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单词 our
释义  our /aʊə $ aʊr/ ●●● S1 W1 determiner [possessive form of ‘we’]  1  OWNbelonging to or connected with us (属于)我们的 a picture of our grandchildren 我们孙辈的一张照片 You can stay at our house. 你可以住在我们家。 We must preserve our natural environment. 我们必须保护我们的自然环境。 We must each take responsibility for our own actions. 我们每个人都必须对自己的行为负责。2  spokenFAMILY used to show that the person mentioned is your child, brother, or sister – used in northern England 我们的,我家的〔英格兰北部使用〕 Our Sharon did really well in her exams. 我家莎伦考试考得非常好。Examples from the Corpusour own• Will we leave peacefully of our own accord?• It never allows us to blame others, or avoid responsibility for our own actions.• And the pace of innovation and change has accelerated tremendously during our own century.• If not, let us put our own house in order and not wait for others to do it for us.• We must all take responsibility for our own lives, for their quality and flavor.• We have our own lorry waiting.• Young enough to have two good kids and get them grown and gone in time to have our own second childhoods.• We bring our own stuff, do our own face, and he shows us how to do it.Origin our Old English ureour determinerChinese   Corpus connected with or us to belonging




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