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单词 Quell
1 Police used live ammunition to quell the disturbances.
2 Soldiers were sent in to quell the riots.
3 Police in riot gear were called in to quell the disturbances/unrest.
4 Troops were sent in to quell the disorder.
5 Extra police were called in to quell the disturbances.
6 Troops were called in to quell the violence.
7 This medicine will quell your sore throat.
8 The Information Minister is trying to quell fears of a looming oil crisis.
9 This latest setback will have done nothing to quell the growing doubts about the future of the club.
10 'Jerry?' she called,[] trying to quell the panic inside her.
11 Saying it helped to quell that flicker of excitement.
12 Even this cold weather can not quell it.
13 Extra police were called in to quell the disturbance.
14 Police fired tear gas to quell the rioting.
15 The President took immediate steps to quell the uprising.
16 Extra police were called to quell the disturbance.
17 What passions cannot music raise or quell? John Dryden 
18 The police have to march in to quell the riots; when the police fail, the army.
19 Extra police were called to quell the disturbance when, without provocation, Williamson punched Mr Coulthard.
20 To quell a riot, she kept a sympathetic hand on the manager's arm while the young boy repeated her instructions.
21 The police were called in to quell the riot that ensued.
22 Police stood by to quell any pro-independence demos, but the day passed quietly.
23 But it did little to quell qualms among the committee members, particularly Republicans.
24 Outside stood untold thousands of protesters and 10,000 state troops to quell them.
25 Christopher Jabelman, above left, was haunted by anxiety and depression, which he attempted to quell with sweet sherry.
26 The numbers were in line with economists expectations and did nothing to quell the speculation over a rate cut.
27 After 10 days of gun battles, Federal troops were called out to quell the violence.
28 The other is use of protease inhibitors, a class of drugs with an unusual ability to quell virus replication.
29 An argument erupted between Marvin and Boyd which the President had to quell.
30 Or at least we would have had action to quell disturbances earlier.
1 Police used live ammunition to quell the disturbances.
2 Soldiers were sent in to quell the riots.
3 Police in riot gear were called in to quell the disturbances/unrest.
31 When they stop, they stand in pairs, arms crossed, leaning against one another to quell the dizziness.
32 It was said that armed mounted troopers were grouped outside the oval to quell a possible riot.
33 He sent a division of troops out to quell the disorders, and they killed or deported some six thousand peasants.
34 A shouting match erupted between Feeley and Lleland which the President had to quell.
35 According to Western press reports five people were killed and 200 injured as riot police tried to quell disturbances in Dhaka.
36 Equally obviously, Rough Trade were determined to quell these rumours.
37 The figures did not quell Cabinet disagreements on the issue.
38 He also agreed to revise training operations to quell noise that Okinawans have complained about for years.
38 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
39 On May 27 the Army moved into Hyderabad with orders to shoot to kill in order to quell unrest.
40 As the measures of repression by the government grew, it became necessary to use the army to quell strikes and disturbances.
41 Apart from these tender moments, however, I struggled to quell a pervasive sense of emptiness inside.
42 They hope to quell public anxiety about offshore oil drilling.
43 For the carnivore, however, the football menu is more than adequate to quell your hunger.
44 President Banzer, to quell the spreading demonstrations, announced cancellation of the water privatisation on April 5.
45 So his good buddy President Bill found a few billion to quell the restless natives.
46 She kept repeating to herself that it was an irrational fear, but logic did nothing to quell the lurking terror.
47 The great armies of the world have tried to quell these people.
48 Aspirin will quell your headache.
49 His actio have done little to quell the eculation.
50 Enjoying simple but inexpensive pleasures like nature walks and museums can quell the urge to splurge.
51 After a small group of youths set fire to their mattresses and attempted to escape, the center called in military police shock troops, who fired tear gas and rubber bullets to quell the disturbance.
52 Jimsonweed was originally called Jamestown weed because the soldiers sent to quell "Bacon's Rebellion" in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1666 ate the berries when food ran out and mass poisoning resulted.
53 U.S. commanders have conceded that renewed attempts to quell sectarian bloodletting in Baghdad are proving unsuccessful.
54 Now the prayer is that "we Gods may quell our Asura foemen."
55 Chinese government officials often deploy the People's Armed Police, a paramilitary force, to quell riots.
56 At 2 A. M. the neighbors called the police to quell the bacchanalian revelry in the upstairs apartment.
57 Israeli leaders said the operation, known as Cast Lead, was meant to quell militant rocket and mortar fire on southern Israel.
58 When the Chinese government sought to quell the emerging housing bubble in 2007 by tightening up lending criteria, it sent the market into reverse.
59 He is unlikely to send in the army to quell nationalist aspirations.
60 The police had been called in to quell a minor disturbance.
61 Some moms I know also swear by their ability to quell morning sickness.
62 It's also effective at calming restlessness and reducing anxiety—and may even quell restless legs syndrome.
63 So we had to quell the turmoil by imposing martial law.
64 To quell inflammation, eat antioxidant - rich foods as berries, oranges, and asparagus.
65 Only heroes can quell tigers and leopards. And wild bears never daunt the brave.
66 She has the very special power to make a child's boo-boo feel better and to quell a teenager's anxieties and fears...
67 Even ginger ale, ginger beer or ginger biscuits can quell queasy feelings.
68 In 671 B.C. the Assyrians marched with their camels into the Sinai desert to quell the rebellion.
69 By seeking to quell WikiLeaks, its U.S. political opponents are only priming the pump for more embarrassing revelations down the road.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 14:22:00