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单词 Marshaling
1, Heston has been named grand marshal of the parade.
2, The oldest general was appointed marshal of the armies.
3, He marshaled them into the presence of the Queen.
4, Zhukov was a marshal of the former Soviet Union.
5, To write a good article, you need to marshal all the facts together and then judge and arrange them.
6, Richard was marshalling the doctors and nurses, showing them where to go.
7, The fighting in the city followed reports of the rebels marshalling their forces in the countryside.
8, He acted as grand marshal of a stock car race.
9, He marshaled his facts well.
10, The marshal rode at the head of the parade.
11, US marshals specialize in finding fugitives and escapees.
12, Senator Bryant attempted to marshal support for the measure.
13, He will have been pleased by Marshal Yazov's assurance of the armed forces' loyalty.
14, I could see a marshal on the finish line waving a yellow flag.
15, In British army a field marshal ranks above a general.
16, Marshals struggled in vain to prevent spectators rushing onto the racetrack.
17, They had marshalled an armada of 1000 boats and a squadron of 70 aircraft to help clear up the oil.
18, All the soldiers were marshaled together in the yard,(http:///marshaling.html) ready to march away.
19, The foreign visitors were marshaled into the presence of the king.
20, All the actors were marshaled together in the yard, ready to go away.
21, Companies are now marshaling planning resources to institutionalize last-minute res-cues, just in time.
22, Describes marshaling for COM interop and platform invoke.
23, Marshaling of input and output parameters.
24, Marshaling is one of the most costly aspects of managed/native interop.
25, The environmental noise coming from the railway yard(marshaling yard) is a major kind of railroad disturbance.
26, Meech even considered marshaling robotic planetary spacecraft for the campaign.
27, A self-employed per-son with an idea has to be very good at marshaling financial resources.
28, You can filter inbound and outbound messages, control aspects of type marshaling and metadata generation.
29, Can not marshal field % 2 of type % 1: Invalid marshaling metadata.
30, Banks and financiers are already pushing back against some proposed changes, marshaling impressive armies of lobbyists and calling on deeply entrenched political allies for help.
31, Performance issues arose through slower response time due to marshaling and passing the data.
32, JNBridgePro takes care of all the interoperability needs: marshaling/unmarshaling objects, data-type conversion, cross-platform exception handling and garbage collection.
33, A proxy is a copy of the interface that you get via marshaling/unmarshaling.
34, If true, this would provide an excellent means for marshaling data back into the GUI thread.
35, This is because the code for marshaling and unmarshaling, and the code for network communication is buried in the client and server applications.
36, Overall CXF, as well as other frameworks such as Axis, have done a good job at driving down the transaction time to the bare minimum of overhead over the level of marshaling.
37, In summary,() CORBA introduced a number of new features and allowed for the reuse of communication code and the marshaling and unmarshaling of code.
38, COM style marshaling is required to make calls between .NET and native components.
39, Instead, I have now become the "Zen Professor" -- marshaling my thoughts, offering sage advice in a calm and measured manner, and occasionally wearing sport coats with arm patches.
40, EMS handles the data marshaling and unmarshaling of parameters and the correlation of responses.
41, A marshaling library creates specialized classes for sender, recipient, date, product lines, product identification, price, total, and any other elements that appeared in the document.
42, To write distributed applications, programmers must learn and use a large variety of lower-level libraries for cross-tier communication, data marshaling, synchronization, and security.
43, Describes the rules that the interop marshaling service uses to marshal data.




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