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单词 ought to
释义  ought to /ˈɔːt tuː $ ˈɒːt-/ ●●● S1 W1 modal verb  1  SHOULD/OUGHT TOused to say that someone should do something because it is the best or most sensible thing to do 应该,应当 SYN should You really ought to quit smoking. 你真的应该把烟戒了。 The company ought to be making changes in its marketing strategy. 公司应该在营销策略上作出改变了。 What sort of crimes ought the police to concentrate on? 警方应当集中打击哪一类罪案? You were out enjoying yourself when you ought to have been studying. 应该学习的时候你却在外面玩。2  used to make a suggestion about something you think is a good idea, especially in a social situation 应该〔用于提出建议,尤在社交场合〕 SYN should We ought to get together some time soon. 我们应该尽快聚一下。 You ought to meet him; he’s really nice. 你应该见见他,他真的不错。 We ought to get her some flowers for her birthday. 我们应当送她些花祝贺她的生日。 I ought to call Brian. 我应该给布赖恩打个电话。3  SHOULD/OUGHT TOused to say that someone should do something or something should happen, because it is morally right or fair 应该,应当〔做符合道德规范或公平的事〕 SYN should You ought to be ashamed of yourself. 你应当感到羞耻。 The courts ought to treat black and white defendants in exactly the same way. 法庭应当对黑人和白人被告一视同仁。 Many people felt that America ought not to take part in the war. 许多人认为美国不应该加入这场战争。4  PROBABLYused to say that you think something will probably happen, is probably true etc 应该〔表示某事可能会发生、可能属实等〕 SYN should He left two hours ago, so he ought to be there by now. 他是两小时前离开的,所以现在应该到那里了。 They ought to win – they’ve trained hard enough. 他们应该能赢,他们训练得够刻苦的。 That ought to be enough potatoes for eight people. 那些土豆应该够八个人吃了。 New technology ought to make this easier. 新技术应当能使这事变得容易些。n GRAMMAR: Patterns with ought to• You say that someone ought to do something: You ought to explain. • You say that someone ought to have done something: You ought to have explained (=but you did not).• You say that someone ought not to do something: She ought not to go.• You say that someone ought not to have done something: She ought not to have gone (=but she did go).• You can also use oughtn’t: She oughtn’t to go.She oughtn’t to have gone.• You ask ought someone to do something: Ought we to tell them?• You ask ought someone to have done something: Ought we to have told them?Examples from the Corpusought to• You really ought to apologize to her, you know.• We ought to be able to find someone to do the job pretty quickly.• Tricking old people like that ought to be illegal.• I believe women ought to be ordained to the priesthood.• You ought to be proud, Herb.• The berries ought to be ripe by now.• If there is not tension at the Times around this issue, there ought to be.• Maybe we ought to call the doctor.• Don't you think you ought to eat before you go?• You ought to email or call her and say you're sorry.• In the genre terms, that ought to have made him unassailable.• She ought to have recognized Harry, that woollen hat, the jacket.• They can just be people who believe they ought to reshape society from top to bottom.• Tom Ripley ought to write the letter, he thought.Origin ought to Old English ahte, past tense of agan; → OWEought to modal verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChinese  to someone do Corpus that used should say




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