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单词 skin
释义  Related topics: Biology, Animals, Plants, Food, Computersskin1 /skɪn/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  body 身体 [countable, uncountable]HB the natural outer layer of a person’s or animal’s body 〔人的〕皮肤;〔动物的〕皮 She had thick black hair and smooth dark skin. 她一头浓密的黑发,皮肤黝黑光滑。 The skin on his hands was dry and rough. 他手上的皮肤干燥粗糙。 → skincare2  from an animal 来自动物 [countable, uncountable]HBATI the skin of an animal, sometimes including its fur, used to make leather, clothes etc 皮革;毛皮;兽皮 a leopard skin 豹皮3  food 食物 [countable, uncountable] a) HBPthe natural outer cover of some fruits and vegetables 〔某些水果和蔬菜的〕皮,外皮 SYN peel banana skins 香蕉皮 b) DFthe outer cover of a sausage 〔香肠的〕肠衣4  DFon a liquid 液体上面 [countable, uncountable] a thin solid layer that forms on the top of a liquid, especially when it gets cold 〔尤指液体冷却后上面形成的〕薄层 Cover the soup to stop a skin from forming. 把汤盖起来以免表面凝结。5  part of an object 物体的一部分 [countable] a layer that is part of a vehicle, building, object etc, especially on the outside 〔车辆、建筑物、物体等的〕外壳,外层 The outer skin of the aircraft was not punctured. 飞机的外壳没有被打穿。 The lampshade has a double skin so that it remains cool. 这个灯罩有两层,不会发烫。6. computer 计算机 [countable, uncountable] the way particular information appears on a computer screen, especially when this can be changed quickly and easily 〔软件、网站等的〕界面,皮肤7  have (a) thin/thick skin to be easily upset or not easily upset by criticism 脸皮薄/厚 This is not a job for someone with thin skin. 这工作脸皮薄的人干不了。8  get under somebody’s skin informalANNOY if someone gets under your skin, they annoy you, especially by the way they behave 激怒某人 What really gets under my skin is people who push straight to the front of the line. 那些插队的人真叫我恼火。9  by the skin of your teeth informalJUST/A MOMENT AGO if you do something by the skin of your teeth, you only just succeed in doing it, and very nearly failed to do it 好不容易才…,差点就没…,勉强 Two others made it by the skin of their teeth. 另外两人勉强通过。10  make somebody’s skin crawl informal to make someone feel very uncomfortable or slightly afraid 使某人恶心,让某人起鸡皮疙瘩 Her singing makes my skin crawl. 她唱歌让我起鸡皮疙瘩。11. be skin and bone British English, be skin and bones American English informalTHIN PERSON to be extremely thin in a way that is unattractive and unhealthy 瘦得皮包骨12  it’s no skin off somebody’s nose spokenDON'T CARE used to say that someone does not care what another person thinks or does, because it does not affect them 某人根本不在乎,某人才不管呢 If she doesn’t want me to help, it’s no skin off my nose! 如果她不要我帮忙,我才不在乎呢!13  something is only skin deep used to say that something may seem to be important or effective, but it really is not because it only affects the way things appear 某物只是肤浅的,某事仅仅是表面的 Beauty is only skin deep. 美貌只是皮相。14. skins [plural] British English informal papers for rolling a cigarette, especially one with marijuana in it 卷烟纸〔尤指卷大麻的纸〕 → save somebody’s skin at save1(11), → jump out of your skin at jump1(4) COLLOCATIONSadjectivesfair/pale/white 浅色/白色的I have fair skin that burns very easily. 我皮肤白,很容易晒伤。dark/brown/black 深色/棕色/黑色的a girl with beautiful dark skin 有着漂亮深色皮肤的女孩 olive (=the colour typical of people from Greece, Italy etc) 橄榄色的na boy with dark eyes and olive skintanned 晒成棕褐色的His skin was slightly tanned. 他的皮肤晒得略呈棕色。smooth/soft 光滑/柔软的Her skin was smooth and pale. 她的皮肤光滑白晳。nbeautifulShe had beautiful brown skin.good/healthy/clear (=smooth and without any red spots) 好/健康/光洁的Vitamin E helps keep your skin healthy. 维生素E让你的皮肤保持健康。bad/terrible (=with many spots or marks) 不好/差的I had terrible skin when I was a teenager. 我在十几岁的时候皮肤很不好。nMy skin’s really bad at the moment.flawless (=perfect, with no spots or marks) 光洁无瑕的nThe girls all had perfect features and flawless skin.dry 干性的nA lot of women suffer from dry skin.oily 油性的nMy skin has a tendency to be oily.sensitive (=becoming red or sore easily) 敏感的nSpecial shampoos are available for those with sensitive skin.itchy (=making you want to scratch) 发痒的nThe cream made my skin feel itchy.rough (=not smooth or soft) 粗糙的The skin on his hands was rough and dry. 他手上的皮肤干燥粗糙。leathery (=thick and dry) 皮革似的na lean man with leathery skin and sea-blue eyeswrinkled (=covered in lines because of age) 有皱纹的nan old lady with wrinkled skinscaly (=hard and dry, like the skin on animals such as lizards) 干涩粗糙的nThe crocodile’s scaly skin is ideally suited to its way of life.verbsburn/damage your skin 晒伤/灼伤皮肤Strong sunlight can damage your skin. 强烈的阳光会灼伤皮肤。break the skin (=make a hole in it) 造成皮肤破损Luckily the skin wasn't broken. 所幸皮肤没有破损。protect your skin 保护皮肤It's important to use suntan lotion to protect your skin. 一定要使用防晒霜保护皮肤。irritate your skin (=make it red or sore) 刺激皮肤Some types of make-up can irritate your skin. 有些化妆品会刺激皮肤。soothe your skin (=to stop it feeling painful or uncomfortable) 舒缓皮肤nThe lotion helps to soothe your skin after you've been in the sun all day.your skin glows/shines (=it looks healthy) 皮肤有光泽beauty products that will make your skin glow 能让皮肤亮起来的美容产品your skin peels (=the top layer comes off after you have had a sun tan) 脱皮nThe week after the holiday my skin was already starting to peel.your skin sags (=it hangs down in loose folds, because you are old) 皮肤松弛nThe skin on her arms was already starting to + NOUNskin colour (also the colour of your skin) 肤色There is still discrimination on the basis of skin colour. 肤色歧视依然存在。skin tone (=how light or dark someone’s skin is) 皮肤色调Do the colours of your clothes enhance your skin tone? 衣服的颜色能够衬托你的肤色吗?a skin condition/complaint/disease 皮肤病She suffers from a nasty skin condition. 她患有严重的皮肤病。skin irritation 皮肤刺激nA lot of chemicals can cause skin irritation.a skin rash 皮疹nSkin rashes are common among cancer 皮肤癌nToo much exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.Examples from the Corpusskin• a sheepskin jacket• a skin disease• a skin on the top of the pudding• Bunched tightly together by older men in animal skins and carrying spears, they perform a ceremonial dance to insistent drumming.• Their huts were short tepees protected by tree branches or rounded huts covered with animal skins.• Remove pits from persimmons, then scrape pulp free from skins with teaspoon.• She felt heady with excitement, and her skin tingled.• leopard skins• He was born with a white layer of skin over his right eye.• a cleanser for oily skin• onion skin• potato skins• The toad's skin produces a poisonous substance.• He brushed against her beautifully soft skin.• Those cells which can form pigment migrate beneath the skin and enter all the feather germs.• When your skin was young, it could fend for itself.Related topics: Foodskin2 verb (skinned, skinning) [transitive]  1  DFDLOto remove the skin from an animal, fruit, or vegetable 剥去…的皮,给…去皮 → peel Add the tomatoes, skinned and sliced. 把去了皮并切成片的番茄加进去。2  HURT/CAUSE PAINto hurt yourself by rubbing off some skin 擦伤 SYN graze She fell and skinned her knee. 她摔了一跤,擦伤了膝盖。3  skin somebody alive PUNISHto punish someone very severely – used humorously 严厉惩罚某人,活剥某人的皮〔幽默用法〕 Dad will skin you alive when he sees this place! 爸爸看到这地方非剥你皮不可!4  informalBEAT/DEFEAT to completely defeat someone 彻底击败 SYN hammer The football team really skinned Watertown last year. 这支足球队去年把水城队打得落花流水。5. there's more than one way to skin a cat used to say that there are several ways of achieving something 办法不止一种 up phrasal verb British English informal MDDto make a cigarette with marijuana in it 卷大麻烟→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusskin• Although it wore a dress, the person was unrecognizable as the face had been skinned.• The surface of the pond had begun to skin.• You look back and see that there is more than one way to skin a cat.• Add four boned and skinned duck breasts.• She skinned her knee when she fell off her bike.• Lucie slipped the scarlet waistcoat off Gabriel's shoulders and skinned him of the white silk shirt.• So as soon as the bamboos were skinned, the fishermen coated them with a natural insect repellent.Origin skin1 (1100-1200) Old Norse skinnskin1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1skin2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  layer natural a the of Corpus outer




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