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单词 scherzo
释义  Related topics: Musicscher·zo /ˈskeətsəʊ $ ˈskertsoʊ/ noun (plural scherzos) [countable]  APMa happy piece of music that is meant to be played quickly 诙谐曲,谐谑曲Examples from the Corpusscherzo• They also found the filigree lightness necessary for the Octet scherzo.• The point at which a minuet is no longer a minuet, but becomes a waltz or scherzo, is ultimately indefinable.• Miguel and I danced the scherzo together.• The scherzo resumes the sense of not-so-contained violence; and the Presto finale is taken at a dangerously fast pace.Origin scherzo (1800-1900) Italian “joke”scher·zo nounChineseSyllable  music of piece Corpus meant a happy that is




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