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单词 saucy
释义  sauc·y /ˈsɔːsi $ ˈsɒːsi/ adjective old-fashioned  RUDE/OBSCENEsaucy jokes, remarks etc are about sex in a way that is amusing but not shocking 过时】〔玩笑、话语等〕粗鲁的,不雅的;开色情玩笑的 saucy postcards 不雅的明信片 —saucily adverb —sauciness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpussaucy• Ken Urdahl is young, a little more saucy.• I was an idiot, and Natalia the ideal woman: saucy, beautiful and wholesome.• It's an exhausting ride from saucy comedy to icky, heartbreaking violence, but don't be put off.• saucy headlines• There is, for instance, the inevitable saucy servant girl, played in sprightly fashion by Suzanne Bouchard.• Indira Varma plays Maya, a saucy servant girl talented in the art of love.• But in London it brought belly laughs with a bawdy display of music hall humour and saucy songs.• a saucy, spirited girl• saucy swimwearsauc·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  about are jokes, sex etc saucy Corpus remarks




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