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单词 bemused
释义  be·mused /bɪˈmjuːzd/ adjective  CONFUSEDlooking as if you are confused 茫然的;发呆的;困惑的 SYN bewildered a bemused expression 茫然的神情bemused by He looked slightly bemused by all the questions. 面对所有这些问题,他看上去有点困惑。► see thesaurus at confused —bemusedly /bɪˈmjuːzɪdli/ adverb —bemusement noun [uncountable] a look of bemusement 困惑的表情 —bemuse verb [transitive]Examples from the Corpusbemused• He was still bemused about the money.• Edberg looked bemused by the questions.• Shop-owners and residents alike seem bemused by the recent arrival of so many tourists.• She told him to leave, but he just sat there with a bemused expression on his face.• Diana's gesture did not surprise her, merely bemused her.• He was a gentle, courteous, convivial, slightly bemused romantic, born out of his time.• Silently, and still bemused, she held out the receiver.• This was a contest that will be remembered as the day the Saints became bemused sinners.• The Front Runners stop periodically and then run a twenty-yard dash, to the applause of bemused spectators.• The fact that the dream was, after all, coming true quite bemused the community.Origin bemused (1700-1800) → MUSE1be·mused adjectiveChineseSyllable  looking are confused as if you Corpus




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