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单词 Be attached to
1, The gadget can be attached to any vertical surface.
2, The gadget can be attached to any vertical or near vertical surface.
3, You'll be attached to this department until the end of the year.
4, No blame can be attached to Roy for the incident.
5, Files can be attached to your email at the push of a button.
6, An optional 1 500 sheet feeder can be attached to the photocopier.
7, However, several caveats need to be attached to this conclusion.
8, They can also be attached to, or incorporated with other chemicals or molecules to create useful manipulating structures such as tweezers.
9, Distaffs may also be attached to a spinning wheel or be floor standing.
10, Exactly what meaning can be attached to the other histories, in which we do not exist, is not clear.
11, Screensafe comes with two earth conductors one to be attached to the computer monitor, the other to the keyboard.
12, They also can be attached to a wall with special brackets or used as bookshelf speakers.
13, However, conditions may be attached to any site licence which may have the effect of preventing any odour pollution from arising.
14, Special importance shall be attached to an active labour market policy, such as vocational training and retraining.
15, Each small protuberance seems to be attached to a larger one at some minute place, producing many warts upon warts.
16, What weight is to be attached to environmental and other external pressures in understanding how its members live together?
17, It may then float,[http:///be attached to.html] and needs to be attached to a rock with silicone sealant.
18, Political officers would be attached to units who worked in close co-operation with line officers.
19, At issue: What, exactly, needs to be attached to a referendum petition for the signatures to be valid.
20, And they just happen to be attached to a saint!
21, For on it depends the significance to be attached to the revolution.
22, No blame should be attached to my client for his actions.
23, They are most likely to be attached to primary schools in areas of social need, or to special schools.
24, He vowed that no hint of scandal would ever be attached to him.
25, Additional items such as colour, indentation and tabs can also be attached to the tag.
26, Notes of questions arising out of the application form should be attached to it and used as a memory aid during the interview.
27, They have to be reported on Schedule H, which can be attached to either Form 1040 or 1040A.
28, But deaths and injuries still occurred, and blame continued to be attached to ineffective, unfocused or misguided practice.
29, External attributions may take two forms: That there is no meaning to be attached to the members' actions.
30, Moreover, whether or not conditions are attached to debt relief, they will certainly be attached to other forms of aid.
1, The gadget can be attached to any vertical surface.
2, The gadget can be attached to any vertical or near vertical surface.
31, Automatically changing spray patterns can be achieved by means of a device which can be attached to the pump.
32, The concrete has to cure to achieve its full strength, and the foundation has to be attached to the footing.
33, In the case of an overflow of note material, extra pages may easily be attached to the proposal outline.
34, Annotations or labels may be attached to the clones and probes.
35, Rough notes may be entered and do not need to be attached to the semantic net.
36, The Thing didn't have to be attached to any wires.
37, There is no objective formula for deciding what tariff of punishment should be attached to a particular offence.
38, Much importance should be attached to the construction of "Falsework"in the practice of "Bracket-Ty pe"Teaching.
39, The Italian campanile could either be attached to a church or freestanding.
40, Nasal cannulae are now available with a separate tube that can be attached to the sampling probe from a capnograph, thereby allowing for end-tidal CO2 monitoring.
41, A function or functor, as usual, may be attached to the symbol table.
42, While no refueling hose is fitted to refuel probe-equipped aircraft, a special nine-foot adapter hose and drogue can be attached to the boom on the ground.
43, Its ripcord can be attached to heavy furniture or a special hook so that the parachute opens automatically after its wearer jumps out a window.
44, An external modem can be attached to a standard RS-232 serial port.
45, The two cursors may be attached to any of the signals in the analyzed ASCII file.
46, The printout can be attached to the patient's medical record.
47, Great importance must be attached to population control,[http://] the conservation of resources and environmental protection in economic growth.
48, When she finishes her training, Princess Mary will be attached to the Home Guard "total defense" region in Copenhagen, and continues a long line of family tradition by joining the Home Guard.
49, The question of what weight is to be attached to Hansard and how it is to be used is for the courts to decide.
50, No logo or special designs are to be attached to the fascia.
51, Since it is a lead wire type device. it can be attached to printed circuit boards. the relay terminal boards. etc. ; it has a space saving shape; and it is highly economical.
52, Even though printers can be attached to the network, a server is usually used as the spooler, which in turn prints to the printer over the network.
53, How to use: Simply peel paper from bottom, tap can be attached to the surface of various substrates can also be used in the production line labeling machine automatic labeling.
54, Stealthy wire can be attached to branch, across a rock or by a watering hole.
55, For second reading, importance should be attached to items where translation problems may appear.
56, Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) allows digital signatures to be attached to e-mail messages, such that the recipient can verify the identity of the signer.
57, A video disc will be attached to the autobiography and Lai will reportedly tell his "important viewpoint" on the case.
58, Importance should be attached to reliability in standard as to performance index.
59, Despite this, however, it still needs to be attached to an object, just like a regular event handler.
60, The safety harness or fall arresting device should be attached to an independent lifeline or an anchorage suitable for the purpose.
61, It is a four-digit number printed on the label which will be attached to the back of your ID during the check in procedure, on the day of the test.
62, The belt buckle needs to be attached to the belt and gold.
63, Viewers can be attached to any analysis element for the purposes of rendering rule result data.
64, Alternatively, a transfer paper with the antenna pattern printed thereon may be attached to the inner surface of the terminal device.
65, The plan and Maintenance Manual(s) shall also be attached to a sub-DMC under which undivided shares reserved to a phase of the development are allocated.
66, A split mirror is an identical, independent, and instantaneous copy of a disk volume that can be attached to a different system.
67, TS40H can be attached to conventional camera tripod or mated with Tak wooden tripod.
68, So if you fit in that category, you probably won't have to be attached to a fetal monitor for the entire duration of your labor.
69, The insert shall not lie above the flange of the safety or protective toecap and shall not be attached to it.




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