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单词 sensual
释义  sen·su·al /ˈsenʃuəl/ adjective  1  HBHrelating to the feelings of your body rather than your mind 肉体上的,官能的 the sensual pleasure of good food 美食的感官享受2  SEXYinterested in or making you think of physical pleasure, especially sexual pleasure 喜欢[激起]感官享受的;〔尤指〕刺激性欲的;性感的 the faint smile on his sensual mouth 他性感的嘴上的淡淡微笑 a sensual woman 一个性感女人 —sensually adverb —sensuality /ˌsenʃuˈæləti/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpussensual• She's so sensual, Alice indignantly thought.• Such sophistication demands faces as strong and sensual as the fabrics.• What she wanted from Luke Hunter was not a few months' - or even a few years' - sensual companionship.• As Pamela walked towards them Tim stroked his wife's arm in a long, slow, sensual gesture.• Like a cat, Constance luxuriated in its sensual heat.• Furthermore, Western cultures prioritise the visual over other sensual impressions.• sensual lips• She loved the sensual pleasures of taking care of a baby.• A majority of Americans think that women are more sensual than men.• Love, and the sensual world, are the themes that dominate Between the Covers.Origin sensual (1400-1500) Late Latin sensualis, from Latin sensus; → SENSE1sen·su·al adjectiveChineseSyllable  relating rather feelings your Corpus than body to of the




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