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单词 backhand
释义  Related topics: Sportback·hand /ˈbækhænd/ noun [countable usually singular]   DSa way of hitting the ball in tennis and some other games, in which the back of your hand is turned in the direction of the ball when you hit it 〔网球等的〕反手击球(技术) → forehand →4  See picture of 见图 backhand →5 see picture at 见图 tennis —backhand adjectiveExamples from the Corpusbackhand• Graf saved eight game points and Sanchez Vicario forced five break points before netting an easy backhand.• Tennis babe Anna Kournikova delivers a series of magnificent backhands to her fiance's baseline on a hotel balcony.• Once she double-faulted, twice she missed with backhands and once Henin made a great attack at the net.back·hand nounChineseSyllable  way a hitting the other in tennis and Corpus of ball some




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