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单词 Additionally
1. You can pay bills over the Internet. Additionally, you can check your balance or order statements.
2. Additionally, the bus service will run on Sundays, every two hours.
3. A new contract is in place. Additionally, staff will be offered a bonus scheme.
4. The birds are additionally protected in the reserves at Birsay.
5. Additionally, there is no automatic right to adjust pleadings.
6. Additionally, you should consider contacting the appropriate regulatory body.
7. Additionally, Verio has invested $ 5.6 million in NorthPoint.
8. Additionally, the traditional organizational structure is drastically altered.
9. What restrictions did we additionally place on the articles?
10. Porto Heli and Cannigione additionally offer catamaran coaching.
11. Additionally, he wrote two substantial books.
12. Additionally, paint brushes can be cleaned in water.
13. Additionally, the new law has symbolic functions.
14. Snow close to the coast is often additionally contaminated by mineral salts and organic material from the sea.
15. Additionally, many students have brought with them to school the chaos that surrounds their life outside school.
16. Additionally, training and riding a horse teaches it a whole range of new habits in relation to its work and us.
17. They may also additionally represent much more; they may indeed have a highly integrating social function.
18. Additionally, many of these illnesses are carried home and transmitted to other members of a household.
18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
19. Additionally, we have fought to preserve the path despite its obvious disadvantage to us personally.
20. Additionally, proctors at the test centers noticed that one person was taking multiple tests under different names, Morgenthau said.
21. Additionally, those entitled to income support receive full help with their rent and up to 80 percent assistance with their community charge.
22. Additionally, when you retire, you may be in a lower tax bracket.
23. Additionally, these sections have made a financial contribution to the sponsorship.
24. Additionally, there are occasional examples of cycle lanes being carried in streets against the flow of one-way traffic systems.
25. Additionally, the district faced a merger with a neighbour and major restructuring of unit management.
26. Additionally, they migrate through the tissues of the horse, especially the liver and lungs, and cause considerable damage.
27. Additionally, he would have received $ 6, 000 in lump sum payments.
28. Additionally, carbon dioxide is produced as a result of continued metabolism.
29. Additionally, two presidential decrees on March 23 had been designed to cushion the blow of the price rises.
30. Porto Heli and Cannigione additionally offer catamaran coaching. Strong winds and some racing provide further challenges.
1. You can pay bills over the Internet. Additionally, you can check your balance or order statements.
31. Additionally, the bibliographic records owned by both Libraries are in themselves commercially valuable.
32. Additionally, it read all cable traffic entering and leaving Britain.
33. Additionally, the cost of debt finance is made even cheaper because debt interest payments are a tax-deductible expense.
34. He may additionally, by dream mechanisms and current computation, try to fashion in a whole technicolor picture of the scenery.
35. Additionally, workers became even more open about expressing their approval or disapproval about proposed changes.
36. Additionally, these bolts and other protection are commonly used to rest on during the ascent.
37. The group may be smuggling drugs. Additionally, they're suspected of several murders.
38. Additionally, as will be seen in Chapter 13, the cost of debt is lower than the cost of equity capital.
39. There is again a plume, but additionally horizontal layers of double diffusive convection spread out around this.
40. Additionally, falling prices for key commodities, like copper, are keeping a lid on most manufacturing costs.
41. Additionally the controversial fast breeder and high temperature reactor projects are being re-examined.
42. Additionally there is a comprehensive benefits package that will include relocation expenses if needed.
43. Additionally, in many areas it runs parallel to power cabling.
44. Additionally, the stalemate over economic union makes it difficult to assess the costs of insurance or mortgages arranged abroad.
45. Additionally, of course, such a diverse distribution of services amongst so many bodies is a potential nightmare for the ordinary consumer.
46. Additionally the sweat serves to cool down the body temperature.
47. Additionally, grain merchandisers bought corn futures this morning, suggesting additional sales could loom on the horizon, traders said.
48. Two bed apartments additionally offer dishwasher and en suite shower facilities to master bedrooms.
48. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
49. Additionally, an open house for those interested in participating in the training class is planned for sometime in late spring.
50. Additionally, many people report stomach upsets, ear infections and rashes after coming into contact with the lake water.
51. Additionally, engineers should look after their own personal safety, and help others to look after theirs.
52. Additionally, when a horizontal-head centrifuge stops. the tubes fall from the horizontal to the vertical position.
53. Salads are not included in the price of entrees but may be ordered additionally.
54. Additionally, she found favor with him by establishing other houses of prayer throughout his kingdom.
55. Additionally, rapid repetition of the experiment allows the production of abdominal movies without any harmful effects to the subjects.
56. Additionally, the needle has a long groove in its front face.
57. Additionally, less electricity is used and the chef wastes no time waiting for the correct temperature to be reached.
58. Additionally, human readers are able to make a multitude of inferences about the sentences within a discourse.
59. Additionally, 22, 472 children were placed in state psychiatric hospitals nationwide in 1986.
60. Additionally, there would be various piles of books taken off the shelves and marked for action of one kind or another.
61. Additionally, entire segments of some companies will be eliminated as companies identify and refocus on their core business.
62. Additionally he made some very useful contributions in loose play, and must now be a serious contender for the Lions.
63. Additionally, they feared the full development of a national health service, viewed by them as unacceptable socialism.
64. Additionally the full range from Marvic Textiles is now available from Sloane Avenue providing an exceptionally comprehensive selection of furnishing fabric.
65. Additionally the mouse-based scrolling controls are sensitive, often causing the landscape to blur.
66. Additionally there were protests from the Elf colonies in the Old World who saw the departure of the armies as a betrayal.
67. Additionally, Harman is investing $ 10 million to build a computer speaker manufacturing line that will generate 200 jobs.
68. Additionally, this waste is a potential source of pollution when it degrades, releasing undesirable chemicals into the soil and air.
69. Some environmental improvements and land reclamation had additionally taken place.
70. This edition additionally incorporates information for those working in residential homes.
71. Additionally I might have info about further education and job opportunities, plus business contacts.
72. Additionally and importantly, for from this so much resulted, there was extensive correspondence to be dealt with.
73. Additionally, they may also allow access to publish some of your information on the Internet as well.
74. Additionally, he accepted the need to tackle racial disadvantage and other social issues.
75. Additionally, for the last five years a history is kept aggregating the number of days absence by type of absence.
76. Schlesinger additionally alleged that storage facilities for Soviet missiles existed at Berbera.
77. Additionally, there will be an increased renal excretion of potassium causing a decrease of potassium in the extracellular fluid. 258.
78. Additionally they need individually different attention[sentence dictionary], not simply because each child is unique but because the different stages require different interpretations.
79. Additionally, some of the chairs in use at workstations are not adjustable, and will require replacement.
80. Additionally, a uniform quality standard in safety training will be created throughout the Group.
81. Additionally, the standard errors of the estimated coefficients are larger in Models 2 and 3 than in Model 1.
82. Additionally, if a young trainee achieves a vocational qualification additional funding can be received for the benefit of future trainees.
83. Additionally, few primary schools have the equipment or facilities to carry out scientific experiments as the syllabus suggests.
84. Additionally, the system automatically monitors the calls made by each room and provides a summary report on each guest.
85. Additionally, there was an evening barbecue entertained by a local pop group.
86. Additionally, you could configure the product to be conservative or optimistic in its assessments.
87. The company personnel additionally comprises administration and logistics staff along with team leaders and testing technicians.
88. Additionally, Jeff Osbourn, 38, was promoted to senior vice president of operations.
89. Additionally, these straps can sometimes be used to attach extra side pockets.
90. Additionally, the greater closeness that better communication brings, the greater pleasure and rewards we will experience with our horses.
91. Additionally, the Internet is helping spread the word about the Dvorak layout far wider and faster than was previously possible.
92. Additionally, the new flat rate should vary by types of authority, not by population.
93. Additionally, the mapping procedure is not well understood, and there is no guarantee the system will converge.
94. Additionally, some of the worker's surplus was seized by the feudal lord.
95. Additionally, bargaining is a closed, private activity which sits uneasily astride the current emphasis on open government and public participation.
96. On this occasion, however, they asked that their solicitors should be served additionally.
97. Additionally, you cannot unbind properties using these techniques.
98. Additionally the extract contains substances, which act against cramps.
99. Text served, additionally to canonize belief.
100. Sufferring other to restrict additionally is not sufferable .
101. Additionally, a layout contains permissions and other file attributes.
102. Additionally, covalent modifications have effect on the mobility of some proteins.
103. Additionally. Nasal discharges are excoriate and cause burning nostrils, the person' eyes water as if by onions.
104. Additionally, we draw on exchange theories to identify product and market factors that impact buyers' perceptions of the probability and magnitude of supply disruption.
105. A shoe is an item of footwear evolved at first to protect the human foot and later, additionally, as an item of decoration in itself. What fashion lover doesn't love shoes?
106. Additionally, donor milk banks pasteurize all milk prior to distribution and check it for bacterial content.
107. Additionally, salary and occupation development are the two most important employee - prompting means.
108. Additionally, the quantitative result is obtained though simulation,[] and suggestion is presented for the designers of clock source and data acquisition system.
109. Additionally, the development and reform of jurisdiction of international civil case practice also be possible for conflict of laws for Intellectual Property.
110. Additionally, a complete report development tool is fully incorporated in the product for generating custom reports.
111. Additionally, the task of monetary policy is also complicated by the nation's balance of payments difficulties.
112. Additionally, through the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) program, a division of NLM, user support in the form of phone, e-mail, and training is available free of charge.
113. Additionally, the service design needs to ensure the business applicability of the exposed services, and needs to be defined at the correct level of granularity.
114. Additionally, a marked decrease in retention after long - term use is described.
115. Additionally, many organisations use widgets to directly commercialise syndicated services; you can set up a widget to require a license key before it functions.
116. Additionally the existence of trade commercialtransportation center in consignor dock repeats construction apparently.
117. We are at 60 year low on ending stocks leaving us one dry growing season from running out. Additionally, our winter crop breaks dormancy probably within 10 to 15 days in the western plains.
118. Additionally, the misalignment of the system could make the stability have a tendency to deteriorate.
119. By adding various dyes to the silver bromide it can be made additionally sensitive to green light.
120. Additionally with the development of society, the relation of sports and people's life get more closely, the social station and value of sports.
121. Additionally, water system expansion modules can seek a better water distribution program via trying to apply network collaboration method among water use group.
122. Additionally, the extraction of solid grease from interior accords with first-order reaction dynamic model.
123. Additionally you can obtain a tax deduction for the fair market value of the property.
124. Additionally, the defendant may file a counter - claim (or cross-claim) to assert the defendant's own claims against the plaintiff.
125. Old man asks merchant to read a letter, in the letter write finally: "Have fine silver additionally 10 2, make living cost to father."
126. Additionally, the Jobs Act extends the 100 percent expensing for capital expenditures into 2012, continuing an historic incentive for new capital investments.
127. The supplementary reports on specific subjects may be compiled additionally if necessary.
128. Additionally, having as high as 6 taps on chroma is IMO, completely unnecessary and wasteful.
129. Additionally, having as hellogh as 6 taps on chroma is IMO , completely unnecessary and wasteful.
130. The lever-group shift lever interlock separate-bundle mechanism has simple structure and is easy to operate. Additionally, it enhances the security of flashboard separate-bundle.
131. Additionally, the arguer mentions neuropeptide chemicals that are broken down by PEP.
132. The theory of litigation target in divorcement suit, additionally, also gives the theoritical foundation to the countercharge, the article points out some views of improvement about it.
133. Additionally the user downloads music to still can get bell of a homonymic colour inside specific special administrative area.
134. Rostock Port is the single operator of the ferry- and cruise terminal. Additionally, it is co-owner of the operating company of the terminal for intermodal traffic.
135. Additionally, the lack of a common understanding of the relevance of information between technical and business users affects the usefulness of delivered information.
136. Additionally, admissible values of system error, the average error and the maximum error in the middle surface are proposed.
137. Additionally, the self-aligning ball bearing has the lowest friction of all rolling bearings, which enables it to run cooler even at high speeds.
138. Additionally,[] a general synthetic method of phenylglycine butyl ester and its hydrochloride was disclosed.
139. The invention is characterized in that the fibre is firstly pre-dewatered in a dewaterer set before the filling screw rod and is dewatered additionally in the filling screw rod.
140. Additionally, he is a graduate of both the United States Air Force Command and Staff College and the United States Marine Corps Command and Staff College.
141. Additional, in cold popularity season, the air of the room wants current, or the medicaments that takes poison of a few disease-resistant, still can take additionally " connect nasally " .
142. Additionally, you've seen how Jena's inference engine can be used to make inferences about a model based on an ontology.
143. Additionally, other exclusive aesthetic details will include the grille, front wings, and doors being made of polished aluminum to give off a mirror effect.
144. Additionally, the new policy requires commercial banks neither link the amount of loan to property appraisal value nor grant property mortgage loan without specifying the purpose of the loan.
145. Additionally, access is provided to directly manipulate the data within the payload after object construction and before transmission.
146. Additionally, some sweeping statements were made in some published reports.
147. Additionally, the control card can off-line control the manufacturing process and increase usage of the computer.
148. The mask additionally adds fagus sylvatica extract and Vitamin E, which improve normal function of skin and it's activity. Your skin can be mild and tender as infant.
149. Additionally he implemented nutritional changes which included increased protein intake and specific nutritional supplementation.
150. Additionally , to introduce competition, improve assess system, innovate teaching, limit game playing are other choices.
151. It is additionally, if the website of the other side does not have ICP, put on record date, perhaps put on record date is false pinchbeck perhaps, had better not buy in that.
152. Additionally, certain elements of table style formatting have other intelligent behaviors.
153. Additionally, it has the function of dealing with data-in editing, stamping and output.
154. Additionally, Honeywell's Safety Manager, will be used to safely coordinate procedures such as unit start-up and shut-down.
155. Additionally, steam generator design requirement ALWR - URD are introduced.
156. Additionally, if on a ship or along the coast, the Raider can inspire the crew to ferociousness.
157. Additionally, because recovery times are short for procedures such as myringotomy and tubes, circumcision, and inguinal herniorrhaphy, early discharge from the facility is feasible.
158. Additionally, the bicycle features a static inner wheel system with safety features such as integrated reflectors on the rotating outer wheels and a taillight , which is mounted in the bike's frame.
159. Additionally design research focuses on more authentic dependent learning outcomes.
160. Additionally, low stocks of wheat, maize and rice have significantly increased the risk of a sharp price hike in these products, which could have serious consequences for very poor households.
161. The operations of the two roles are discussed. Additionally, the relationship between IGP and EGP Graceful Restart and the advantage as well as disadvantage of protocol Graceful Restart are analyzed.
162. Additionally, the series has sold about 450 million copies worldwide, Neil Blair, author J. K. Rowling's literary agent, told the Associated Press earlier this year.
163. In the first-level load shoulders specially importantly, besides the above two power sources, but must additionally build the emergency power supply.
164. Additionally, they had a nontransferable lease contract (meaning they could not sublease to another party) for another 8.5 years in their existing location.
165. He will sign a personal guarantee to additionally secure the loan.
166. Inserts additionally are interchangeable to provide flexibility both for bulkhead - to - hood and hood - to - hood connections.
167. Notice: Any change of Impact Crusher technical data shall not be advised additionally.
168. Credit and credit cards were additionally a part of his preoccupation.
169. Additionally ,[] 5 percent of the entire slave population in the South worked in factories by 1850.
170. The therapy group would take orally pancreatic kininogenase additionally for 8 weeks on the basis of original therapy schem and UAER before and after taking the medicine would be measured.
171. Additionally, individual alphanumeric description ( text ) of each of the recorded channels is possible.
172. The direct buried cable (for long distance application) shall be additionally protected by a HDPE pipe (High Density Polyethylene) or a duct linear, which shall be extruded in the factory.
173. Additionally, some mechanism and numerical relationship should be further researched.
174. Additionally, there have been some countries in Asia that have issued guidance.
175. To the eyes of the middle - aged , Bathsheba was perhaps additionally charming just now.
176. Additionally, high ADC values were found in the hippocampus callosum, which connects the two cerebral hemispheres.
177. Additionally, the well—known four colour problem and elementary geometry theorem—proving problem have been discussed.
178. Use lamplight to distinguish: Illuminative brightness and colour are additionally one kind of method that stylist uses partition of divisional function sex.
179. Additionally, individuals with diabetes and medically treated hypertension were not recruited.
180. Additionally, delay - locked loops usually offer better jitter performance than phase - locked loops.
181. Additionally, their small plastic bulb makes them a lot more durable.
182. Additionally, immobilized yeast cells exhibits greater biocompatibility with ionic liquids, and could be used repeatedly in biphasic system in whole cell biocatalytic process.
183. It is on one hand additionally, the dominant company that market strength should pay the market by the electron will take the lead in building credit system.
184. The overall height was additionally determined eery 20,000 cycles in the material testing machine.
185. There still is one to plant on the market additionally need not the sizy , floor board that can install with clear water only.
186. Additionally, the design needs to detail decommissioning the current asset, which also requires dependency analysis and planning.
187. Additionally, staff should improve quality to become all - rounders.
188. Additionally, this algorithm was tested with regard to gender differences.
189. Additionally, the website links listed in the previous question contain the proper procedures for putting on the respirator and checking for fit and seal for 3M filtering facepiece respirators.
190. Additionally, its interest expenses have also been massively reduced, saving Ford around half - a - billion dollars every year.
191. Additionally, statelessness can be difficult to achieve and can lead to multiple round trips to the database for information that is normally stored within the context of the session.
192. Consumer most those who be afraid of is, when paying, inn-keeper says well, but wait after paying bill, changed immediately face, a little necessary gadgety , also want to add bank note additionally.
193. Additionally, there is a Transpersonal Chakra above the crown chakra.
194. Additionally, a bug was found and fixed by Bin, a post doc in our lab, that may have been causing the "1%" continual loop.
195. To the "hot nodus " or "warm nodus " diagnosed by nuclide scan, we should first diagnose it as benign tumor, but to the "cool or cold nodus ", we should analyze it by the sign of CT. additionally.
196. Additionally there are ground-to-air , ground - to - ground, air - to - ground and air - to - air missiles, etc.
197. Additionally , OSRAM is the market leader in automotive lamp business.
198. Additionally, a mathematical manipulation is adopted to remove the second-order spacial derivatives in the body surface boundary condition.
199. The maintenance programme will additionally seek to keep the sites free of graffiti.
200. Additionally FPGA users can conveniently not only design the hardware logic required,() but re-program and re-configure.
201. Cryogenic liquid cylinders are equipped with reseat able relief devices and are additionally protected with burst discs.
202. Additionally, the detuning effects of a MTMD system due to variations of floor controlled modal mass, controlled modal frequency and MTMD damping ratios were studied.
203. Additionally, a Department of Defense project at SDSU is working to produce jet fuels from biomass such as prairie cordgrass.
204. Additionally, a usage of the requirement can also be set as required, optional, or prohibited through the use attribute (the default value is required).
205. Additionally, China forswore resort to force in the resolution of territorial claims.
206. Additionally, the carrier loop noise bandwidth and the correlator spacing are reduced. Then the accuracy of carrier and code tracking loops is improved significantly.
207. Additionally, $100,000 will be needed for general overhead expenses such as for salaries, corporate legal and accounting fees, office overhead and general working capital.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 8:01:15