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单词 second-guess
释义  ˌsecond-ˈguess verb [transitive]  1  PREDICTto try to say what will happen or what someone will do before they do it 猜测,预言,预测 I’m not going to try and second-guess the committee’s decisions. 我不想去猜测委员会的决定。2  American EnglishCRITICIZE to criticize something after it has already happened 事后批评,对…放马后炮 The decision has been made – there’s no point in second-guessing it now. 决定已经作了——现在放马后炮已经没有意义。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussecond-guess• It's no use second-guessing his decision to sell the company.• I just couldn't get the ball past him; he second-guessed me every time.• Second-guessing the bank's next move in the takeover bid proved very difficult.• She was trying to second-guess which card Jeff would play next.ˌsecond-ˈguess verbChineseSyllable  try say will to happen to Corpus what




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