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单词 self-employed
释义  Related topics: Employmentˌself-emˈployed adjective  BEWORK FOR somebodyworking for yourself and not employed by a company 个体经营的,自雇的,自由职业的 a self-employed plumber 一名个体经营的管子工 pension plans for the self-employed (=people who are self-employed) 为自雇者安排的养老金计划 —self-employment noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusself-employed• This is a year when you could realise the attractions of being self-employed.• The government gives generous tax allowances to the self-employed.• Homeowners and mortgage payers may borrow without proof of earnings - including self-employed.• Most fashion models are self-employed, and find work through agencies.• Martin is a self-employed builder.• The self-employed businessman brings his son to the Discovery Zone in West Hills almost daily.• The future employee-development program is going to be much more like a program for self-employed entrepreneurs than a program for jobholders.• I've been self-employed for over 10 years.• Kerry is a self-employed graphic designer.• He is a self-employed music teacher.• As from July 1988, however, the rules for self-employed pensions were also altered to bring them in line with personal pensions.• This applies particularly to self-employed persons.• The paper also considers the possibility that the self-employed should prepare tax accounts for the tax year.• You can bounce ideas off them and benefit from their expertise, as they have often been self-employed themselves.From Longman Business Dictionaryself-employedˌself-emˈployed adjectiveJOB1having your own business, rather than being employed by a companyOver a quarter of agency-supplied computer staff are self-employed.Many self-employed businessmen are dependent on loans for working capital.2the self-employed people who work for themselves, rather than being employed by a companyOne of the services we offer to the self-employed is a series of free consultations with financial and legal experts. → compare freelance1 —self-employment noun [uncountable]The rise in self-employment is likely to increase the flexibility of earnings.ˌself-emˈployed adjectiveChineseSyllable  for not Corpus company employed Business by working a and yourself




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