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单词 scholar
释义  Related topics: Educationschol·ar /ˈskɒlə $ ˈskɑːlər/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  INTELLIGENTan intelligent and well-educated person 有学问的人 the great Dutch scholar Erasmus 荷兰的大学问家伊拉斯谟2  INTELLIGENTsomeone who knows a lot about a particular subject, especially one that is not a science subject 学者〔尤指精于一门文科学问的人〕 a Shakespearean scholar 研究莎士比亚的学者3  SEsomeone who has been given a scholarship to study at a school or college 奖学金获得者 He was a King’s scholar at Eton College. 他是伊顿公学的国王奖学金获得者。Examples from the Corpusscholar• Her husband, Calvin Stowe, was a minister and scholar.• Biblical scholars• The booklet provides full translations, and an excellent introduction by the doyen of Handel scholars, Winton Dean.• Later scholars contented themselves with trying to find an abstract basis on which gender might turn out to be logical after all.• However, legal scholars and noted criminal attorneys have warned against drawing any quick conclusions.• Other scholars, however, believed that the effects of the Thera eruption would have been widely felt.• a Rhodes scholar• Still, the Astropath would remember, and some scholar on the Governor's staff might construe the meaning.• While I hold these scholars and practitioners in the highest regard, I have not relied exclusively on their work.• For quite a long time, scholars have attempted to discover exactly what effects television has on our young.Origin scholar (1000-1100) Medieval Latin scholaris, from Late Latin, “of a school”, from Latin schola; → SCHOOL1schol·ar nounChineseSyllable  well-educated Corpus intelligent and an person




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