) Instead of an outright coup attempt, the rebels want to chip away at her authority.
(9) I told him outright what I thought of his behaviour.
(10) The driver and all three passengers were killed outright.
(11) Most of the crash victims were killed outright.
(12) Outsiders are regarded with outright hostility.
(13) She couldn't help herself and she laughed outright.
(14) I told him outright what I thought of him.
(15) They rejected the deal outright .
(16) I determined that I would ask him outright.
(17) There was no outright winner in the election.
(18) Three people were killed outright in the accident.
(19) The passenger was killed outright .
(20) The proposal was met with outright hostility.
(21) He swung from mere indifference to outright scorn.
(22) His proposal was rejected outright .
(23) The group rejects outright any negotiations with the government.
(24) She had failed to win an outright victory.
(25) Why don't you ask him outright if it's true?
(26) The peace plan wasn't rejected outright.
(27) There was outright opposition to the plan.
(28) She was the outright winner.
(29) Although they are the biggest single party[/outright.html], they don't have an outright majority.
(30) We had saved enough money to buy the house outright.
(1) Kawaguchi finally resorted to an outright lie.
(2) I think cigarette advertising should be banned outright.
(3) If she asked me outright , I'd tell her.
(4) They opted for rescheduling rather than outright cancellation.
(5) You should persuade her to marry you outright.
(6) Companies are moving away from outright purchase of company cars to contract hire.
(7) No one party is expected to gain an outright majority.
(8) Instead of an outright coup attempt, the rebels want to chip away at her authority.
(9) Three people were killed outright in the accident.
(10) She was the outright winner.
(11) The Convention of Peking in 1860 , which ended the hostilities, provided for its outright cession.
(12) If you have a complaint you should tell me outright.
(31) The response of the audience varied from outright rejection to warm hospitality.
(32) With three teams finishing on 40 points, there was no outright winner.
(33) An aide was already spinning the senator's defeat as 'almost as good as an outright win'.
(34) The Convention of Peking in 1860 , which ended the hostilities, provided for its outright cession.
(35) If you have a complaint you should tell me outright.
(36) Neither candidate won outright.
(37) I told him to get lost and leave me alone and his tone quickly changed from obsequiousness to outright anger.
(38) They fired her outright.
(39) He has fought more than fifty bulls, killing three outright.
(40) He won a 48 percent plurality of the vote rather than an outright majority.
(41) The point is to avoid outright confrontation.
(42) What could I say, asked outright?
(43) Our hearer may even reject them outright as false.
(44) But not a willowy woman, rather an outright presence.
(45) Neither man won an outright majority.
(46) Most of the lawmakers rejected the idea outright.
(46) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(47) Diplomatic negotiations were rejected outright as insufficiently forceful.
(48) They greeted Hess's ideas with skepticism or outright disdain.
(49) They laughed outright at my suggestion.
(50) But the outright winner has to be the microwave.
(51) There were few outright failures, and many clear-cut successes.
(52) This organization was one of outright opposition.
(53) My driver was killed outright.
(54) She once asked him outright if he were homosexual.
(55) Such outright activism is not for every think tank.
(56) I mean she doesn't complain outright.
(57) Have you considered hire purchase and leasing as well as outright purchase?
(58) For years companies who have fleets of cars have used this method of payment instead of buying outright.
(59) If the city buys tickets outright, however, it will save an average of $ 4 per ticket.
(60) They say the trend is towards outright purchase now rather than leaseback.
(61) Indeed, some of the latter amount to outright feuds between some of the best-known quality advocates.
(62) In 1990, it emerged that he had held discussions about buying PowerGen, the state electricity generator, outright.
(63) Even if the prey is not killed outright, there is a greater chance that it will be incapacitated.
(64) That will involve significant change from the separation, suspicion, and even outright confrontation that have existed for decades.
(65) Nothing so tempts us to believe outright lies and unfounded stories posing as science than the sensationalistic schlock therein.
(66) A number of members of Congress protested that such work was, if not outright illegal, then certainly a moral wrong.
(67) They resist school procedures and rules but not to the point of risking outright confrontation with teachers.
(68) Unlike outright slaves, they maintained themselves by cultivating the land conditionally allotted to them by their master.
(69) Instead, it fired her outright(), hoping thereby to placate the students and thus bring the whole matter to a close.
(70) This displeasure can range from mild disapproval to outright ostracism.
(71) Eminent scientists are clamouring for an outright ban on all chlorine substances.
(72) These varied from outright refusal to accept the woman engineer, to a bantering jokiness.
(73) While they could scarcely challenge Rome outright, neither could they defend what they did not believe.
(74) And the owner of the Red Sox sold him outright to New York.
(75) In addition to buying outright, Durbeck became an ace scrounger on the garage-sale, thrift-shop and flea-market circuits.
(76) We did not condemn empiricism outright, merely its substitution for reality.
(76) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(77) Often delay will serve the client just as well as outright victory.
(78) The 1955 original was a triumph of atmosphere, character, diabolical wit and outright scare-you-silly shock tactics.
(79) But by a miracle he had not been killed outright, and was saved.
(80) There was no doubt that these men were guilty of subverting the constitution, if not of outright treason to the republic.
(81) Disease continued its work in the 1850s and 1860s, as did enslavement and outright murder.
(82) Earlier in the day, bonds received a boost as the central bank said it would buy government bonds outright.
(83) Competition and struggle may be the watchwords but this does not necessarily imply outright hostility.
(84) The company can provide televisions on contract rental, hire purchase or outright purchase.
(85) Early polls show Zyuganov may come out ahead in first-round voting, but will fall short of outright victory.
(86) Heads responded to advisory views of good practice in different ways, ranging from unthinking conformity to outright rejection.
(87) When you want to know the answer to something, you ask outright.
(88) In 1842 Hong Kong was ceded outright to Great Britain.
(89) During the election campaign Bush was careful not to say outright that he would bring the boys home from the Balkans.
(90) Houses could be paid off gradually; paintings had to be bought outright.
(91) Kahn needs 50% plus one vote to win the primary outright.
(92) Clinton needs 2,145 delegates to win outright on the first Democratic Party ballot at the July convention.
(93) Mrs Fanshawe was flung clear, the other two killed outright.
(94) Some had been killed outright by flying shrapnel, others had been badly wounded and had died slowly.
(95) The Royal College of Nursing agreed to recommend it to their members(), but the health unions rejected it outright.
(96) The only other recreational drug used in this way is nicotine, which is also seldom used for outright intoxication.
(97) Dexter sat back in his armchair, unsure whether to laugh outright or smile knowingly at the businessman's practical joke.
(98) Too bad the yarn is interwoven with illogic, inconsistency and outright balderdash.
(99) Nevertheless, she did give outright support to the stand taken by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
(100) Ministers insist that voluntary agreements with the tobacco industry are more effective than outright bans.
(101) So how could a species slowly and randomly evolve the ability not to be killed outright?
(102) It would, however, be incorrect to deduce that in the nineteenth century only outright deception was commented upon.
(103) From reluctant acceptance, the village mood was rapidly transformed into outright hostility.
(104) That same year, the 100-member House voted for outright repeal, causing a General Assembly stalemate.
(105) He insisted the polls indicated that the voters did not want either the Tories or Labour to win outright.
(106) Morgan had his chances,[http:///outright.html] even after losing the lead outright when Player had a second straight birdie on No. 15.
(107) But you suggested I might have asked you outright for your - er - credentials.
(108) A word such as because makes an outright claim of a causal relationship between one idea and another.
(109) When Louis' verdict condemned the Provisions of Oxford outright, the Montfortians refused to accept the verdict and prepared for war.
(110) He was killed outright when his car crashed at high speed.
(111) The total fee of 5,000 is in outright purchase of the copyright of the material.
(112) Out West, all-powerful railroad interests dominated state governments and even owned several state legislatures outright.
(113) Nearly three-quarters of voters, 71 percent, expect no party to win an outright majority.
(114) Two more were spurred into it through outright rebellion against their mothers' ideas, with more than a touch of stubbornness.
(115) There is a steady current of physicality in their play which sometimes spills over into outright violence.
(116) All were in old, tattered clothes, some in outright rags; many were barefoot and hatless.
(117) You can either buy outright, or join in a coop ownership scheme.
(118) Unless the Grand Theogonist is killed outright the Jade Griffon will enable him to sustain wounds which would kill an ordinary man.
(119) The new bill would allow close ties or outright mergers between local and long-distance companies.
(120) After about 20 minutes of arguing, both of them seemed on the verge of outright hysteria.
(121) Forbes' book on Bonham is littered with half-truths, and, in some cases, outright lies.
(122) A strategic alliance may take the form of an outright acquisition, minority stake, joint venture or brand franchise.
(123) Those who do not will remain awash in half-truths, outright deceptions and fraud.
(124) The representatives of national groups increasingly demanded the right of autonomy, of self-government, if not outright secession.
(125) The system is tailor-made for manipulation or even outright fraud.
(126) Two years later the itinerant returned to attack Garden outright for allowing laxity and not promoting the preaching of grace.
(127) Outright batsmen joined the queue, and the supposedly slow bowlers were marking out what looked like suspiciously long run-ups.
(128) They've stayed that way because outright majority has been given with the help of the council's single independent.
(129) Smith should own the record outright by the third or fourth game of the 2001 season.
(130) Sometimes a party will win a period of office outright; more commonly perhaps two or more parties will share power.
(131) He rejected outright the idea that he was a special case.
(132) Most access equipment can be hired if outright purchase is not warranted.
(133) Although he did not reject a fact-finding mission outright, Major was clearly less than enthusiastic about the idea.
(134) Federal courthouses receive thousands of such pleas each year from state prisoners; virtually all are rejected outright.
(135) If you can afford to do so, buying your home outright usually makes sense.
(136) Enter the new championship,[http:///outright.html] with a complicated set of rules designed to promote an outright winner at the end of it.
(137) Thus, if interest rates are expected to fall, market participants will be unwilling to sell bills outright to the Bank.
(138) Yet his proposals were denounced in the provinces, delayed in the Duma and rejected outright in the State Council.
(139) Inheriting money, the gentle practice of gentlemen and the upper classed for centuries is now frowned upon or outright criticised.
(140) Gandhi rejects outright claims made concerning the superior or inferior status of religions.
(141) The price, perhaps $ 2 a pop, would be much cheaper than buying the software outright.
(142) Instead of making an outright payment to a beneficiary the trustees may decide to lend monies to a beneficiary.
(143) The tempestuous Belle was nurtured and protected in Cleveland to the point of outright embarrassment for management.
(144) The San Francisco-based trade organization reports that 21 states have an outright ban on out-of-state shipments of alcoholic beverages.
(145) Petitions may be either for the outright rejection of the order or its amendment.
(146) History was being catalogued here, the missed opportunities, blunders, and outright mistakes.
(147) Its cadres were decimated, whether through discouragement, capitulation, imprisonment, or outright murder.
(148) He was slow to react to her revelation, the only possibility he had dismissed outright.
(149) But Dudaev would be foolish to spurn the offer outright.
(150) It seemed crazy that she couldn't ask outright - claim the relationship which was almost certainly hers.
(151) It was never their intention to win the war outright in this period.
(152) If it occurs on a sufficiently large scale, either main party might still win an outright majority.
(153) This is a subservient way of talking in which everything is hedged about and nothing asserted outright.
(154) Parts of the opponent are frozen solid and turn into ice, causing terrible wounds or killing him outright.
(155) If outright desire was hard to come by at City, we had our escapes.
(156) But if he could not kill them outright, he could put them in the way of tolerably certain death.
(157) It will also be the first since 1979 in which none of the parties is expected to gain an outright majority.
(158) He got up and briefly stepped outside to avoid telling an outright lie.
(159) Alternatively, if your site generates heavy traffic and looks promising, some one may want to buy you outright.
(160) He knew that if she asked outright, he would tell her.
(161) And that morning he had used every ounce of political persuasion and outright muscle to twist his colleagues into agreement.
(162) A number argued that an outright ban should be introduced on the holding of client money by sole practitioners.
(163) In November Fretilin offered the government unconditional peace talks, but the move was rejected outright by the government.
(164) Again, the undertaker offered two choices to the client: outright purchase of all the accoutrements or the hire thereof.
(165) Its snarls ran the gamut from pain to alarm, from alarm to outright terror.
(166) A creature any larger, however,[] would likely be severely injured or killed outright.
(167) Without much outright horsepower-a distinct lack of brawn-the Porsche should be driven with brains.
(168) This is an exceptional facility and most shortages are relieved by outright purchases by the Bank, against same-day settlement.
(169) Some were outright extensions of traditional hierarchies, while others were predominantly recruited from the new plutocracy and professions.
(170) Sometimes she began to question her outright rejection of her parents' values.
(171) But Huddersfield lost and Leeds won, to take the subsidiary league championship outright, with 15 points from 10 games.
(172) The proposal came amid fears that the Ministry of Agriculture might introduce tougher restrictions or even an outright ban.
(173) And our soulless moments of marital disconnection have robbed her of the outright gaiety that once counterpointed these darker spells.
(174) Starting with outright animation, the sequence concludes with a most unusual instance of overt travelling matte.
(175) Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold. Helen Keller 
(176) Only a handful of polls since Christmas have given either party the lead they would need to secure an outright majority.
(177) The central bank also bought about 200 billion yen in government bonds outright.
(178) A total of 210 people were killed outright by the soldiers, another seventy-one died later and 173 were less seriously wounded.
(179) It is also exercised in a variety of ways, ranging from a forthright presentation of data to outright deception.
(180) The changes required are not so great that it should be rejected outright.
(181) The government responded to such pressure not with concessions or negotiations but with outright repression.
(182) The phase is typically characterized by the outright purchase of the works in question.
(183) The Joint Chiefs of Staff recommended last fall that the project be killed outright.
(184) Dissatisfaction often leads to outright treason.
(185) Default does not have to mean outright debt repudiation.
(186) I would like to swear at myself outright once.
(187) They can now establish outright dictatorship.
(188) They undergird civilization. But they aren't gifts outright.
(189) To be sure, teens often deny outright any possibility that their uncool parents could possibly influence them in any way, and particularly in regard to religion.
(190) By day, Tripoli is effectively in a security lockdown and there are no outright signs of protest or dissent.
(191) A sibling, aunt, uncle, or other family member, may be able to help you with a loan or outright cash gift, thanks to the position of Venus this month in your third house.
(192) But It'succumbed in the 18 th and 19 th centuries to economic stagnation, foreign and outright conquest.
(193) In addition to outright acquisitions, the war chest could also fund licensing agreements.
(194) Do I think they would try and actually buy outright a major mining company?
(195) That means share sales are structurally higher than outright purchases.
(196) Grainger rejects outright any suggestion that there was any other motivation relating to Mr. Nicholson's beliefs or otherwise.
(197) Keep in mind as well that different accounting assumptions or outright manipulation can skew financial ratio comparisons both within and between companies.
(198) So someone can ask What is your spot dollar mark outright tomorrow?
(199) Every business should assign some time and money to outright [/outright.html], unashamed experimentation.
(200) In extreme cases, they call for the outright expropriation of privately owned assets.
(201) The used equipment could have been sold outright for not more than $6050.It had cost $12000 new,and accumulative depreciation it was $5200,making the net book value $6800.
(202) Be absent exclusively Post " buy outright " inside the plan is " Washington Post " electronic edition employee.
(203) gjr10times (Chennai) 3 hrs ago (06:37 AM)Chennai, 9/3/2011 6:31 AM, Why the license was refused outright at first instance. Why it was not issued with same riders earlier.
(204) This is not the Overlord regulations and outright fraud have done?
(205) This list is based on some of the outright disturbing items recently put up for auction from Michael Jackson's estate.
(206) While European regulators didn't outright quash that deal, they outlined harsh conditions required to gain approval.
(207) You should never run a one-liner outright; always print out what it will do before you actually run the command.
(208) So Leviticus supports outright charity for the poor in the form of gleanings. Kind of a welfare system. Deuteronomy has more of a workfare system in mind; they actually never mention the poor.
(209) When coffee is sold at a flat price, like $1.85 per pound, it is called outright pricing.
(210) Exploitive styles must be conducted with great subtlety as very few counterparts are so desperate as to welcome or tolerate outright exploitation.
(211) To understand how futures work, let's compare a futures trade with a cash trade - buying or selling a quantity of a commodity outright.
(212) The bankrupt of Baring Bank was connected with speculative behavior of LEESON outright.
(213) I am do through the transaction decide, ( sells outright player ) is not the splendid management behavior.
(214) Under the banner of holistic and integrative healthcare, he thus promotes a 'quick fix' and outright quackery.
(215) Mindanao is racked by insurgencies, from the semi-respectable—the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) is engaged in peace talks—to the outright criminal, such as Abu Sayyaf in its present form.
(216) Enthusiasm about the visit is a minority interest, though larger than the outright opposition.
(217) The resolution stopped short of an outright declaration of independence.
(218) Since making keys non - exportable stops outright theft, we had to revise our attack strategy.
(219) Rather than collapse outright a carmaker could file for bankruptcy protection.
(220) Experienced observers used to insist that outright sexual discrimination is not common.
(221) Suddenly, a shell fell directly into the middle of the line, killing 22 people outright and splattering blood and gore over the entire area.
(222) Men of feeling may at any moment be killed outright by the iniquitous and the callous.
(223) Many now think the US will narrowly dodge outright economic contraction.
(224) The Bible encourages us to be slow to anger but doesn't condemn it outright.
(225) We think that vendors will be moving their portfolios to lower-priced products and maybe some outright price cutting. Average sales prices are going to suffer.
(226) At the thought of the failure of her little surprise and of the two and fourpence she had thrown away for nothing she nearly cried outright.
(226) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(227) Notably, patients with diabetes and nephrotic - proteinuria were excluded from the protocol outright.
(228) If fundamental factors change or a security becomes overvalued based on our valuation models, we consider reducing that holding's weighting or an outright sale of the security.
(229) He called plans to build a newheavy liquid-fueled missile "outright stupidity."
(230) Olson's second kind of capture involved interest groups' laying claim to an expanding federal budget for outright payments of federal monies-a more unlimited danger.
(231) The company pays to remove the one-time compensation expenses of labor contract worker (include to buy outright) of defray of length of service, whether deduct before duty of enterprise income tax?
(232) The focus is on what goes wrong with them, along with bitterness, suspicion and outright hostility.
(233) As overseer of the largest mortgage bond portfolio in the world, the central bank itself has indicated it wants to steer clear of selling agency MBS outright, at least for now.
(234) The chambermaid smirked and went for a cap , but I laughed outright.
(235) Controls should remain workable in the face of changed plans, unforeseen circumstances, or outright failures.
(236) The brother was killed outright, and it seems impossible that Nidal can ever walk again, but no one admits that.
(237) That will make monocrystalline PV cost competitive outright, while retaining their efficiency and life-cycle advantages.
(238) Why are you so mysterious? Why don't you tell me outright?
(239) If you buy a house first, how long will it take you to save enough cash in order to purchase a car outright?
(240) Classmates often adore so that extremely admire to the name of a few reverberate like thunder, should appear on the data only, buy outright not by accident.
(241) The outright rate is the spot rate adjusted by the points of discount or premium.
(242) President lary - Byrd expressed that the team will not sell outright the sandbank Si Li contract.
(243) Reports of conflicts of interest or outright corruption surface regularly.
(244) The investigation is only into diploma mills, not outright r é sum é falsification.
(244) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(245) She lectured them about politeness and sharing and outright tried to bully her way into that playgroup.
(246) The Kai - shek leadership opposed the outright capitulation which it knew the entire nation would never accept.
(247) If the gods think to speak outright to man, they will honourably speak outright.
(248) Weimusai says, buy outright a plan " will make cost is cut while we are undertaking recombining , improve efficiency " .
(249) Ahab at first tried buy the vineyard outright , willing to offer a fabulous price far it.
(250) The money is clearly there: indeed, it has been calculated that the monetary reserves of the People's Republic are big enough for it to buy Italy outright.
(251) The current minimum solvency margin standard for non-life insurance businesses in China was an outright trans- plantation of the EU 1973 standard.
(252) What is more, those who choose not to empathise may enable real monsters. For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy.
(253) But President Dwight D. Eisenhower believed that any armed conflict with Moscow would accelerate into a thermonuclear holocaust, and he rejected outright this notion of "limited" nuclear war.




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