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单词 sanity
释义  Related topics: Psychology, psychiatrysan·i·ty /ˈsænəti/ noun [uncountable]  1  MPHBHthe condition of being mentally healthy 精神健全,神志正常 OPP insanity → sane I began to doubt his sanity. 我开始怀疑他是否神志正常。 She wondered if she was losing her sanity. 她怀疑自己是否精神有问题。2  MPMENTALLY ILL#when someone or something is being reasonable and sensible 明智,理智 → sane Sanity appears to be returning to the stock market. 股票市场似乎正在恢复理智。regain/get back/recover your sanity I took a vacation to try to recover my sanity. 我去休了假,想让自己清醒一下。Examples from the Corpussanity• Stabilisation based on fiscal balance and monetary control is thus the sinequanon of a return to economic sanity.• Sometimes I wonder how that child survived; maybe her diary helped keep her sanity.• The pressures of his arrest and trial may have caused Garcia to lose his sanity.• Although he was tempted to try and remain awake, he realised his sanity might be permanently impaired by that.• Let's hope sanity prevails on Capitol Hill and they vote against this bill.• My urge to prove my sanity made me gabble, and my gabbling disproved my claim.• The strategy brings a degree of sanity to the chaos of investing in hot, albeit volatile stocks.• The trio seemed like an oasis of sanity in a desert of decibels, and their severe music was warmly received.• Simone and André would restore her sense of sanity.• Meanwhile, first-term Mayor Bill Campbell is struggling to preserve sanity and decorum as Atlanta prepares for the world spotlight.• I began to doubt Donald's sanity as his story got stranger and stranger.• If you have your health and your sanity, money isn't really important.Origin sanity (1600-1700) Latin sanitas “health, sanity”, from sanus; → SANEsan·i·ty nounChineseSyllable   Corpus of being the condition mentally healthy




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