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单词 benevolent
释义  be·nev·o·lent /bəˈnevələnt/ adjective  KINDkind and generous 仁慈的,仁爱的;乐善好施的 A benevolent uncle paid for her to have music lessons. 一位叔叔慷慨解囊,出钱供她上音乐课。 a benevolent smile 慈祥的笑容► see thesaurus at kind —benevolence noun [uncountable] —benevolently adverbExamples from the Corpusbenevolent• Deep down inside, you see, I still believed that life was basically benevolent.• The integration of state and society favoured a benevolent and expansive concept of the role of the state.• Despite the fear abductees have experienced, the Greys are benevolent, Brown said.• Work / family programs are typically benevolent in intent but difficult to justify in business terms.• a benevolent, kindly man• Arthur Jaffe was not a benevolent man at the best of times.• Instead of yelling, try a benevolent silence.• He smiled in a benevolent sort of way when he said this.• money for benevolent workOrigin benevolent (1400-1500) Latin bene “well” + volens (present participle of velle “to wish”)be·nev·o·lent adjectiveChineseSyllable  and Corpus generous kind




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