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单词 Worsened
(1) The problem has worsened considerably in recent months.
(2) The situation was worsened by lack of communication.
(3) Staff shortages were worsened by the flu epidemic.
(4) Gradually, almost imperceptibly, her condition had worsened.
(5) The drought had worsened their chances of survival.
(6) As the company's financial problems worsened, several directors resigned.
(7) Ian's rages and aberrant behavior worsened.
(8) From that day onwards the situation worsened .
(9) The patient's condition worsened during the night.
(10) When his depression worsened, he decided to seek treatment.
(11) My temper worsened as the day went on.
(12) As the crisis worsened, the authorities imposed a news blackout .
(13) Her health has worsened considerably since we last saw her.
(14) Already low living standards have been worsened by stringent economic reforms.
(15) As the disease worsened, he found walking more and more difficult.
(16) The weather worsened during the night.
(17) Is the pain worsened by straining or coughing?
(18) Conditions for many minority groups have worsened.
(19) The weather had worsened during the short[sentencedict .com], delay.
(20) Relations between the two countries have steadily worsened.
(21) He stayed in, and the recession worsened.
(22) The oil price rise worsened profitability and reduced demand.
(23) Her misfortunes worsened this year, when her company eliminated her position and she lost her job.
(24) Births fell and employment and real wages worsened in almost all industrial economies in the early 1930s.
(25) The problems began long before he became headteacher, but they worsened with his laissez-faire approach/attitude.
(26) Over the 1960s the issue became more stark as the underlying position of visible trade worsened.
(27) The parents accepted their responsibility for helping Mark, but in spite of their efforts, the problem worsened.
(28) John noticed that as they left the rich pastures of Leinster and rode into Munster the degree of destitution worsened considerably.
(29) The film deals with the nomadic desert people of the Sahel, whose plight has worsened in the recent years of drought.
(30) For many people real wages fell and working conditions worsened.
(1) The problem has worsened considerably in recent months.
(2) Already low living standards have been worsened by stringent economic reforms.
(31) First, there is the libertarian premiss that a person's position should not be irremediably worsened by another's conduct.
(32) We didn't make Abisko, chickening out as the weather worsened and the forecasts began to sound even more dire.
(33) The situation was worsened by the ineptitude and intransigence of the oil companies.
(34) The employers' offensive worsened job conditions and hamstrung plant-level union representatives.
(35) Whether this revolution has improved medical care or worsened it is open to dispute.
(36) In the first half of 1987 the situation worsened further.
(37) In September 1988 the situation worsened with the phasing out of free school meals for 500,000 children whose parents were in receipt of family credit.
(38) Black poverty remains; family breakdown, drug addiction and violence have worsened.
(39) The moors got higher, the weather worsened, and temperatures fell.
(40) As the inflation worsened and as numerous small private entrepreneurs found themselves discriminated against by government controls, they went on strike.
(41) His condition later worsened, and he was pronounced dead at 10: 06 a. m. Sunday.
(42) That night, the weather worsened, the wind blew up a gale, and it poured.
(43) A recent investment boom should help firms to compete internationally, though in the short term it has worsened the trade deficit.
(44) First, the economic circumstances of poor families have worsened relative to the rest of the population in recent decades.
(45) As the situation worsened more border police entered the area and began firing live ammunition into the crowd.
(46) The decision came in response to an acute fuel shortage which worsened during December.
(46) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(47) Within the last decade, the boom-and-slump Eighties, the situation worsened.
(48) The situation was worsened by Roy's tendency to drink heavily in times of stress.
(49) The condition of the 60 year-old actress, who is believed to have suffered a severe asthma attack, worsened since yesterday.
(50) The recession has deepened, the huge national debt has increased, the people's lot worsened.
(51) This condition is worsened by the cutting of notches in the joists to house sub-floor services like heating pipes.
(52) And that has worsened the overall ecological crisis that engine efficiency was originally meant to solve.
(53) The situation worsened when another shutdown began on Dec. 16. and lasted more than three weeks.
(54) The oppression worsened when Ceausescu came to power in 1965.
(55) The economic situation worsened dramatically in the months that followed October as soldiers flocked home and military orders to industry abruptly halted.
(56) She spent time with her family Sunday, but her condition worsened early yesterday morning.
(57) His symptoms worsened over the next two days and he returned to the nutritionist.
(58) This bottleneck has been worsened by video-intensive applications like Windows 3.1.
(59) Now an unintended down side of repeal will be worsened air pollution.
(60) The economic hardship facing farmers worsened in the years after 1914.
(61) This differential impact has worsened with the rapid rise in unemployment.
(62) On Romney Marsh, silting of river mouths was worsened by the problem of peat shrinkage.
(63) The government's bungling attempts to help have only worsened the refugees' plight.
(64) Third,() the very bad relations between the presidential administration and the government have worsened sharply.
(65) In recent weeks, reports from the area suggest the situation has worsened.
(66) The Tory rating has noticeably worsened since July on the issues of managing the economy, pensions and taxation.
(67) The misery was worsened by the massacres that followed, the result again of communal madness.
(68) Low power California's power crisis worsened as blackouts began and the governor declared a state of emergency.
(69) Unfortunately, President Reagan's cold-war rhetoric has worsened the climate for disarmament talks.
(70) From mid-September the security situation worsened, with a number of students burning themselves to death in protest.
(71) Already in the 1950s the core was losing heavily, and this worsened in the next decade.
(72) Whispered in reverent and regretful tones, the rumors had been floating for the past few weeks that her condition had worsened.
(73) But on 20 November, his condition worsened, and he took to his bed.
(74) Heavy storms worsened the fuel shortage.
(75) Once in the dressing room, Cech's condition worsened dramatically.
(76) We knew that the food sitution in Italy had worsened as rail traffic was disrupted.
(77) The stock market has ground lower since, as the economic outlook worsened.
(78) Because her condition has worsened, Heather is now being home-schooled in order to limit her contact with children who may be sick with something such as the flu.
(79) In Hamblin Valley, the blizzard worsened, wind piling drifts around the pickup.
(80) High levels of domoic acid in the sardines may have worsened the effects of oxygen loss in the water as the fish crowded into a limited space.
(81) China's negotiating position worsened even as it made increasingly belligerent noises.
(82) She was so conscientious that Samson found things had worsened.
(83) High interest rates and protectionism in potential export markets worsened the current account balance.
(84) The gap between poor, always cavernous, appears to have worsened.
(85) "We are entering a danger zone, " warned Zoellick in a July 1 letter to Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, head of the upcoming G8 Summit. He added the crisis has worsened even since April.
(86) Compared with spot welding of low carbon cold rolled steel , weldability of galvanized steel sheet worsened.
(87) China's negotiating position worsened as it made increasingly belligerent noises.
(88) Three weeks later, his right hemiparesis worsened and motor aphasia developed.
(89) Conclusions:Depressive symptoms "amplified" the menopausal experience, or alternatively, severe vasomotor symptoms worsened depressive symptoms.
(90) In the combined groups, an enhanced insulinogenic index was associated with improved glucose tolerance, whereas weight gain worsened glucose tolerance.
(91) At the same time, extensive utilization of unrenewable energy has worsened our polluted and fragile environment, and it would beyond retrieve if we still did nothing for this crisis.
(92) His condition rapidly worsened.
(93) In the Japanese capital Tokyo, more than 1,000 nationalists attended the second anti-China rally to be held there since the dispute worsened last month.
(94) Jessica Alexander of the Sleep Council said women's grumpiness may be worsened because they shoulder most of the household chores in the morning.
(95) The trade surplus has become large, and the imbalance in international payments has worsened.
(96) The new Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos has said current economic policies in Greece have worsened the recession and unemployment.
(97) But as the economy worsened, so did the prospects of Aleris.
(98) In the operation of moderate or advanced congenital single blepharoptosis, we found that the opposite upper lid position often appeared slightly ptotic or the original ptosis worsened.
(99) But as the economic downdraft worsened, they were given more power, giving the title even more value within the C-Suite.
(100) But with the active image sequence, the moving target may become fuzzy and the linage quality may become worsened when usinS temporal filtering.
(101) But by mid-2009, Yarrow told WTOP radio in Washington that her condition had worsened again and he thought she would no longer be able to perform.
(102) Conclusions With the level of scleredema worsened, the rate of pneumorrhagia of scleredema neonatorum was increased grandually, and it shows obviously positive correlation with LPO's content.
(103) "The mudslide was caused by geology, but it was worsened by deforestation, " Dr. Qi says today.
(104) Maury Harris, an economist at UBS Warburg, said that the Fed would want to keep some ammunition for the future, in case economic conditions worsened.
(105) Since the last Pakistan-Afghanistan jirga held in Kabul more than a year ago, relations between the two countries have worsened and the Taliban insurgency has strengthened.
(106) Indeed, a Federal Reserve report said U.S. economic conditions worsened in January and February and that businesses do not expect improvement until late this year or early 2010.
(107) However, the dynamic performance of both public and private investment, worsened the balance of trade deficit, which was partly compensated by the increase in net exports of services, the report said.
(108) Cardiac dyspnea is always worsened by exertion and partly or completely relieved by rest.
(109) By March 7, the rash had worsened, with umbilicated lesions with an erythematous base, mostly on the hands, forearms, neck, chest, face, and knees, encompassing 50% of the keratinized skin.
(110) During the first week of November, Ben Rosselli's physical condition worsened.
(111) "Since 2008, the investment environment has worsened in Dongguan," said Lin Jiang, a professor of finance at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou. "A lot of companies don't see a future in Dongguan.
(112) "Since 2008, the investment environment has worsened in Dongguan," said Lin Jiang, a professor of finance at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou.
(113) When the disk rotation speed increases , the stability of magnetic head is slightly worsened.
(114) As the economy has worsened, many people are afraid they will be plunged into poverty.
(115) Name - matching difficulties actually worsened when counterterrorism activity increased in late 2001.
(116) What's mere ,() bureaucratic tradespeople's exploitation of the working people aggravated class contradiction and worsened social turbulence.
(117) Although September 11 worsened the economy, the recession had already started.




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