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单词 sky
释义  Related topics: Naturesky /skaɪ/ ●●● S2 W2 noun (plural skies)  1  DN[singular, uncountable] the space above the Earth where clouds and the Sun and stars appear 天,天空 The sky grew dark, and a cold rain began to fall. 天色转暗,开始下起冰冷的雨来。 A shooting star sped across the night sky. 一颗流星划过天空。in the sky There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. 天空晴朗无云。2  skies [plural]WEATHER a word meaning ‘sky’, used especially when describing the weather or what the sky looks like in a place 天空〔尤用于描述天气或某处的天空情况〕 a land of blue skies and warm sunshine 天空碧蓝、阳光和煦的一片土地 The skies were overcast, and it was chilly and damp. 天空阴暗,天气寒冷而潮湿。3  the sky’s the limit spoken used to say that there is no limit to what someone can achieve, spend, win etc 〔花费〕没有上限;〔成就、成绩等〕不可限量 Francis believes the sky’s the limit for the young goalkeeper. 弗朗西斯认为,这名年轻的守门员前途不可限量。 → pie in the sky at pie(4), → praise somebody/something to the skies at praise1(1) COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1 & 2ADJECTIVES/NOUN + skyblue 蓝色的The sky was blue and the sun was shining. 蔚蓝的天空,阳光普照。grey British English, gray American English: 灰暗的,灰色的Rain was starting to fall from the grey sky. 灰暗的天空下起雨来。dark/black 黑暗的/黑色的Fireworks burst up into the dark sky. 烟花蹿升到漆黑的天空中。cloudy/dull/overcast (=with clouds) 阴天的Cloudy skies were forecast. 预报是阴天。bright/clear/cloudless (=without clouds) 晴朗的/无云的The sun rose higher in the cloudless sky. 太阳升得更高了,天空中没有一丝云彩。azure literary (=bright blue) 蔚蓝色的nThe sun shone out of a clear azure sky.nleaden/lowering literary (=with a lot of grey cloud)The leaden skies cleared and the sun came out.a starry sky (=with a lot of stars) 星空nWe had dinner on the terrace under a beautiful starry sky.the darkening sky (=becoming darker) 暗下来的天空nBenjamin stared up at the darkening sky.nthe lightening sky (=becoming lighter)A plane flew across the lightening sky.the night/evening/morning sky 夜晚/傍晚/早晨的天空nThe moon is the brightest object visible in the night sky.the summer/winter sky 夏日/冬日的天空nHer eyes were as blue as the summer sky.the open sky (=a large area of sky) 广阔的天空nThey lay on the ground under the open big sky (=a sky that looks large)Montana is still a land of big skies.verbsthe sky darkens 天空暗下来The sky darkened and thunder rolled in from the west. 天色变暗,雷声从西面滚滚而来。the sky clouds over (=clouds appear) 天空中云层密布The sky was beginning to cloud over. 天空中开始云层密布。the sky clears (=the clouds disappear) 天空放晴nBy dawn the sky had cleared.Examples from the Corpussky• She ran through the last few streets and saw with relief the familiar tall building rising against the night sky.• Just being in the same sky with them made me nervous.• We all share the same sky and the same passion, which is to see our joint projects take to the air.• Yolanda looks up at the sky.• The darker the sky, the better chance of seeing the comet, he said.• The island has no roads, one cellular phone and a fresh water supply that comes from the sky.• The rocket shot up into the sky.• Two searchlights came on, brilliant sticks of light, prodding the sky.• The sky turned dark just before the storm.• The sky is full of tears the sky• Seconds later sunlight flashed on metal and the aircraft appeared in the skies above them.• A twilight Saturday show will feature light displays in the skies.• There is menace in the sky.• The next he knew there was a shape in the sky to his left, moving fast towards him a little from below.• Everything was new to me: every smell was strange, every star in the sky seemed unfamiliar.• Perfect streets, but up in the sky.• I can not locate the bird, but I have the impression it is flying continuously high up in the sky.• When the shiny silver B-29s were in the sky, we children ran inside our homes immediately.nSky  n → see Sky TVOrigin sky (1200-1300) Old Norse “cloud”sky noun →COLLOCATIONS1SkyLDOCE OnlineChinese  the Corpus Earth clouds the above where space




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