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单词 second home
释义  ˌsecond ˈhome noun  1  [countable] a house or apartment that you own as well as your main home and which you use, for example, for holidays 第二寓所,第二居所 town-dwellers who buy second homes in the countryside 在乡村购置第二居所的城里人2  [singular] a place where you spend a large amount of time but which is not where you live 第二故乡;第二个家 I love Italy. It’s my second home. 我喜欢意大利,它是我的第二故乡。 From then on, the hospital became my second home. 从那时起,医院就成了我的第二个家。Examples from the Corpussecond home• Now that my parents had bought orie home, the decision to acquire a second home came easily.• For enthusiastic cave explorers, it is a second home.• From then on the hospital became my second home.• And he began to spread out comfortably through the center, adopting it as a secure second home.• No one answered there, nor at the second home I came to.ˌsecond ˈhome nounChineseSyllable  that house you a or apartment Corpus




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